This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 59 Yellow Turban Warlock

In a ruined temple.

Players celebrated around a ball of light.

The Scourge Legion completed the first mission of this trip.

"nailed it!"

"The luck stone was successfully activated!"

"Light up this blessing teleportation point, and you won't have to travel all the way to the map in the future."

The player teleports from the base camp to Hexi Village. With the help of the villagers, he takes a boat to Heting Township. It takes half an hour to enter the ruins of the deserted village in Heting Town, and then it takes several hours to find the luck stone.

I thought BOSS Xu Feng had been destroyed.

There is nothing difficult about this task.

It turned out that the malicious intent of the dog's plan was still too underestimated!

Although Xu Feng, the source of pollution in Heting Township, is no longer there, there are still a large number of dangerous monsters and traps left behind, including a group of randomly distributed yellow turban headless demon soldiers, which caused a lot of trouble for players.

Although with the current strength of Ye Limeng, Black Tong Rui, Gu Zhou and others, it is not difficult to deal with level 3 elite monsters.

The issue is.

The demon soldiers will become invisible.

This is so tricky!

The silent approach and the sudden stab in the back make it hard to guard against.

The Three Kingdoms is not entirely a numerical game. Even if the level and attributes of the two sides are very different, if a sneak attack hits the vital point, it will be fatal in an instant. It took more than ten people to die before all the nearby demon soldiers were wiped out.

The luck stone in Heting Township is not in the ruins of the deserted village.

It was eventually found in a nearby ruined temple.

Based on the research and archeology of Chen Xi and other players, it is speculated that this temple is a place used by villagers near Heting Township to worship Luoshui. It is located less than one mile north of the deserted village and about four or five miles south of the Luoshui execution site.

Although wherever there is a town, there is a high probability that a luck stone will be formed.

However, a destroyed place like Heting Township cannot generate sustainable operating income like Hexi Village. It can only bring a one-time luck treasure chest reward to the lord.


The players are uninformed.

All I know is that another teleport node has been activated.

For 40 contribution points, you can teleport from the base camp ten or twenty miles away.

It brings great convenience for players to explore the core and dangerous areas of this game map.

"Everyone is here!"

"It's convenient to have teleportation!"

"Even if you die accidentally, you can quickly get back to the team!"

"Yes, once the elite monsters here are refreshed, we can immediately teleport over to refresh them."

"Although the humanoid monster does not explode materials, it does explode more energy, and its spells and equipment are also good!"

After the players took a short break.

Ye Limeng: "Brothers, activating the teleportation point in Heting Township is just a small task along the way. Now that everyone is here, it's time for us to take further action."

Brother Heitong Rui nodded and said: "According to the information provided to us by the villagers, the Luoshui execution ground is only four or five miles away from here. We can get there in half an hour based on our walking distance."

Xianyu stabbed: "I can only say that the location of this teleportation point is too critical. It saves us a lot of time on the road. As long as we protect this teleportation point, we can continuously replenish our troops."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!"


Although a small price was paid to activate the teleport point in Heting Township, compared with the benefits that the new teleport point can bring, the price paid is almost insignificant and not worth mentioning.

With this excellent outpost as a springboard.

Players are more confident in conquering core contaminated areas.

Thirty-five players left Heting and walked north for three or four miles.

There are a large number of undead people along this road. They are in ragged clothes, with dull eyes, wandering aimlessly in the dilapidated and desolate land, and occasionally emit bursts of murmurs and howls of unknown meaning.

Although it is aggressive, its desire to attack is not strong and it will only attack targets that come within 180 meters.

This is a good place to farm monsters and level up. The undead are just ordinary monsters, just like the walking dead, and they are not very difficult to hunt.

Players continue to delve deeper.

I saw that the surrounding environment and the ground under my feet were undergoing certain changes at a speed visible to the naked eye, which increasingly highlighted a desolate and decadent apocalyptic feeling.

The air is getting turbid.

The bloody mist turned from light to thick.

Not only is the smell of blood strong, it also affects vision and perception.

The ground and plants closer to the core are more obviously corrupted, and many unknown aberrant plants have mutated from them. The ground is also covered with a sticky red carpet, and stepping on it is like stepping on a layer of sticky flesh. above.

