This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 314 The four great demon gods join forces! The devil's way reaches the sky!

"It's been billions of years since we last met. I hope you two are doing well." Destiny smiled softly, not caring about the dissatisfaction in their words.

"Space, Time, it seems that you have recovered well!" Destruction smiled calmly.

"Just say it directly if you have anything to say. No need to beat around the bush." ​​Space snorted coldly, speaking in a bad tone.

At the end of the Chaos Era, Pangu fought alone against three thousand Chaos Demon Gods, and Destiny and Destruction were the two guys who escaped the fastest.

Time was ethereal, and his body was covered by time. He looked at them with bad eyes.

"If that's the case, I'll just say it straight." Miehuo pondered for a moment, and said solemnly, "I'm looking for two fellow Taoists to deal with the prehistoric world opened up by Pangu together."

"The past of us Chaos Demon Gods has been cut off, and we will never be able to achieve enlightenment in the future, unless we occupy the prehistoric world, re-evolve chaos, and let the future of the prehistoric world continue the timeline of the past chaos. In this way, we Chaos Demon Gods will have a future."

Shichen sneered, "Miehuo, Destiny, are you out of your mind?"

"Our era was destroyed by Pangu, and all traces of chaos, including time and space, were cut off."

"The Chaos Demon God is in a timeline isolated from the prehistoric world. Unless you are willing to give up your chaos and integrate into the prehistoric world, you can go to the prehistoric world only after you pass Pangu's axe light that cuts off the chaos era."

Even Dijiang, a direct descendant of Pangu, did not know about this secret of heaven and earth. If he knew, he might not have to worry so much about these Chaos Demon God enemies.

But maybe Pangu the Great Venerable didn't care about these minor details, or maybe he deliberately didn't pass on these secrets to put some pressure on the innate saints.

In short, the chaos and the prehistoric world are now completely isolated. Both exist, but in different eras.

Destiny smiled indifferently and said, "Indeed, the chaos era has become the dust of history, and the prehistoric world is the current era. We can't intervene directly."

"But, we can use the hands of the prehistoric natives to map and link the chaos years, so that's all."

In addition to them giving up the chaos and integrating into the prehistoric world, there is another way for the prehistoric creatures to give up the innate sacred foothold and become the chaos demon god.

Generally speaking, no one would do such a stupid thing.

In the prehistoric world, the innate sacred is loved by the heaven and earth, the laws are friendly, and practicing enlightenment is twice the result with half the effort.

But nothing is absolute in the world, this is a coincidence!

At the moment of life and death crisis, Luohou used the God-killing Spear as a medium to give up the innate sacred foothold and turned into the demon path, a proper demon god road.

This is why fate and destruction left the God-killing to Luohou. Only when the cause and effect are connected and the avenue is the same, can they have a way to interweave with the prehistoric world.

Luohou, who has transformed into the devil, belongs to the prehistoric world. They can start with the devil and make it a universe similar to the prehistoric world, and then graft the past era of chaos to make it a continuation.

Then use the connection between the devil and the prehistoric world to invade the prehistoric world.

In this way, because the devil itself belongs to the prehistoric world, they can bypass the axe of Pangu and plan the prehistoric world.

Although they still can't do it themselves, it's better than before when they could only use the devil's avenue as a guide, and they could make a little connection in a roundabout way, but they couldn't intervene directly and affect the prehistoric natives.

In the devil's universe, they can cultivate the prehistoric natives. The Chaos Demon God, a great Daluo Jinxian, can create Taiyi Jinxian as many as he wants.

Space and Time were both stunned when they heard this. After looking at each other, they looked at Destiny and asked in a deep voice: "Are there prehistoric creatures who have reversed and become demons?"

"You two fellow Taoists may as well check it out for yourself." Destiny said, and his eyes looked at Destruction.

Destruction nodded, released a breath, and let Space and Time check it out.

You must know that the Daluo covers the heavens, spans all timelines of the past, present, and future, knows everything and can do everything.

Under normal circumstances, anything in this infinite time and space can be understood by a Daluo in one thought.

But that is theoretically speaking. When there is only one Daluo in the prehistoric world, it is natural to master the infinite.

But every Daluo is omniscient and omnipotent, covering all time and space, adding infinite variables. Under the deliberate cover of Destruction, it is difficult for other Daluo to detect it.

After all, Luohou's Way of Destruction is causally related to him, and the fate trajectories interfere with each other, so the magic path that evolved was controlled and blocked by Destruction at the first time to prevent other demons from getting involved.

Now, Destruction released the shield, and Space and Time saw Luohou's transformation into the magic path in the endless years in just a moment.

"Luohou, the God-killing Spear, transformed into the magic path, so that's it!"

"Destruction, Destiny, you are really good at calculating!"

Time's tone was deep, mixed with a hint of inexplicable smile.

Before the voice fell, Space also sneered and said: "Since you have the magic path as a proof, you can go by yourself, why do you still look for us?"

The purpose of occupying the prehistoric world is to keep the Great Dao alive, not to occupy the prehistoric world for the sake of occupying the prehistoric world.

If Destiny and Destruction can achieve their goals, they, the Chaos Demon Gods, can also enjoy the results, so whether they are willing or not, facing the prehistoric Pangu, they are naturally a camp.

One rises and all rises, one falls and all fall.

However, space and time are very clear. How could fate and destruction be so kind as to deliver such a great benefit to the door?

What kind of existence is the Chaos Demon God?

Everyone counts, they are guys who devour everything with disorder, transform chaos, enrich themselves with chaos, only take in and never give out, and have great power in one body.

Not to mention, the two guys, fate and destruction, who work tirelessly to provide them with benefits and do good things, there is no such thing!

In this case, just sit back and enjoy the achievements.

At this moment, space and time are all surging with thoughts.

The will of destruction surged, "We Chaos Demon Gods share weal and woe, Pangu is our common enemy. In the process of occupying the prehistoric world, whoever takes the advantage first can divide Pangu's Dao fruit. Do you two Taoist friends just want to wait for the prehistoric world to turn into chaos and miss the opportunity?"

"If the two Taoist friends really don't want to participate, then we can only look for other Taoist friends. I believe someone will be willing."

It must be said that Destruction and Fate had already anticipated it. It is impossible to fool two Chaos Demon Gods who are almost equal in realm and strength.

Therefore, fate has already planned it. This is an open conspiracy.

You don't have to do it.

Then I will go find other Chaos Demon Gods, but don't say I didn't give you this first chance, you would rather miss it, and you will be controlled by others in the future, then you can only blame yourself.

Don't think that the Chaos Demon Gods are all safe. Coming from the Chaos Era, who can achieve great supernatural powers, which one did not come out of the sea of ​​blood and corpses, and achieved himself with endless corpses.

They have killed a lot of Chaos Demon Gods.

Space and Time fell silent, and their eyes looked at each other, conveying their own will.

Chaos shook, and they conspired face to face.

After a moment, the two looked at Destiny and Destruction. Space glanced at Destruction and said silently:

"The magic way needs to evolve the magic way universe. It is not me and Daoist friend Shichen who can completely perfect time and space, so don't say such hypocritical words."

"Returning the prehistoric to chaos, we Chaos Demon Gods are all responsible for this. We will accept this matter."

"Good!" Destiny was overjoyed.

"Then let's get started without further ado!" Even though Destruction was enveloped in the chaotic airflow, his eyes could not hide his joy.

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