This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 84 Woniu Mountain! The war of lords begins!

Before Brother Black Eyed Rui came back online.

Yan Ling waited anxiously in the land of stars.

At this time, a reminder from the will of the stars appeared in his mind.

[Your contracted territory has been lifted from the special status, and you can return to the contracted territory at any time! 】

As a hired worker, Yan Ling has no obligation to participate in combat, and production professionals do not have strong combat capabilities. Because of this, when a war breaks out in the territory, she will be automatically recalled to the Land of Stars by the Will of the Stars.

Now that the special status has been lifted.

That means the darkest day has passed.

Yan Ling hurriedly returned to the territory through teleportation. His heart was hanging during the whole process. It was not until the teleportation was successfully completed and his feet stepped into the familiar small workshop that he breathed a long sigh of relief.

Now that I can come back.

It means the territory is saved.

Yan Ling was about to pay her respects to the lord, but as soon as she left the weapon refining workshop, what she saw in front of her stunned her.

There must have been a very fierce battle here in the past day, so much so that the air was filled with scorched ashes of vegetation, and the local flames on the grass outside had not yet been extinguished. The pits and craters on the scene were enough to show the intensity of the battle.



There was no damage to the territory.

The simple barracks where several soldiers lived had not only increased in size by three or four times, but also transformed from simple tents into square dormitories made of stone bricks. The living conditions had been significantly improved.

Not only that.

The territory became a lot more lively.

I saw faces everywhere that I had never seen before.


"Everyone, look!"

"The fox-eared girl is out!"

"This must be the weapon refiner NPC!"

"Damn it, this game is not only super realistic, but the NPC modeling is also so exquisite!"

"Hello, Lord Yan Ling, although this is the first time we have met, I have admired you for a long time!"

"Can you sign it for me?"

"Can we take a photo?"


As soon as Yan Ling walked out, he was surrounded by a large group of new players. These players had just entered two hours ago. The novelty had not worn off yet. When he saw the legendary beast-eared weapon refiner appear, It was like a fan meeting scene.

"Step aside!"

There was a loud shout!

Several heavily armed soldiers stepped forward.

The leader is none other than others.

It is the powerful Zhang San.

The NPC bodyguard next to the lord always had a serious look on his face, and his cold and sharp eyes swept across, making the new players suddenly feel a suffocating sense of oppression.

"The lord has an order not to harass the employees of the territory. Violators will be severely punished!"

Zhang San issued a stern warning.


"What a vicious NPC!"

"Why are you shouting so loudly?"

"You're just an NPC. Am I afraid of you?"

"Idiot, shut up and stop causing trouble. This is the third brother. Don't you want to mess around?"

"This game is different from other games. It's hard to get a spot. It's better for everyone to behave themselves."

"makes sense!"

"Third brother! I was wrong!"

"Let's go kill monsters now!"


This group of people dispersed in a hurry.

Yan Ling looked confused, "These are..."

Zhang San explained: "The lord has recruited 400 new recruits of the Natural Disaster Army. They have just arrived in the territory and do not know the rules. If they interfere with Lord Yan Ling, we can come and drive them away at any time!"


Four hundred new recruits?

This number shocked Yan Ling.

Although I don’t know why the lord suddenly recruited so many people, this is a good thing for Yan Ling, the resident weapon refiner in the territory.

The more soldiers there are, the more demand there will be for strengthening, refining, and repairing equipment, and the better the workshop's income and performance will be!

at this time.

The door of the alchemy workshop was also opened.

A blindfolded old man came out.

He was obviously aware of the changes in the territory, and his face was full of surprise and confusion.

"Uncle Bai Mu!" Yan Ling hurried over to say hello, "That's great. We can all come back and continue working. I know the lord will be fine!"

The territory is intact.

The popularity has increased several times.

How does this look like it has experienced a war?

Bai Mu was mentally prepared before teleporting over.

He originally thought that even if the territory could survive, it would probably suffer huge losses, but he never imagined that it would be like this.

How dangerous is the Evernight Abyss?

Even on the lowest initial map, you are likely to encounter an abyss commander-level presence!

Even if the middle race doesn't operate for a year and a half, I'm afraid it won't be able to compete with it.

A fragile human territory that didn't even have fortifications built. How did this place resist the invasion of the abyss? Could it be that the Evil Fall of the Abyss has never been to this place at all, or that it could not launch an attack due to various other reasons.

"Let's go see the lord first!"

Yan Ling said enthusiastically: "The territory has just experienced a war, and hundreds of new people have suddenly entered the territory. It is estimated that the production task arrangement will be greatly adjusted. We must first go to the lord to ask clearly."

Bai Mu nodded.

The two came to the Lord's Hall.

When seeing the Lord.

Yan Ling's eyes widened and he thought he had recognized the wrong person.

Hang Yu has now put on Huang Tian's commander-in-chief suit. From the helmet to the combat boots, they are all in dark gold. Plus a big cloak and a handsome two-edged gun make him look majestic and domineering. Just like heavenly soldiers and generals coming to earth.

have to say.

Even leaving aside the top attributes.

This set of equipment is also very impressive just for its cool styling.

Hang Yu's strength has been improving by leaps and bounds, and now he wears this green quality suit, which is enough to compete with most commander-level units at the same level!

Although Bai Mu has no eyesight, he can feel a sense of oppression from the lord, and this sense of oppression is similar to the oppression of a superior person on a inferior person. Could it be that the lord is already a second-level existence? But this is too outrageous, it’s impossible!

"You guys returned to work pretty quickly!"

Hang Yu nodded slightly to express satisfaction. When he noticed the surprised looks of the two people, he knew that even if he didn't say anything, the other party would definitely ask questions, so he simply answered and explained directly.

