This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 378: Refining the Treasure! Ziwei’s Plan!

"The master has already died, and the remaining traces of his soul still dare to resist."

Above the sun and stars, in a magnificent palace, Yuan Lian sat cross-legged, with the river map and Luoshu floating in the sky on his chest, and a faint glow shone.

After some consideration, Yuan Lian decided to accept everyone's proposal. After all, as an innate saint, it is necessary to make some contributions to the stability of this ancient world.

Therefore, after Di Jiang said goodbye, Yuan Lian temporarily settled in the Heavenly Court.

Xihe and Ziwei volunteered to help with other matters, including appeasing other Taiyi Star Lords.

Yuan Lian didn't care much, so he went into seclusion on his own.

He immediately refined the Hetu Luoshu he had just obtained. After all, this spiritual treasure was the core of the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation.

After refining this spiritual treasure and spending a little more time, it will be not far away to control this ancient and unparalleled formation.

However, after all, this Lingbao is the Emperor Jun's accompanying Lingbao, and it has been sacrificed and refined by countless Yuanhui. Even if his body dies, the spirit of the Lingbao still resists the refining of Yuanlian.

"Hmph, you don't know what is good or bad! Purifying spiritual light!" Yuan Lian frowned slightly, and immediately fired out the purifying light, purifying the remaining soul mark of Emperor Jun.

Buzz! ! !

Hetu Luoshu trembled violently, and the dim aura gradually disintegrated under the pure aura.

How can an uncontrolled Lingbao be Yuan Lian's opponent? However, within a few breaths, a slight 'click' sound came out.

Hetu Luoshu's brilliance was completely wiped out, and the pure spiritual light poured directly into the spiritual treasure, completely purifying it.

Then, the mighty souls rushed down and forcibly imprinted their own soul mark on Lingbao's innate spiritual taboo.

Yuan Lian's current soul is so powerful that he can refine three innate spiritual restraints in an instant.

Buzz! !

As the innate spiritual ban was refined, Hetu Luoshu no longer had any intention of resisting, and a soft glow bloomed.

Yuan Lian raised the corner of his mouth slightly and continued to refine the spirit treasure. The Yuan Shen controlled the innate spiritual taboo in the origin of the spirit treasure at an extremely fast speed.

Time flies, and hundreds of years pass in the blink of an eye.

Yuan Lian, who was immersed in the refining spiritual treasure, trembled slightly and slowly opened his eyes.

"The forty-eighth innate spiritual taboo has finally been refined!" Yuan Lian stretched out his hand, and Hetu Luoshu slowly fell down and lay quietly in the palm of his hand.

This is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure that is not inferior to the Lotus Platform and the Five Directions Flags of Heaven and Earth, and is much stronger than the Cangtian Lingjian, which is also a top-grade innate treasure.

Moreover, as Yuan Lian completely controls Hetu Luoshu, he also masters all the secrets of formations in the origin of Lingbao.

As soon as his mind moved, Hetu Luoshu rose from the void, endless spiritual light shined, and laws surged, outlining formations.

In an instant, a large formation formed in the void, dazzling with brilliance.

"Hunyuan Heluo Formation!"

"Although the power is slightly inferior to the Zhoutian Star Formation, it is more convenient. There is no need to rely on the stars in the sky. A group of star kings can set up the formation with only mana to activate the spiritual treasures."

Yuan Lian slightly nodded, and took Hetu Luoshu back into the sea of ​​Yuanshen Consciousness with great satisfaction, floating around the lotus platform.

After refining the Hetu Luoshu, Yuan Lian looked at the Chaos Bell beside him, which was quietly floating in the void.

"Innate treasure! I really didn't expect that this Chaos Bell would fall into my hands by accident!" He raised his hand and waved lightly, and the Chaos Bell fell on his palm. Yuan Lian looked at the bronze bell and couldn't help but sigh.

You know, he had known Emperor Jun and Taiyi long before countless Yuanhui, and for hundreds of millions of years, he had never thought about an innate treasure.

After all, his goal has always been very clear, which is to collect the spiritual treasures transformed by Chaos Qinglian, and finally return them to their origins, becoming the heel of Chaos Qinglian.

Unexpectedly, things in the world are unpredictable, and the former Taoist friends will eventually meet their end and reach this stage.

He even personally killed Di Jun and Taiyi brothers and took over all their resources.

This innate treasure fell into his hands in such a dramatic way.

