Some villagers are stalling for time.

Players quickly sorted out their loot.

The headless demon soldiers in yellow turbans are not the same as the undead people.

The undead drops are very simple, while the headless soldiers have a richer variety. There are two main types of loot:

The first category is talisman paper.

There are quite a few drops.

There are two types of blood ritual amulets and amulets.

[Yellow Turban Blood Sacrifice Talisman], first-level consumable, low-grade white, reduces health by 2 points per second, lasts for 100 seconds, all attributes +5, attack power +10, cooling time 10 minutes, conditions of use: character level is not low At level 3, the higher the level and attributes, the stronger the bonus effect.

[Taipei Amulet], a first-level consumable, low-grade white, can summon a barrier to absorb damage, which can last for up to 5 minutes. It can be exempted from up to 100 points of damage of various attributes. The cooling time is 20 minutes. Conditions of use: character level is no less than 3. Level, the higher the level and attributes, the stronger the bonus effect.

"Good thing, this can be used as a trump card, and it can work wonders at critical moments."

Brother Rui with black eyes was overjoyed.

Both spells are of great strategic value.

Ye Limeng: "There are twenty blood sacrifice talismans in total, and a total of thirty amulets are revealed. Let's divide these talismans first. We will definitely use them next. God will help the players this time!"

It is not difficult to see from the item attributes.

The Blood Sacrifice Talisman is essentially a means of dying together.

At this stage, the player's life value cannot exceed 200 points. If there is no continuous recovery method, he will die within one minute of starting the blood sacrifice. The effect of the spell is no different from suicide.

But the side effects are huge.

The effect is really awesome.

All attributes +5 is a huge improvement at this stage!

The higher the player level and strength, the greater the increase will be.

This means that even if the level is high, as long as no better substitute can be found, this kind of spell is still a very useful amplifying prop, especially suitable for use as a battle card.

As for the amulet, it goes without saying.

It can negate at least 100 points of damage.

The higher the character level, the better the spell effect, effectively increasing survivability.

Players quickly divided the spells, including Ye Limeng, Black Eyed Brother Rui, Gu Zhou, Demon Demon, Mad Sword King, Salted Fish Stab, Crazy Slash, etc. Each main force was assigned at least several spells. Fortunately, it was crucial. time to play a necessary role.

Except for consumables.

The Yellow Turban Headless Soldiers also revealed their equipment.

Elite monsters usually drop high-quality trophies, that is, white-quality equipment, which is undoubtedly very attractive to players at this stage.

no more, no less.

Exactly ten pieces.

All are white and low quality.

There were two war bows, two war knives, two spears, a turban, a shawl, and two shields.

Most of these equipment can be put to use directly, and of course they will be given priority to the main combat equipment. In the worst case, according to the contribution situation, more materials can be converted into contribution points, and more will be refunded and less will be replenished.

"Old Ye's flame warrior sword is +5. The yellow scarf spear is useless to you, but this scarf can work." Brother Rui with black eyes handed a scarf to Ye Limeng.

[Yellow Turban Army Bandana], first-level equipment, low-grade white, damage saving throw +5, life +10, durability 12/25.

This is head equipment. Although it has no head protection capability, it increases the overall damage immunity. In addition, it also slightly increases the maximum health value. It can be regarded as a pretty good piece of equipment.


Ye Limeng immediately equipped it.

I saw a yellow turban on his shiny forehead.

"Brother Xianyu's weapon quality and enhancement are not enough. This spear can improve your combat power a lot!"

[Yellow Turban Spear], first-level equipment, low-grade white, attack +7, strength +1, agility +1, durability 10/25.

Xianyu suddenly got a spear, and he couldn't put it down for a while. Compared to weapons like swords, he prefers spears and spears. He has admired Changshan Zhao Zilong since he was a child, otherwise he wouldn't have been named this.

Among the loot this time were two longbows.

[Yellow Turban Battle Bow], first-level equipment, low-grade white, attack +6, agility +1, durability 15/25.

Gu Zhou and Brother Heitong Rui each shared a handful.

Although this game has a high degree of freedom, warriors, monks, and even warlocks can use bows and arrows to fight as long as their attributes are sufficient. However, relatively speaking, rangers have higher mobility and are more suitable for kiting-style tactics.

Crazy Knife Laowang and Kuangzai Yijie were each assigned a sword and shield.

The Yellow Turban Army Knife is a one-handed weapon. Compared with the warrior's initial weapon, it is more flexible and can be used with a shield, thus improving the overall combat capability.

