This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 82 Breaking through the second level! Great harvest!

A very dark day.

it is finally over.

Most players chose to go offline to rest afterward.

The Three Kingdoms can replace sleep to a certain extent, so players generally spend a lot of time online.

However, if you die frequently in a short period of time in the game, it may cause some mental damage to the player. In addition, the body in the game will also feel tired and the energy will decrease.

Many players died four or five times in this battle.

Therefore, both the players themselves and the game body need to rest.

Hang Yu decided to wait until all the players had rested and a new batch of players joined in, and then he would use the Key of the Abyss to open a new map, which would take a day or two.

After returning to your residence.

He also began to sort out his harvest.

The first thing to do is of course to activate your natural skills.

[You are activating the 'Heart of the Pioneer'. This activation will consume 5 talent points. Do you confirm to activate the talent? whether! 】

There are only two first-level lord talents.

They are: Lord's Halo and Pioneer's Heart.

Hang Yu had already activated the Lord's Halo, and now only the Pioneer's Heart was left, so he activated it without hesitation.

[Heart of the Pioneer], a first-level lord talent. During the process of exploring the territory, for each additional blessing point you occupy, you will receive an additional +1.5% of all attributes, with a maximum increase of 150%!

Different from Lord Aura.

The Lord's Halo can increase the attributes of all units in the territory by 20%, while the Heart of the Pioneer can only increase its own attributes, but the maximum increase is astonishing as high as 150%.

However, the increase in the Heart of Pioneer is based on the blessing points it possesses. Every time Hang Yu obtains one more blessing point, all his attributes will increase by 1.5%!

Currently, only two blessing points are activated in the territory.

One is Hexi Village and the other is Heting Township, which only produced an increase of 3%.

It can only be said that it is a bit useless at this stage, but from a long-term perspective, it has great potential and is very useful!

It is not difficult to see from this talent that the strength of a lord is often linked to the number or size of the territory. The more areas he controls and the stronger his strength, the more difficult it is to defeat him.


When a war breaks out between two lords.

In the early stage, they usually try to capture the opponent's territory.

This can not only weaken the opponent's strength, but also enhance one's own strength.

Hang Yu's first-level talents have all been lit up now, and he has been waiting for this moment for a long time, so he did not hesitate to invest 20,000 energy to upgrade.

[Ding, you have reached level 11, life +50, mana +50, strength +5, agility +5, spirit +5, will +5! 】

The moment the upgrade is completed.

I feel like every cell is active.

It was as if the energy accumulated over a long period of time was finally detonated.

Hang Yu only felt that every inch of flesh and blood, every bone, and every organ had been reshaped, giving him a feeling of being reborn and completely new. In the process, his strength had been greatly improved.

[Ding, you have broken through to the second level, life +500, mana +500, strength +50, agility +50, spirit +50, will +50! 】

Attributes are growing explosively!

This is the change brought about by advancement!

Each level of a first-level lord will gain +50 life and mana, and +5 increases in the four core attributes.

Each level of the second-level lord will gain +100 life and mana, and +10 increases in the four core attributes.

Before level 11.

Hang Yu is a first-level lord.

Starts at level 11.

Hang Yu is a second-level lord.

Naturally, the attributes will increase according to the standards of second-level lords.

This attribute growth is not only for subsequent levels, but also for previous levels.

This is why level 10 to level 11 is regarded as a huge bottleneck. The moment you break through from level one to level two, your whole person will undergo a qualitative leap. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a reborn person.

Opened the personal panel.

The current base properties are as follows:


Name: Hang Yu.

Level: Level 11.

Race: human.

Equal order: second order.

Basic attributes: health 1000, mana 1000, strength 120, agility 125, spirit 125, will 110.

Lord's talents: Lord of Scourge (hidden talent), Lord's Halo, Heart of the Pioneer, Soul of the King (inactive), Overlord of the Stars (inactive).

Other skills: Iron Armor, Wind Step, Fire Arrow Spell, Healing Technique, Qi Gathering Slash, Hidden Shadow Step, Peace and Thunder Control Talisman.

Talent points remaining: 10

Essence value: 0/10000.


The above are net attributes that do not include equipment, temporary skill effects, or talents and his status blessings.

Hang Yu's four attributes directly exceeded 100. Because seven skills have been cultivated to the full level, Hang Yu has received a lot of additional improvements. His current strength is not the same as before.

If before that.

Ma Yuanyi is still qualified to challenge Hang Yu in a duel.

At this moment, Hang Yu could crush him without any suspense.

After all, although level 10 Hang Yu and level 7 Ma Yuanyi are several levels apart, they are still at the same level. This gap is not big and can be made up.

Hang Yu at the second level and Ma Yuanyi at the first level.

It’s no longer a magnitude.

The difference in strength is huge.

Like a natural moat.

After Hang Yu broke through to the second level, two more talent abilities appeared. To activate the second level talent, talent points also need to be consumed, but what is needed is the second level talent point, which can only be obtained by annexing and absorbing the second level evil source.

One second-level talent point can be exchanged for ten first-level talent points.

First-level talent points cannot be used to exchange for second-level talent points.

Hang Yu has 10 first-level talent points left. Although they cannot be used to light up higher-level talents, they can be used to upgrade existing first-level talents.

No hesitation.

Use directly!

[You are upgrading your talent ‘Heart of the Pioneer’. This upgrade will consume 10 first-level talent points. Do you want to upgrade your talent immediately? whether! 】


Hang Yu chose to upgrade.

[Heart of the Pioneer], a first-level lord talent, the current talent level is 2. During the process of developing the territory, for each additional blessing point you occupy, you will receive an additional +3% of all attributes, with a maximum increase of 300%!

