This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 338 Zhunti: Punish the Wu clan with morality!

"How dare you, Suzaku! The clan leader has already made a decision, and you still dare to speak out of turn."

"Suzaku, you..."

"Okay, everyone, be quiet."

Seeing that everyone was still trying to blame Suzaku, Huo Huang shouted.

"This matter has already been decided by the clan leader." Huo Huang glanced at the elders coldly, and when she finally looked at Suzaku, she said helplessly:

"Suzaku, Suzaku, I don't want the Phoenix Clan to suffer another disaster, but I can't help myself!"

She took a deep breath and said seriously:

"Suzaku, I understand your intentions, and I will consider it."

"That's it, let's go!"

After that, she left.


Not only the Phoenix Clan is facing pressure from the Wu Clan, but there are also many large and small forces that know that their own forces are weak, and some have begun to unite and huddle together for warmth.

In the western part of the prehistoric world, Jieying Divine Court.

At this time, the Jieying Divine Court is no longer what it used to be. There are more than 20 Taiyi Gods gathered here. Although except for Jieying and Zhunti, they are all in the early stage of Taiyi.

But such a force, in the entire western part of the prehistoric world, is only inferior to the Nether Palace.

It can be seen that Jieying and Zhunti have invested countless efforts in the power of this Divine Court.

You should know that in the last battle of the Heavenly Dao, nearly a thousand Taiyi fell, nearly one-third of the number of gods in the entire prehistoric world.

But the number of gods in the Jieying Divine Court has not decreased but increased. Except for some gods who have completely realized the cruelty of the prehistoric world, the rest are invited by Zhunti one by one.

It took millions of years of accumulation to have the current Jieying Divine Court.

At this time, in the Divine Court Hall, all the gods gathered, and their expressions were heavy.

"Master, how should we deal with the matter of the Wu Clan measuring the heaven and earth?" A god said worriedly.

"Naturally, the land of our Divine Court is not allowed to be measured by others at will." A god retorted.

"Ha! You talk lightly. If the Ancestral Witch comes and forcibly measures, how can we resist?" The sacred snorted coldly, his tone was cold.

"Although the Witch Clan is strong, we are not weak either!"

"The two court masters are both great powers in the middle stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, plus more than 20 of us Taiyi sacreds, and the Taoist temple formation as a support, how can we not resist the invasion of the Ancestral Witch?"

The latter immediately refuted again with a tough attitude.

"You talk lightly, don't you know that this time it is not just the Witch Clan, but also the strong men of the Netherworld Palace who are helping the Witch Clan."

"Tell me, how can we stop it? Just for your so-called dignity, let the God Court suffer a disaster and let the hard work of the two court masters disappear?"

The sacred sneered and mercilessly exposed his bluff.


"Okay, everyone is thinking about the God Court. The Witch Clan is still far away, and we have enough time to prepare a countermeasure."

Seeing that the two sides were about to quarrel, Zhunti immediately interrupted and comforted them.

But even so, he was worried.

Although the Jieying Divine Court is located in the far west, if the Wu Clan really measures the world inch by inch, then unless they leave the prehistoric land, they will have to face it.

But looking at the posture of the Wu Clan now, it is obvious that this is their plan.

Most of them have personally experienced the battle of the Heavenly Dao and witnessed the strength of the Wu Clan. At that time, they were very fortunate to have such a strong teammate, but now...

When they thought of the boundless figure standing upright and the giant axe that could kill them with just a touch.

They suddenly felt that they didn't mind the Wu Clan coming to measure the world. It was just to dredge the earth veins, which was no big deal.

If there is something, just discuss it! It's good for you, me, and everyone, why bother fighting!

Therefore, they gathered in the hall to discuss matters, but not all of them were planning to resist resolutely.

Anyway, the Divine Court is not theirs, so there is no need to risk their lives and property.

Jieyin and Zhunti looked around at everyone, and then at each other, feeling somewhat helpless.

How could they not see the little thoughts of some people, but they could do nothing about it.

