This weird Three Kingdoms game is too cruel

Chapter 87 Filthy Stone Monster! Dragon Lizard Tribe!

When Ye Limeng's team walked out of the fog gate of the abyss.

A prompt appeared in everyone's information bar.

【You have entered Woniu Mountain! 】

"Is this Woniu Mountain?" Warlock Xiao Lingdang held a staff in both hands and looked around nervously with a small face, fearing that some dangerous monster would appear nearby.

The time here is "night". Although it is not difficult to see the five fingers, the light is very dim. Coupled with the thick fog, the field of vision radius does not exceed one hundred meters.

But it can be vaguely seen.

This is a deserted and ruined valley.

The Abyss Fog Gate spans dozens of miles. Entering the Fog Gate from different locations, the locations you reach must be different. The five previous investigation teams of the Scourge Legion specially made appointments and staggered each other in order to collect more clues.

There are only five people in this team. In addition to Ye Limeng, there are also Guzhou, Crazy Blade Lao Wang, Xiao Lingdang, and Chen Xi.

Not many people.

Very strong.

The Crazy Knife King held a sword in one hand and a shield in the other. Although his expression was equally vigilant, he was not as nervous as Little Bell. He looked around for a moment and found no danger.

"This place doesn't look like anything special."

Chen Xi said: "Don't be careless. The map of Woniu Mountain is far more complicated than the Luoshui Execution Ground."

Little Bell: "Why do you say that? Isn't this just a mountain?"

Chen Xi: "According to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and folk stories, after the failure of the Yellow Turban Uprising, a remnant of the Yellow Turbans fled to Woniu Mountain and became bandits. The leader of this remnant Yellow Turbans was named Zhou Cang."


"Zhou Cang!"

Crazy Sword Old Wang and Ye Limeng were both shocked.

Ye Limeng quickly said: "That Zhou Cang who specially carries the sword for Guan Gong?"

Chen Xi nodded and continued: "I think the naming of the game map of the Three Kingdoms may be directly linked to the core pollution source. That is why the map of Novice Village is called Luoshui Execution Ground, not Hexi Village or Heting Township."

"If this Woniu Mountain is really the Wanniu Mountain in folklore, then the big BOSS we have to face this time is very likely to be Zhou Cang."

"I think this is not on the same level as Ma Yuanyi!"

Several people were stunned.

The Crazy Knife Old King scratched his head: "To be honest, if I hadn't played this game, I wouldn't have known who Ma Yuanyi was... But I'm afraid no one knows about Zhou Cang. After all, he is Mr. Guan's personal younger brother!"

Ye Limeng said excitedly: "It's not just my little brother. When Zhou Cang flooded the Seventh Army, he once captured the fierce general Pang De alive. I think this guy is at least top-notch in terms of force!"

"It's just not the worst case scenario for last week's warehouse."

Chen Xi hesitated slightly and continued: "After all, according to the legend, both Zhao Yun and Guan Yu once passed by Woniu Mountain. If the historical timeline of this picture happens to be when one of the two passed by..."

Xiao Lingdang's eyes widened: "No way, that's too outrageous. How can we meet Zhao Zilong in the second expansion pack!"

Crazy Knife King: "Everything is possible! This game never follows common sense!"

Several people felt their hearts beating faster.

It's so exciting.

Although I don’t know what is going on in this map, it seems that both the BOSS and the plot are far from comparable to Luoshui Execution Ground. This is a huge challenge and fun for players.

not to mention.

In addition to the plot and characters of the Three Kingdoms.

This time it also involves the forces of the stars outside the world of the Three Kingdoms.

Because the game provides too little information, players are also very interested in the hidden world view of the abyss and stars. This updated Wanniu Mountain expansion pack may be able to give players the answer.

"Once you've come, take care of yourself, there's nothing to be afraid of!"

Ye Limeng's face was full of pride: "Let's forget it for the time being, Mr. Guan Er and Zhao Zilong. I admit that I may not be able to offend them, but if I meet Zhou Cang, then I would like to see if I can use this sledgehammer to kill him." Blow your head off!”