"Everyone, be careful!"

"The pollution core must be ahead!"

"The distortion is worse here than anywhere else."

"I'm so nervous. It's really a scene where the SAN is dropped. Who knows what's in it!"

"Exciting! I like it!"

“I give high praise to the scene design and atmosphere along the way!”


Although the players were more or less nervous when faced with the strange environment in front of them, they still walked into it without hesitation. Almost at the same time, a prompt sounded in their ears.

[Tip: You are close to the source of core pollution. You are affected by the breath of the abyss, and all attributes are -16%! 】

When players walk into the area where the execution ground is located, everyone feels a cold breath that penetrates into their bodies from all directions, making their limbs feel cold and their bodies sluggish.

"What the hell!"

"There is a venue BUFF!"

"My attributes dropped by 15%!"

"Fuck! I'm down 20%!"


Players have found that the abyssal breath has different effects on different people. The suppressed attributes of players are generally between 15% and 20%. Although it will not cause this natural disaster army to lose its combat effectiveness, it is enough to cause a significant impact. weaken.

"It's really difficult!" Brother Heitongrui said with emotion: "Even if we are at full strength, we probably won't be able to defeat the BOSS, not to mention that even the attributes are suppressed now. This is completely hell-level difficulty!"

"Don't think so much!"

"Find Ma Yuanyi and complete the mission before we finish it!"

"Yes, I'm already prepared to die several times. Anyway, there is a teleportation point in Heting Township where I can quickly come back at any time."


Players cheer each other on to keep going.

At this time, there was a sound of breaking through the air, and more than a dozen arrows were shot out from the blood mist in front.

"There's a sneak attack!"

Gu Zhou and Brother Rui rushed out with a gale step and slashed down several arrows with their swords.

The two rangers of the Scourge Legion have extremely fast speed and reaction. After all, Rui Ge has reached the full level of Wind Step, and Gu Zhou has Level 9 Wind Step, plus the Bloodstained Sword that increases the agility attribute by 5 points, so they can have such skills.

Crazy Knife Lao Wang, Xianyu Tuci and several other warriors used their shields to block the way in time.

He also blocked many incoming cold arrows.

Of course, although the players were vigilant enough and reacted quickly, many arrows still penetrated the crowd, and at least six players were hit by arrows.

Ye Limeng stood at the front and was hit by three arrows by himself. Fortunately, with the help of the big ox gauntlet and iron armor to protect his body, he only lost a little life, and was immediately shot back by the midnight pig-killing man behind him.

Other players don't have such awesome equipment and defense.

Three people were shot dead.


"Treat the wounded quickly!"

"Don't be chaotic, keep your formation."

"They are just yellow scarf demon soldiers, they cannot pose a threat!"

Everyone quickly locked onto the attacker, and ten yellow scarf demon soldiers appeared in front. Most of them were holding long bows and were constantly drawing their bows and shooting arrows, trying to cause more casualties to the players.

at the same time.

More than a dozen demon soldiers armed with swords and spears sneaked up beside them.

After approaching invisibly, these old six suddenly appeared and launched a sneak attack and assassination, causing considerable losses to the players. Fortunately, this was not the first time that the players had dealt with them, so they were well prepared and would not be caught off guard.

"Everyone, look at it!"

Human Cannon loudly reminded: "There are some monsters I have never seen before!"

Brother Rui with black eyes received the reminder and immediately looked towards the demon soldiers in front. Among the six or seven archers, there were four or five headless yellow scarf monsters with even more strange shapes.

Although the neck is also empty, he is holding a long black staff with a human head hanging on it, and the clothes he wears are similar to Taoist robes, so it gives people a very strange and cult feeling.

[Yellow Turban Headless Demon Warlock], level 4 elite... Introduction: He was once a warlock of the Yellow Turban Army. He practiced Taiping Taoism and had considerable magic power. After being transformed into an abyss monster, the danger level increased.

Level 4 Elite!

New monsters I haven’t seen before!

This is undoubtedly extremely dangerous!

New monsters represent unfamiliar combat mechanics.

No monster in this type of game can be taken lightly.

What's more, it's an elite monster with level 4 strength? If you can't figure out their abilities in time, you may suffer big losses in the next battle!

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