This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 210 The great wilderness is shaken! Success! The Three Pure Ones are coming!

Qilin tribe.

Jin Lin, who was meditating with great concentration, suddenly opened his eyes, looking past the endless void and looking into the depths of the Buzhou Mountains.

"What a vast energy, much stronger than the Qilin Seal of the ancestor!"

"A top-quality innate spiritual treasure has been born in the Buzhou Mountains. What a great opportunity!"

Jin Lin was overjoyed. Looking at the Qilin clan, one of the prehistoric overlords, there were many innate spiritual treasures, but there was only one top-level innate spiritual treasure.

That is the Qilin seal on Shi Qilin's hand.

You must know that a top-quality innate spiritual treasure is almost a complete and systematic avenue. It not only increases the strength, but also is of great benefit to the Taoist practice.

How could he not be moved by this, but the moment he stood up, the void rippled slightly, and a figure cut directly through the void, leaving only a lingering sound.

"The pressure of Buzhou Shenshan is too vast and your strength is not enough. I will get this spiritual treasure back."

Shi Qilin's voice rang through the palace, but it only reached his own ears.

Jin Lin: "..."

The breath of the Green Lotus of Creation continues to spread. If the invisible storm rushes out of the center of the ancient world, it reaches the eastern part of the ancient world, sweeps across the southern part of the ancient world, across the northern part of the ancient world, and leaps across the western part of the ancient world.

In the south, there are immortal volcanoes.

In the endless divine fire, Yuan Feng emerged from the fire, rushed directly into the sky, and tore through the void.

The Temple of the Early Yuan Dynasty.

Zhen Yuanzi's expression paused, and there was a hint of suspicion in his eyes. In the moment when the aura of the Green Lotus of Creation swept across it, he faintly noticed a hint of familiar energy.

But because it was too weak, it flashed away and was eventually ignored.

But in the Fengqi Palace, Fuxi, who was meditating, suddenly stood up, and divine light bloomed in his eyes.

"This is!"

As Fuxi who specializes in the secrets of heaven, Fuxi is far more able to determine the changes in heaven's secrets than Zhen Yuanzi. Even an inconspicuous ripple makes him feel something.

As soon as my mind moved, waves rippled in my eyes, and the long river of time flowed in my eyes.

Infinite changes in the heavenly secrets intertwined and evolved in his eyes. Fuxi's eyes explored the long river of time, chasing the thin ray of Qi, traveling upstream in the mighty river.

Until, above the source of the qi machine, in the long river of time, I saw the figure of Yuan Lian.

"Not good! Zhen Yuanzi, Yuan Lian is in danger!"

In an instant, endless secrets exploded, and countless messy pictures flashed through his mind. They were scenes that might happen in the endless future, under the tributaries of the long river of time.

When Zhen Yuanzi heard the rumors about Fu Xi, his expression suddenly changed, and he immediately realized that the familiar but weak qi just now must be Yuan Lian.


Without any hesitation, Zhen Yuanzi came out of the palace in a flash, tore apart the void and stepped straight in.

The next moment, before the cracks in the void could close, Fuxi's figure flashed away.

To the west, Mount Sumeru.

Luo Hu's eyes flashed with surprise, and he looked in the direction of Buzhou Mountain, "Is this the breath of Qinglianzi?"

Before he finished speaking, he took a step across the endless void and disappeared in place.

Yujing Mountain.

Hongjun looked at Buzhou with an indifferent expression. He just watched quietly without saying a single glance.

The person beside him raised his eyebrows but smiled. He turned his head slightly and looked at Hongjun and said, "Another Chaos Lotus Seed, the Green Lotus Seed of Good Fortune that you have been looking for."

"It is rare to find many saints with such profound blessings in the entire prehistoric times!"

Hongjun's eyes rose and fell, and after pondering for a while, he shook his head slightly: "Blessed fate?"

“What is blessing and where does it come from?”

"It's nothing more than the entanglement of cause and effect. Perhaps there is an invisible hand that has arranged everything long ago, making all coincidences inevitable."