His Great Bull Gauntlet has been strengthened to level 5. Even accessories such as rings and necklaces are fully equipped. A heavy ferocious bone hammer is carried on his shoulders. This hammer is the Thousand-Skull Demon that Ma Yuanyi dropped. hammer.

To get this hammer.

It can be said that Ye Limeng spent a lot of money.

And this is the only green quality weapon for players.

However, it is a pity that the weapon refiner Yan Ling cannot strengthen the green equipment for the time being, but even the level 0 Thousand Skull Magic Hammer will not lose its power to the level 8 white top-grade two-handed weapon.

Ye Limeng also couldn't wait to find a strong opponent to try his skills.

Everyone began to look for a way out of the valley.

In the end, we didn’t go very far.


Gu Zhou pulled out the bloodstained sword and made a defensive gesture.

This ranger is taciturn and rarely speaks, but his strength is obvious to all. If he sends a reminder at this moment, he must have discovered something unusual.

Everyone faintly heard heavy footsteps.

Something is moving.

The five people looked at each other, and the other four stayed where they were. Lone Boat directly started the stealth step, silently approaching the target, and finally found the thing that made the sound.

[Filthy Stone Monster], a level 8 ordinary monster... Introduction: Once just an ordinary stone, it was infected by the breath of the abyss and eventually became an evil monster.

This is a huge monster three to four meters tall.

It looks like a gorilla carved out of stone. Its body is sewn together with a large number of tissues similar to blood vessels. It is surrounded by a black aura, and it looks like it is not easy to mess with.

Can stones turn into monsters?

There is no such thing as a strange water torture ground.

Does this mean that the polluted environment here is too serious?

Although the foul stone monster looked difficult to deal with, it was just an ordinary monster after all, so the few people didn't take it seriously and immediately found a lone monster for testing.

"watch out!"

A fire arrow hit the head.

Bang deals 39 damage.

The stone monster shook its head, as if it was stunned. It took a while to lock onto the enemy, and immediately rushed forward with heavy steps.

Guzhou flashed behind the stone monster and thrust his sword into the gap in the neck, instantly causing 50 points of critical damage. The Crazy Sword Old King's frontal move of Gathering Qi Slash also dealt 40 points of damage.

The health bar is only half gone!

Chen Xi was surprised: "This monster's HP is so high!"

The Filthy Stone Monster roared and punched Old Wang. The punch was powerful and heavy. Even though Old King Crazy Blade had a shield, he was not stupid enough to shoulder it. He quickly rolled away and dodged.

"Go to hell!"

Ye Li swung the bone hammer and launched a charged attack. The terrifying power burst out and instantly hit the stone monster's chest. The stone monster's body was shattered and flew upside down for several meters. It fell to the ground and turned into a pile of fragments.


251 (Crit!)

"The damage is too outrageous!"

The Crazy Blade King couldn't help but praise: "It is indeed the strongest equipment in the Novice Village!"

After research, everyone found that the foul stone monster is not very powerful, but it is difficult to kill with thick blood and high defense. It is especially resistant to fire-type attacks. Xiaolingdang’s Flame Arrow is at full level, and her equipment is also at the top level, but The damage dealt is not high.

In addition, the damage effect caused by piercing and slashing attacks is also relatively ordinary.

Ye Limeng's war hammer could easily deliver critical hits.

Deal explosive damage in minutes!

The attributes of the Thousand-Skull Magic Hammer are too powerful, and it also comes with the equipment skill of charging one strike. Four hammers can kill a stone monster without charging, and a charged attack only requires two hammers at most.

[You picked up trophies, energy +450, magic stone fragments +600, foul stone +33! 】

[You picked up trophies, energy +450, magic stone fragments +600, filthy stones +29, filthy gems +1! 】

[You picked up trophies, energy +450, magic stone fragments +600, filthy stones +26, filthy gems +1! 】


Five people soon.