"Uh...this may be fate!" Yuan Lian chuckled and thought to himself.

After some emotion, Yuan Lian closed his eyes slightly, and the mighty soul surged directly into the origin of the treasure.

boom! ! !

Wherever the soul reaches, the light is dazzling.

The innate spiritual taboos are shining brightly one after another, there are forty-nine in total, the most obvious one is the forty-ninth innate spiritual taboo, which is brilliant and perfect.

"The Great Dao is fifty, Tianyan is forty-nine!"

"The innate treasure is probably the limit of spiritual treasures within the realm of heaven!"

Yuan Lian was thoughtful.

After collecting the distracting thoughts in his heart, the soul reflected it and began to refine it from the first innate spiritual restraint.

While Yuan Lian was concentrating on refining the innate treasure Chaos Bell, the entire Sun Star Territory was also experiencing undercurrents.

In a magnificent palace, dozens of Taiyi Star Lords gathered together.

All the Star Lords looked solemn and looked at each other. Although the quiet needle drop could be heard, spiritual thoughts criss-crossed and communicated with each other.

"Chang Geng Xingjun, His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of the East have passed away. Now that we are all gathered here, I'm afraid it's not a good idea!"

"Yes, Chang Geng Xingjun, you have always been a confidant of His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven and the Eastern Emperor. How should we deal with it now?"

Although they are not die-hard loyalists from Heaven, they are still greatly favored by Heaven. Now that Emperor Jun and Taiyi have died, they feel somewhat unhappy.

Chang Geng's face darkened slightly, and after thinking for a long time, he secretly said:

"The death of His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven and His Majesty the Eastern Emperor is truly a tragedy for Heaven. However, the situation is unclear now, so we should not act rashly."

Ta da...

At this moment, a light sound of footsteps came, and everyone immediately stopped thinking and focused their eyes.

"Emperor Ziwei! Taiyin Star Lord!"

Looking at the figure walking over, the star lords' eyes moved slightly.

"Fellow Daoists, I believe everyone knows that the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of the East have fallen." Ziwei cleared his throat and spoke first:

"This cause and effect is a dispute between Daoists, and no one else can be blamed."

Ziwei's words were equivalent to directly defining this fight.

Everyone looked at each other in silence.

Each Taiyi Star Lord present was not very clear about the cause and effect. At that time, Emperor Jun and Taiyi hurried back and directly ordered the star lords to set up the formation.

They only knew that the Wu clan's ancestor witch was attacking, and there was Yuanlian.

And then... and then there was nothing!

Because they all fell, they knew nothing about what happened afterwards, and even they had fallen once, and Hongjun reversed the time and time, and continued another time line before returning again.

If they are not in the late stage of Taiyi, and have not locked themselves in the endless time and space, they do not even have the qualifications to know.

After a short silence, Chang Geng Xingjun stepped forward under the eyes of everyone and said: "The emperor is the emperor of the heavenly court who was personally appointed by the emperor. Now that the emperor and His Majesty Donghuang have died, I wonder what the emperor plans to do?"

Ziwei looked at Chang Geng thoughtfully, chuckled and said: "Yes, this emperor is the emperor of the heavenly court, and will naturally stand on the side of the heavenly court and the side of all Taoist friends."

"For countless Yuanhui, the heavenly court has unified the starry sky, making the starry sky no longer have disputes and prosperous luck, which is indeed a great contribution."

"But it cannot be denied that all the starry kings have paid a lot."

"The starry sky is the common habitat of all the starry kings and countless creatures, so this emperor believes that the heavenly court cannot be dispersed and the starry sky cannot be divided again."

"What do you think, the starry kings, you can speak freely."

After Ziwei finished speaking, he looked around at everyone calmly.

The star gods' eyes fluctuated when they heard the words, and their minds were different.

"Then according to the emperor's opinion, who should take the position of the emperor now?" A star god said.

"In the starry sky today, except for the emperor and the emperor of the east, the emperor has the most noble status and the highest realm. In my opinion, it is better for the emperor to succeed the position of the emperor."

"Not much, the emperor is the emperor of the sky, and we have nothing to say."

Everyone carried the flowery sedan chair, and someone spoke, and someone else agreed.

Everyone also understood that in the entire starry sky, except for the emperor of Ziwei, it was difficult to have someone who could convince the public. As for Xihe, the Taiyin star god, they ignored him directly.