He, Hongjun, had never believed in the so-called good fortune. The so-called fate of Lingbao found out that it was just a matter of cause and effect, and then it happened to happen.

Take him as an example, there are so many spiritual treasures, how can there be any luck? I am strong enough and my fist is big enough.

To say you are destined to me is to say you are destined to me.

What? You said no.

Look at my round fist, is it okay for you to say it again?

Cause and effect are attributed to effects, and blessings are attributed to blessings.

I accept your blessing, and I will naturally bear the cause and effect.

"Then you're not going to get these green lotus seeds?" He raised his eyebrows and smiled calmly.

"If it had been hundreds of millions of years ago, I might have learned from it."

"But now, Lingbao, I have enough. They are just external objects. Taoism is the foundation."

Hongjun's eyes were indifferent, not moved at all.

Yangmei thought he was looking at the Green Lotus of Creation, but he didn't know that he was looking at the Yuanlian, the innate divine being that frequently caught his eye in this small Taiyi Middle Stage.

In the entire ancient world, there were not many sacred things that could catch his eye, and Yuan Lian was one of them.

With a thought in Hongjun's mind, three thousand avenues surged forward, surveying the heavens, evolving the infinite future, and tracing the infinite past.

But the next moment, a hint of surprise flashed across Hongjun's eyes, and he said interestingly:

"Interesting, let me see what you are like."

In the infinite future, Hongjun saw various entanglements between himself and him in several future scenes, which couldn't help but make him a little more curious.

My eyes skipped the long river of time, traveling upstream along the veins of time, and millions of years passed in the blink of an eye.

The mists of time could not obscure his vision, and he saw everything in an instant.

He saw...

"East China Sea... Innate Formation, Islands."

"Hmm...are you here to transform and be born? Penglai Immortal Island, a nice fairy mountain paradise, let me see your true face!"

Just when his eyes were shielded by the formation and penetrated everything, the long river of time surged in vain, and a dazzling peerless ax light came from the end of time, crossing the boundless years and cutting straight down.

boom! !

Huge waves surged into the sky, the nodes of time were cut off, and Hongjun's gaze was completely cut off.

"Pangu? No, not Pangu!"

Although it is also a magical power that opens the sky, it is obvious that the power of this ax light is vastly different from that of Pangu who killed countless Chaos Demon Gods with one axe.

It's just that Kankan cut off the time node, annihilated a period of time, and blocked his vision from exploring.

If it were a real blow from Pangu, he would probably be half disabled even if he wasn't dead.

"Is he a descendant of Pangu's bloodline? Sure enough, he can obtain Pangu's magical power. Someone involved in this whirlpool has carefully planned and planned it."

Hongjun suddenly smiled. From this blow, he still found many clues.

Wu Clan, Pangu Palace.

The pure Pangu Qi lingers, covering up all heavenly calculations.

Di Jiang looked proud, smiled coldly and said:

"Before Yuan Lian attains Daluo, no one can even think about spying on his heel and legs."

But at this moment, Yuan Lian didn't know that a confrontation surrounding his true heel had quietly begun and ended quietly.

At this moment, all his energy was focused on suppressing the energy of chaos.

I don’t know if it’s because Qinglian’s spirituality is too strong, or if it’s a test for him.

Qinglian did not take the initiative to jump over the energy of chaos and approach him, nor did she dodge. She just remained quietly suspended in the chaos, swallowing the energy of chaos.

In this way, Yuan Lian had no choice but to suppress this side of chaos, and the physical universe was absorbed and gradually moved closer to Qing Lian.

As time goes by, the energy of chaos has been completely destroyed by Yuan Lian's desperate efforts.

Buzz! ! !

Creation Qinglian suddenly trembled, and a hazy will came to him, approaching him with a kind intention.


Yuan Lian also had a look on his face, looking dumbfounded at the creation Qing Lian in front of him, whose aura was surging.

Spirituality faintly gives birth to will, what is this? !

Just when Yuanlian was about to put away Qinglian, an angry voice sounded:

"Stop, put down the spirit treasure!"

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