Killed a dozen stone monsters.

They found that this is really a good place to farm monsters and materials!

Although the stone monster is an ordinary monster, its energy output is similar to that of the Yellow Turban Headless Demon Soldier. However, compared to the Yellow Turban Demon Soldier, which can become invisible and is very cunning and dangerous, this kind of stone monster that only has thick health and high defense but is extremely bulky is obviously easier to fight. .

They produce an even greater amount of materials, and occasionally drop white-quality filthy gems.

Ordinary monsters can actually explode white quality strengthening materials.

This is so rare!

The five of them just found a good place to farm essence, magic stones, and materials. There were at least dozens of stone monsters in this valley. Although there were a lot of them, most of them were not clumsy. The essence they produced was And the loot is extremely amazing.

"You can earn a lot of money just by killing these monsters today!" Xiao Lingdang said excitedly: "Let's kill as many as possible, but don't waste such good monsters. I just need the energy to practice the Thunder Controlling Curse to the full level!"

Several other people thought so too.

Immediately, he killed about ten or twenty stone monsters.

At this time, a unique stone monster appeared in front of him.

This stone monster is six meters tall, slightly larger than an ordinary stone monster, and has glowing crystal shoots all over its body, making it look even more difficult to deal with than ordinary stone monsters.

The remaining stone monsters in the valley.

Almost everyone gathered around this big stone monster.

[Leader of the Filth Stone Monster], a level 9 elite monster... Introduction: The leader of the Filth Stone Monster has more powerful strength and defense, and is good at stimulating energy for long-range attacks.

Elite monster!

And it’s level 9!

This level is too high!

There was absolutely no confidence that the five of them could be dealt with.

Forget it, there is no need to die, why not save it for next time, you have gained enough from this wave!

Ye Limeng's team found the exit of the valley while hunting the stone monster. They were leaving the stone monster valley and headed northwest, hoping to find more useful clues and preferably complete a mission.


A few people had just approached the exit of the valley.

A huge fireball roared down from the sky and exploded among the five people in an instant. The terrifying energy directly enveloped everyone.


95 (Crit!)


92 (Crit!)


93 (Crit!)





[You have been affected by the Explosive Flame Spell, and you have fallen into a dazed state, which lasts for 3 seconds! 】

[You have been affected by the Explosive Flame Spell, and you have fallen into a dazed state, which lasts for 2 seconds! 】


After this fireball, three of the five people in the team were left alive, and it was unclear whether the other two were injured.

Guzhou: "There is an ambush!"

Ye Limeng was very puzzled: "We players have always ambushed others, but today we were actually ambushed by the enemy in turn!"

Crazy Knife King: "I guess there is too much noise from hunting the stone monsters!"

While several people were talking, several figures emerged from the direction of the valley. After seeing clearly the appearance of the ambushers, several Scourge Army players became happy instead of angry.

[Abyss Dragon Lizard Mage], level 10... Introduction: The star dependents of the dragon lizard clan have powerful spell attack capabilities.

[Abyss Dragon Lizard Priest], level 10... Introduction: A star dependent of the dragon lizard clan, he has good spell abilities and is good at using auxiliary spells.

[Abyss Dragon Lizard Warrior], level 10... Introduction: The star dependents of the dragon lizard clan have extremely powerful physiques and melee capabilities.

There are about ten in total.

Each one is at least two meters tall.

Their bodies are very strong, their bodies are covered with a layer of yellowish-brown scales, they have a thick and powerful tail, and dark gold pupils that resemble snake eyes. Each individual wears various equipment, and they look organized, disciplined and organized. Wise.

It takes no effort at all!

The five of them had just finished slaying monsters and were about to look for clues about the Demon Lord of the Stars. They did not expect that things would progress so easily. These guys actually came to their doorstep.

You can't beat him for sure.

Each and every one of them is at an elite level.

You can die once, exchange for important information, and complete the mission by the way. This is profitable no matter how you look at it!

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