Equipment dropped by Headless Soldiers.

More suitable for warrior rangers.

Only the demons and demons were given a shawl.

Other players who were not assigned equipment and props didn't care either.

At this moment, the war is ahead, and unity is very important. Of course, we must consider maximizing the team's strength. Anyway, after the mission is over, contribution points or other items will be compensated and adjusted based on the contribution situation and the value of the loot.


Just now.

The protective wall of Hexi Village was breached again.

Four monsters that were bloated and covered in rotten flesh rushed in.

Although the body was covered with many arrows, it was still unaffected. As the rotten flesh and blood continued to squirm, the arrows were ejected from the body, and the wounds were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Luoshui Butcher not only has thick blood and high defense, but also has super resistance and recovery ability to physical damage. At this moment, his four thick and rotten arms are slashing wildly with his sword, and the obstacles deployed by Hexi Village cannot stop them at all.

Abyss monsters have invaded the village!

When you hear the monster howling like crazy.

Many women and children in the village were so frightened that they trembled and cried!

Seeing this situation, Li Niu and other militiamen had to retreat temporarily. After all, the lord had an order not to allow them to confront the monster head-on. However, just when the monster was about to rush into the village, a group of noisy voices came from the village.


"Block them!"

"We can't let them go any further!"

"We must never fall short in the end!"


Dozens of players rushed forward again.

Brother Rui with black eyes shouted: "These butchers are too big, and it is difficult to deal damage with normal attacks. First find a way to hold them back, and then let the warlock use magic to focus fire on them!"


"Let's go!"

Several players rushed towards the nearest Luoshui butcher without fear of death. The latter slashed the two of them with his sword and killed them instantly. The others still did not flinch and stabbed and attacked with the warrior's long-handled sword from different directions. The player jumped directly onto the butcher's back and tried to hug it with his hands.

The demon demon attacked with a fire arrow. Although her warlock's short staff was gray equipment, it was strengthened to a very high level and its power was still very good. Without a critical hit, it dealt more than 40 points of damage.

"Do it quickly!"

Several warlock players such as Little Bell, Little Ma, and Tsing Yi Fox fired flaming arrows at the same time. Five or six burning rockets not only caused considerable damage, but also directly ignited the butcher's body, causing continuous damage and destroying the powerful Self-healing ability.


The Luoshui Butcher roared wildly and threw away the players around him. His four broadswords violently swept and chopped several more to death. Then he came towards the warlock hysterically, instinctively attacking this enemy who was a greater threat.

"Block it!"

Li Niu and other NPCs attack from a distance with bows and arrows or throwing spears.

It is continuously causing damage, and the flames continue to burn. This monster is about to die!

"Fuck! Level 4 elites! We can't let NPC steal people!"

He was slashing a street and he was about to charge forward with his knife raised.

Brother Rui with black eyes moved faster, drew the yellow scarf bow, aimed for three or two seconds, and shot an arrow into the monster's eye, causing fatal damage on the spot.

A shrill wail.

This hideous and ugly humanoid monster finally fell.

The other three butchers have also been restrained by players and villagers.

According to this trend, it will be eliminated soon, and the dawn of victory is just around the corner!

Xu Feng had entered Hexi Village at this moment. After witnessing the scene where the butcher was eliminated, the expression of the evil degenerate of the abyss was a bit wonderful... These eagle dogs of the stars were actually resurrected again!

Is it really impossible to kill him?

What on earth are they?

Although the players now have the upper hand with the cooperation of the villagers.

But Xu Feng still doesn't take the players seriously. As for the killed Yellow Turban Headless Soldiers and Luoshui Butchers, he doesn't feel a trace of regret. After all, the creatures of the abyss are the real immortals, and it won't take long for them to die. Returned from the abyss and resurrected.

Leave them alone.

Bypass the battlefield and go straight to the core.

Xu Feng's mission was to capture Hexi Village.

Destroying the core of Hexi Village will achieve the goal.

In addition, Xu Feng believed that the lord was hiding behind. As long as he successfully assassinated the lord, these eagle dogs would not pose any threat no matter how troublesome they were. Therefore, instead of entangled with them here, it was better to attack their vital points directly!


"The old eunuch is going to steal the crystal!"

Brother Rui with black eyes was also shocked: "Stop him quickly!"

The players were all frightened into a cold sweat. Are they afraid that the crystals will be stolen? Of course not, because this is impossible. What I am afraid of is that this old man will fly into the flames and seek death!

Thanks to Fengzhuzhishang for the 100 starting coin reward! Please vote and follow up!

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