After all, they had a cause and effect before and became prisoners of the heavenly court. How could they let Xihe control the heavenly court?

Xihe's eyes swept through the crowd coldly, and he didn't speak.

Ziwei smiled and said, "Thank you all for your kindness. This emperor has no intention of becoming the emperor of heaven, and there are more suitable candidates for the emperor of heaven."

Chang Geng Xingjun's eyes flickered, and he asked directly, "Who is the emperor talking about?"

All the star kings also focused their eyes on Ziwei. After all, the new candidate for the emperor of heaven is related to their future vital interests, and they must pay attention to it.

Ziwei looked around and chuckled, "This saint is also known to you fellow Taoists. He is at a high level and his strength is far above this emperor."

"This will not only lead the sky to glory, but also make the fortune of the heaven prosperous. For all the star kings, there are a hundred benefits and no harm."

If a force grows stronger and has a deep fortune, then everyone in this force can benefit.

After all, no one can monopolize the fortune. The bigger the cake is, the more they will share. It is a rare help for comprehending the great way.

However, after hearing what Ziwei said, although no one named anyone, everyone was not stupid. As their thoughts surged, their eyes sparkled.

Chang Geng Xingjun's face darkened slightly, and he took a deep breath and said, "Could it be that the emperor was talking about Yuan Lian?"

You know, although they don't know how Di Jun and Tai Yi fell, there is no doubt that it was either the ancestor of the witch clan or Yuan Lian, no one else.

But now, their leader has just died, and they have to accept the person who is most likely to have killed their leader as the new leader, which makes them feel a little uncomfortable.

Ziwei was about to explain, but Xihe spoke first:

"Yes, it was Daoist Yuanlian!"

"Daoist Ziwei and this star lord have unanimously decided to make Yuanlian the new emperor of heaven, and Taiyin Star will also follow the lead of the new heaven and earth."

"Star lords, Dijun and Taiyi disregarded the friendship of the alliance and forcibly abducted and imprisoned me and Taiyin Star. This move has lost the support of the people."

"This star lord understands that this matter has nothing to do with you. After the new emperor takes office, everyone will be friends of the same path, and the past will be wiped out."

Xihe stopped there, but everyone was not stupid, so how could they not understand the hidden meaning of his words.

The Star Lords were silent. Seeing this, Ziwei took over and said:

"You Star Lords, you don't know that the Heavenly Palace is still intact now. The Star Lords can meet again, all thanks to Fellow Daoist Yuanlian."

After hearing this, the Star Lords paused, and Chang Geng was even more suspicious and said, "Please tell me clearly, Your Majesty!"

Ziwei took a deep breath, and a trace of resentment appeared on his face. "The Heavenly Palace and the Witch Clan have deep grievances, and the cause and effect are entangled! This time, the twelve witch ancestors attacked the Heavenly Palace with the intention of killing them, intending to completely wipe out the Heavenly Palace."

"If it weren't for Fellow Daoist Yuanlian's strong dissuasion, this vast Sun Star Region, I'm afraid..."

I'm afraid of what, although Ziwei didn't continue to say, but such a hint was very obvious, how could the Star Lords not understand.

The expressions of all the star gods sank, and their eyes met, as if they were silently expressing something.

Ziwei smiled secretly in his heart, this was what he had planned.

Persuasion alone might not make them willing, but if they were tough and killed those who did not obey, it would be too violent. Even if they were forced to surrender, they would not say it, but a thorn would be buried in their hearts.

One day, if something happened in the Heavenly Court, the accumulated hatred would burst out, and the Heavenly Court would probably fall apart immediately.

Therefore, only by making them understand their feelings and reasoning can we avoid the possible backlash in the future and prevent them from falling apart in an instant.

Hitting a stick and then giving a sweet date, using both kindness and force... is the way to rule the country!

Moreover, by establishing such a powerful foreign enemy as the Wu Clan, on the one hand, Yuan Lian is regarded as the new Heavenly Emperor, and the Tao is cultivated and the luck is divided.

One side refused to follow, but the consequences were obvious without much thought. The lightest punishment was to be expelled from the Heavenly Palace and become a casual Star Lord again.

The hall was silent, and the air seemed to be frozen.

Ziwei looked at Xihe inadvertently, and smiled at each other.

The Star Lords looked like this, and it was obvious that they had some intentions in their hearts, but no one could save face and speak first. (End of this chapter)

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