After talent upgrade.

The improvement in performance is immediate.

Hang Yu's two blessing points brought him a 6% increase, and the highest increase suddenly became 300%.

When Hang Yu felt his growing strength, he was very satisfied with the current situation and development progress.

After all, according to available information, only a small number of human lords can advance within five years, and those who achieve advancement within three years can be called geniuses.

It only took Hang Yu ten days to become a second-level lord!

Even in the land of stars where lords gather together, second-level lords are elite lords worthy of respect!

Hang Yu's gains from this battle are far less than this. In addition to the key to the abyss that opens a new territory and the talent points used to upgrade, he now also has a treasure chest of quite high quality in his hand.

No hesitation!

Hang Yu opened the treasure box.

[You opened the "Abyss Treasure Chest (Green)", and you obtained "Abyss Magic Crystal" +10000, "Skill Stone: Earthquake Wave" +1, "Skill Stone: Lightning Chain" +1, "Huangtian Commander Suit" +1]

Although I am mentally prepared to make a fortune.

But Hang Yu still felt his heart beating violently.

Ten thousand magic crystals!

A total of ten thousand magic crystals!

This is definitely a number that Hang Yu didn't dare to think of in the past!

In addition to the wealth from the treasure chest, plus the loot from this battle and the previous burning of the deserted village, it is expected that one million magic stone fragments can be recovered from the players.

Even if you don’t count other realizations.

The financial gains this time have been amazing.

You can get at least 11,000 magic crystals into your account.

The treasure chest not only contains a large number of magic crystals, but also two skill stones, plus a complete set of green high-quality suits!

[Skill Stone: Earthquake Wave], green quality skill, learning condition: Strength 40!

[Skill Stone: Lightning Chain], green quality skill, learning condition: Spirit 35!

What a skill!

These two skills have a common feature, they are both range strike skills, that is, skills with group attack effects.

Hang Yu is very satisfied with this.

What surprised Hang Yu even more.

This time, a complete set of green suits was also found in the treasure chest.

[Yellow Sky Two-edged Spear], first-level equipment, green top grade, attack +35, strength +10, agility +10, attack speed +5, critical damage +20%, durability 50/50.

[Huang Tian Commander's Armor], first-level equipment, green top grade, physical damage immunity +20, spell damage immunity +10, independent defense +50, strength +5, agility +5, durability 20/20.

[Helm of Commander Huang Tian], first-level equipment, green top grade, physical damage saving throw +20, spell damage saving throw +10, independent defense +50, strength +5, agility +5, durability 20/20.

[Huangtian Commander's Cloak], first-level equipment, green top grade, physical damage saving throw +10, spell damage saving throw +20, independent defense +10, strength +5, agility +5, durability 20/20.


[Effects of Commander Huang Tian's seven-piece set], all attributes +15, weapon attack power +15, abnormal status resistance +80!

What magical equipment!

Definitely the best outfit at this stage!

Any piece is brought to the player.

It’s enough to cause a sensation among players!

The reward for opening the treasure chest this time is really rich beyond expectation.

Of course, if I have any regrets, it would be that I was unable to produce construction drawings.

Hang Yu is already satisfied. After all, everything can't be perfect, so the harvest inventory has come to an end.

After calming down.

Hang Yu started a new plan.

The top priority now is to start the second beta to recruit more players.

It’s just that the territory’s population has reached the upper limit. If you want to recruit more players, you must first expand the population.

When Hang Yu first came to the territory, the territory came with four population buildings with the following attributes:

[Rudimentary Abyss Barracks]

The initial buildings are all non-level.

You can spend resources and magic crystals to upgrade.

In this way, it can be turned into a first-level barracks, thus increasing the maximum population capacity.

The upper limit of the number of barracks in the territory is related to the size of the territory and the number of occupied sites.

After Hang Yu occupied Hexi Village, he obtained a maximum barracks building limit. If he wanted to build more population buildings, he needed to expand his territory and conquer more towns.

Open the build information.

The construction cost of the Abyss Barracks is as follows.

[Abyss Barracks], the construction cost is 500 magic crystals, 2000 first-level material essences, and the current number that can be built is 4/5.

If you upgrade all four abyss barracks and then build another abyss barracks, a total of 1,700 magic crystals and 5,000 material essences will be consumed.

Now there are sufficient reserves of magic crystals, but the essence of materials is not enough. Fortunately, the shortfall is not very large. I use food to exchange for it in the market, and the quantity is replenished in a short time.

Hang Yu immediately started to operate.

The old barracks were upgraded first.

A new barracks was then built.

[Abyss Barracks], a first-level building, the upper limit of territory population is +100. It is the habitat of territory people in the abyss. Territory people can speed up their recovery by entering it.

[The current territory population is 100/500! 】

The population limit has been greatly increased.

It takes eight thousand magic crystals to recruit them all in one go.

The more players there are, the more resources will be produced.

The magic crystals in Hang Yu's hand are completely enough. In this case, there is no need to do any more batches. The more players there are, the faster the territory will expand and the faster resources will be obtained.

New territory is opening soon!

Different from the novice map.

The scale of the new map is bound to be quite large.

There are tons of turf and areas to occupy.

Hang Yu is now in a position to hire people, so he does not hesitate to recruit them all at once, so that he can train more players to help him grab territory. When the territory and population limit are expanded, he can continue to recruit new people, and then continue to grab new ones. turf.

In the end it was like a snowball getting bigger and bigger!

This is worth looking forward to!

(PS: I will update three chapters first, and there should be two more chapters today, but because I happened to encounter something, I will update it later.)

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