"No need to be surprised, we have defeated the core source of evil in this area, and from now on the territory will undergo some brand new changes."

It would be better not to say this.

Two employees were immediately petrified.

The territory not only blocked the invasion of the abyss?

In this war, the core nightmare pollution source was defeated and defeated!

When Yan Ling came back to his senses, his first reaction was: "Wow! That's great! Lord Lord is so awesome!"

Bai Mu showed a suspicious look and subconsciously doubted: "Lord, are you sure that the other party is the real source of core pollution?"

He felt that it was obviously inappropriate to say this, so he quickly added: "I will undoubtedly offend or question the lord, but this news is too shocking for me, and even completely beyond my personal cognition!"

"Do not worry!"

“It really can’t be truer!”

Hang Yu exuded aura directly.

When Bai Mu and Yan Ling faced the second-order lord, their auras suddenly felt like a mountain of pressure.

Second level!

Really second level!

Bai Mu's expression changed again and again.

This can be described as a miracle.

He really couldn't understand how the lord did it!

Bai Mu was once a lord and his rank was not low, so he knew what this meant. This young lord who seemed inexperienced must have huge secrets and potential hidden in him!

Hang Yu is very magnanimous.

There is no need to be secretive about employees.

Because as long as you work under your hands for a long time.

Then it is impossible not to discover the secrets hidden in this territory.

All employees who work in the territory are required to swear an oath to the will of the stars in advance. This is the highest confidentiality treaty, and there is no need to worry about privacy leaks!

"The population of our territory has increased dramatically, and the demand for refining medicine and equipment has also increased significantly. You two must be prepared next."

Hang Yu restrained his breath and paused for a moment before continuing: "In addition, green grade items have appeared in the territory, and second-level advanced troops will appear in the territory soon. If you want to continue to be the main weapon refiner and master pharmacist, then it is necessary to accept the Come down for a while to break through.”

Hear this.

Bai Mu's face remained as usual and he didn't seem to care.

Yan Ling became worried. The development of the territory was advancing by leaps and bounds. I am afraid that he, a mere first-level junior weapon refiner, would soon be eliminated by this territory, right? Even if he is not eliminated from the territory, he still cannot become the master refiner.

Hang Yu saw Yan Ling's worry and said: "Don't worry, as long as you work wholeheartedly for the territory, this lord will never skimp on the training of employees. You can use the contribution points in your hand to exchange for energy at any time. There are enough Opportunities to earn more contribution points to meet promotion needs! ”

Hear this.

Yan Ling was relieved for a moment.

She has tens of thousands of contribution points.

If you exchange tens of thousands of contribution points into energy.

So even if we can't break through immediately, it should be almost there!

Now that there are so many more soldiers in the territory, the demand for various weapon refinings has increased greatly every day. As long as I am willing to work hard, am I still afraid that I will not be able to earn contribution points? As long as the level can be broken through to the second level, as long as the weapon refining level can be raised to the intermediate level, the lord will definitely not change the main weapon refining master!

Tasks were assigned to two employees.

The two of them immediately went back to work without stopping.

Hang Yu stayed alone in the office. At this moment, the population of the territory was full. After almost a day of rest, the main force of the Scourge Army had returned to the game one after another. The time was ripe to open up a new map.

No need to waste time.

Now that the conditions have been met.

Hang Yu decided to open a new map immediately.

After all, the novice map area is too small, the resources are too few, and it is difficult to develop.

In addition, the "Key to the Nightmare of the Abyss" has a time limit. If it is not used within seven days, it will automatically trigger randomly. Instead of doing this, it is better to activate it yourself.

Hang Yu took out the secret key from the storage space.

Although the name of this thing is "Key to the Nightmare of the Abyss", it is not actually in the shape of a key, but more like a mysterious translucent crystal the size of an egg, which contains some mysterious and powerful power.

[You are activating the "Key to the Nightmare of the Abyss". Do you want to continue? whether! 】


[Ding, activation is successful, your territory number +1! 】

[Please select the territory area that needs to be opened! 】

A map of the abyss automatically appeared in front of Hang Yu's eyes. He was now located in the center of countless grids. The other grids were in darkness and could not be activated. Only the four territorial areas above, below, left, and right could be lit up with keys.

No clues.

There is no good choice.

Hang Yu then chose the map located above the "Luoshui Execution Ground" to activate it.

next moment.

The Key to the Abyss evaporated.

A powerful energy spread out from the palm of his hand.

Hang Yu could clearly feel that the whole world was in turmoil. He saw that the corresponding map area on the map was becoming clear at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, a prompt sounded in his mind.

[The new territory is activated successfully, your current territory vision number: 2! 】

[Map name: Woniu Mountain! 】


Woniu Mountain?

What kind of place is this?

Is there such a place in the Three Kingdoms? !

Hang Yu felt very excited and was about to study the new map environment, when something unexpected happened to him.

【warn! 】

[You triggered the lord war! 】

[The current number of lords with the vision of "Woniu Mountain" is: 2! 】

[Your territory "Luoshui Execution Ground" is protected by the will of the stars. This area will not be invaded by the outside world for seven days! 】

what's the situation?

Does the second picture trigger a lord war?

This can be said to be completely beyond Hang Yu’s expectations!

Because it is very rare for a lord battle to be triggered within three maps.

Although the abyss map is distributed in a grid and can connect to each other through keys, in fact the time and space between different areas are not really coherent, and the will of the stars will prevent lords with too huge disparity in strength from meeting.


Hang Yu was completely unprepared for this.

Who would have thought that a newbie would meet other lords in the second picture!

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