After Brother Rui with black eyes was resurrected, he rushed out of the barracks immediately and teleported from the base camp to Hexi Village. The scene was in a mess and the battle seemed to be over.

"Did we succeed?"

This is what Brother Rui is most concerned about!

With the lord personally taking charge, defending Hexi Village is an inevitable result. The key suspense is whether the player defeated the BOSS or the NPC represented by the lord defeated the BOSS.

If it's the latter, not only will the loot be reduced a lot, but the mission evaluation and rewards will also be greatly reduced!

That would really be a failure!

Brother Rui with black eyes squeezed into the crowd, and he found that Xu Feng fell to the ground, normalizing at a speed visible to the naked eye, but he was as skinny as a stick, and he was rapidly and irreversibly dying.

"Eunuch Xu!"

Wei Ji walked out with a cane and was supported by the villagers. When he saw the old eunuch who was about to die, he couldn't help being shocked. Then he broke away and bowed respectfully.

The right death is liberation!

My lord, I am sincere!

These people of the stars have the ability to hunt for the origin of the abyss and free the fallen from nightmares... The last worries in the old village chief's heart disappeared. At this moment, he realized how important the arrival of the star lords is to this world.

Xu Feng slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes were cloudy but calm again.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be difficult to connect the person in front of you with the crazy monster just now.

Xu Feng seemed to recognize the other person: "You were...the young man next to General Ma back then...and now you are old too!"

Wei Ji sighed: "After all, it is already the 20th Spring and Autumn Period."

Xu Feng showed a smile of relief: "The crazy whispers in my mind and ears have finally gone away, and the filth in my soul and spirit has also faded away. Warriors from the stars, thank you for granting me a death and allowing me to escape from the endless abyss. Liberation!"

Brother Rui is overjoyed!

The lord didn't seem to take action.

It seems that the player killed this BOSS!

Wei Ji was in a complicated mood and finally said: "Please rest in peace!"

Xu Feng used his last strength to say: "I hope you guys can also help General Ma so that they can sleep well as soon as possible, but be careful... His crazy twists are ten times and a hundred times more than mine!"

Wei Ji immediately said: "Brother Ma is as kind as a mountain to me. I will definitely plead with the lord to help Brother Ma get relief as soon as possible!"

"Do not worry!"

"No matter how strong the BOSS is!"

"As long as you dare to show your blood bar, we will kill you!"


The players all said something incomprehensible.

Xu Feng has completely returned to his normal appearance. His skin is dry and wrinkled without any moisture, and his hair is like pale hay, and his life has come to an end at this moment.

No emotion.

Not many last words.

Just like that, he breathed his last completely.

This eunuch, who has little presence in history books, died silently in a way that befitted a minor figure, but brought players a rare gaming experience and thinking.

"I feel that Xu Feng is also an ambitious and ambitious person," said with emotion.

Little Lingdang: "No way, he is just a eunuch, and he is a traitor in the imperial court who colluded with the Yellow Turban Army. Isn't he a rebel who has no king and no father, who deceives the king and ignores his superiors?"

"that is."

"I don't even have a penis."

"Where does that ambition come from?"

The monsters couldn't explain why for a while.

Chen Xi said at this time: "It is not logical for Feng Xu and Xu Feng to collude with the Yellow Turbans to rebel."

Little Bell: "Why do you say that?"

Chen Xi: "The ranks of the ten permanent servants headed by Feng Xu, Xu Feng and Zhang Rang are almost the same. They have almost reached the peak of a eunuch's life. At that time, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty relied heavily on the eunuch group to fight against his relatives and noble groups."

"Under such circumstances, the power of eunuchs is so great that it is very rare even if we look at history."

“In this case, both power and wealth are at your fingertips.”

"Then what's the purpose of being an undercover agent of the Yellow Turban Army?"

As soon as these words came out.

Other players were also stunned.

Chen Xi continued to speculate.

"Rebellion has always been a matter of ultra-high risk and ultra-high reward, so either there is the possibility of huge profits, or there is really no way to survive, otherwise no one will take this road."

"Even if Zhang Jiao succeeds in changing the dynasty, what good will it do to Feng Xu and Xu Feng?"

"Even if a founding emperor has a broken mind, it is impossible for him to reuse or rely on one or two old eunuchs left over from the previous dynasty, so there is no reason for Feng Xu and Xu Feng to risk annihilation and do something completely useless."

Players all think it makes sense.

Although it cannot be ruled out that Li Lingzhi is unconscious.

But it may also be some kind of spiritual motivation or belief that makes them take this risk.

Everyone has a different opinion.

There are very few historical records of Xu Feng.

If they hadn't played the game "Three Kingdoms", 99% of people would have never known that such a character existed. And as a Soul-like game, it is impossible to explain all the information clearly.

Because there is a lot of white space.

So there are a thousand Hamlets for a thousand people.

Everyone can collect clues and then interpret the characters or plot with their own understanding, thereby adding more fun and content to the game. This is also the greatest and enduring charm of Souls-like games!

The crisis in Hexi Village has come to an end.

Thirty-five more players died.

Contributed another 22800 essence to the lord.

The lord spent 14,000 energy to upgrade. Originally, he still had about 39,000 energy left. At this moment, it not only broke through the 50,000 mark again, but even reached more than 60,000 in one fell swoop.

What a great harvest!

This event was such a success!

The players really did not disappoint!

Brother Heitong Rui and others quickly sorted out the trophies dropped on the scene.

Although there are villagers from Hexi Village to assist, the main output is done by the player, and the final attack that kills the head also comes from the player. In this case, the explosion rate is not affected!

The loot is huge!

[You picked up the trophies, energy +800, magic stone fragments +1200, ghost head sword +1! 】

[You picked up the trophies, energy +800, magic stone fragments +1200, ghost head sword +1! 】


[You picked up trophies, energy +2500, magic stone fragments +5000, evil fallen gems +10, bloodstained sword +1! 】

The Luoshui Butcher dropped a total of 2400 essence.

In addition, four low-grade white weapons exploded.

Not only did Xu Feng explode a large amount of energy, but he also revealed ten strengthening materials and a white top-grade weapon.

[Ghost Head Sword], first-level equipment, low-grade white, attack +8, strength +2, durability 15/20.

[Evil Fallen Gemstone], a first-level material, white mid-grade, can be used to upgrade the grade of equipment that does not exceed white quality.

[Bloodstained Sword], first-level equipment, white top grade, attack +14, agility +5, attack speed +1, durability 22/30.

The Bloodstained Sword is definitely the best equipment at this stage. Even the Ghost Head Saber dropped by the Luoshui Butcher is a very good item at this stage. Players will gain a lot this time.

Don’t wait for players to discuss the distribution of loot.


"Brother Yu is here!"

"Greetings to the lord!"

"Fortunately, we defeated the enemy and defended Hexi Village for our territory!"

All the players puffed up their chests proudly.

The tasks and difficulties of this event are not trivial.

This battle showed the style of the Scourge Legion, which is certainly something every player should be proud of!

Hang Yu nodded with satisfaction: "The performance of the Scourge Legion did not disappoint me. This lord has always made clear rewards and punishments. Since you have contributed to the territory, you deserve these next rewards!"

The players rejoiced.

All the blood and sweat you put in is valuable!

It’s finally time for the exciting payoff!

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