Facing an enemy like the Wu Clan, the Jieyin Divine Court did not have the cohesion to make the gods willing to die, and they knew this very well.

Moreover, it was understandable. After all, if they were in the same place, they would not choose to bury their paths in vain.

After all, the ultimate goal of joining forces and uniting fellow Taoists is to seek and prove the Tao. If you pay the price of your life for this, it would be putting the cart before the horse.

After a short silence, Jieyin said calmly:

"Don't worry, fellow Taoists, the purpose of the Jieyin Divine Court is to work together and participate in the Great Dao together, and we will not let you make unnecessary sacrifices."

Hearing Jieyin's straightforward words, some of the gods blushed and said with a little embarrassment:

"The Lord of the Court is joking. We are fellow Taoists, so we naturally share honor and disgrace and make progress together."

"That's right, we swear to advance and retreat with the Divine Court."

Zhunti just smiled and said nothing.

"Fellow Daoists, you don't have to be so pessimistic about the Wu Clan."

Jie Yin did not respond, ignoring those emotionless remarks, and said directly:

"The Wu Clan's move is tantamount to making the whole world an enemy. We can absorb those holy Daoists, work together, and fight against the Wu Clan."

Zhunti's eyes lit up, "Brother Daoist really woke me up with one word. Yes, no matter how strong the Wu Clan is, can it still occupy the entire prehistoric land and be enemies with all the saints?"

"This prehistoric land is not the prehistoric land of his Wu Clan!"

The eyes of the saints also moved, and they suddenly realized.

Indeed, they all ignored this situation.

The Wu Clan is powerful and can conquer almost any force in this ancient world.

But in the same way, the Witch Clan's move is an enemy of the entire sacred land of the ancient world. Whether they have been forcibly measured in the dojo or are about to be visited by the Witch Clan, they are all potential friends at this moment.

Zhunti's thoughts surged for a while, and he kept talking: "We should announce it to the world in the name of the Holy Court."

"The Witch Clan's forcible occupation of the sacred dojo is extremely rude, a form of hegemony that seeks to bully the weak, and a tyrannical act that undermines the peace of the ancient world."

"We would like to appeal to the innate sacred people to unite, maintain the order of heaven and earth, safeguard the sovereignty of their own dojos, speak out for the sacred people of the world, and resolutely denounce the hegemonic behavior of the Wu clan!"

Zhunti's eyes were bright, his tone became more and more impassioned, and billions of thoughts were surging.

He could vaguely see that Jie Yin Shen Ting declared the Great Desolation with small words of righteousness, and the whole world responded with a single response, raising the banner of anti-witchcraft together.

The witch clan has been suffering in the prehistoric times for a long time!

At that time, the Holy Court will take advantage of the sacred trend, stand on the commanding heights of morality, and use the big stick of peace to punish the Wu clan.

Everyone vaguely felt that Zhunti's whole body was exuding a dazzling light at this moment.

That is the glory of morality!

The corners of Jie Yin's eyes twitched involuntarily, and he said softly:

"I would also like to trouble all fellow Taoists to open their eyes for the Divine Court and look for like-minded saints to gather here and join in the righteous deeds!"

"The court master is serious. This is our duty."

"As members of the Divine Court, we should stand up for the Divine Court. The Lord of the Court is so polite!"

After hearing this, everyone spoke up and firmly supported it.

After all, it's just a publicity speech, and there is no need to fight life and death, so why not do it.

The decision was made, and everyone dispersed to take action on their own.

In an instant, only the two of them, Jie Yin and Zhunti, were left in the huge hall.

In the blink of an eye, Zhunti waved his hand, and the mighty law enveloped the entire temple, obscuring the secret of heaven.

"Brother Taoist, it's wonderful to gather the world's sacred people, but if people's hearts are scattered, it may not be able to suppress the witch clan."

"We need to find another way out."

Zhunti said with a solemn expression.

Yes, despite the confidence he showed before, as if he was determined to win, it was just for those who were wavering.

Jie Yin nodded indifferently, and after a moment of silence, he looked at the sky, thoughtfully.

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