This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 395: Acquired Merit Spiritual Treasure! Seal of the Emperor of Heaven!

Buzz! ! !

In the training room, the flames in front of Yuan Lian were shining.

That was the Purifying Divine Fire, which contained the purity of the Purifying Spiritual Light and the domineering of the Sun Divine Fire. Although its main power was killing and purifying, it was also a rare means to use it to refine weapons.

In the flames, countless immortal gold divine materials were calcined. Under the burning of the domineering divine fire, no matter how hard the divine materials were, they were refined into juice, rolling and surging in the flames.

Rays of purifying spiritual light shone, further purifying the already flawless immortal materials.

However, there were only a few drops of essence left in the original fist-sized immortal water, but Yuan Lian didn't regret it at all.

As the Emperor of Heaven, he owned the entire sky and stars. In the Emperor of Heaven's treasure house, there were countless various star treasures.

The unique divine stone immortal ore in each star was thrown into the divine fire, smelted and purified, and turned into the most original purification.

Refining weapons was not Yuan Lian's strong point, but he had experience.

But before, he just made flying boats for transportation or flags for setting up formations. This was the first time that he really made a handy spiritual treasure.

So this time, he was very serious.

Because this time, he was going to make a spiritual treasure of merit that he had been thinking about since the beginning of his life.

Originally, he thought that in the prehistoric world, it was easy to get some merit.

But he didn't expect that he would get his first merit in the true sense after hundreds of Yuanhui.

So, this spiritual treasure of merit that has not yet been born has been late for hundreds of millions of years.

Time passed by little by little, countless star fairy materials were melted one by one, and there was also a large ball of liquid emitting brilliant light floating in the void.

Yuan Lian's eyes moved slightly, the divine fire dissipated, and the Yuan Shen rushed out, carrying the liquid to condense into shape according to his mind.

Soon, a nine-inch square seal floated in the void.

But the refining process was not over yet. Yuan Lian's fingertips moved lightly, and array patterns were engraved all over the seal. As the complex and fine array patterns emerged, pure spiritual light merged into it.

After a moment, the formation was completely formed, and a chaotic blue lotus was engraved on the front of the seal.

"The spiritual treasure is complete, and the formation has also taken shape. The next two steps are the last two steps." Yuan Lian's mouth was also excited and slightly raised.

"The long river of luck appears!"

A light chant followed by the surging and surging of the mighty river.

That was the destiny of the heaven, vast and rolling.

Yuan Lian tapped lightly with one finger, and the mighty river immediately shook, and a tributary poured into the seal.

Yes, either don't refine it, or refine it to the extreme.

For this acquired spiritual treasure, Yuan Lian not only wants to refine it into a treasure of virtue, but also to make it a treasure of destiny for the heaven.

As the luck of heaven was poured into it, the seal gradually changed, and a heavy and vicissitudes of life permeated it, as if it was not a small seal, but a supreme treasure that carried the sky and countless sentient beings.

It was unknown how long it had been, and the luck torrent had consumed one-tenth of it before it stopped pouring back, and the luck torrent was also hidden in the dark.

Yuan Lian looked at the seal in front of him, which was shining with glory and connected with luck, and said with satisfaction: "It's only the last step!"

The next moment, the brilliant golden light shone, and a vast cloud of merit and virtue emerged.

"Go." Yuan Lian shouted in a low voice, and the golden light of merit and virtue turned into a torrent, rushing into the seal.

The vast Yuanshen was agitated, melting merit and seal into one.

Merit and luck are different. Luck cannot be consumed in large quantities, because it is related to the entire sky and stars.

But merit is a reward from heaven, and it is his own personal thing, so this time he did not hold back at all and refined all the endless merits into it.

This was a long and hard process, but Yuan Lian's Dao heart had long been polished to be extremely solid. He slowly closed his eyes, and his soul was completely silent.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was ten thousand years.

Until the last ray of golden light of merit was completely refined, Yuan Lian suddenly opened his eyes.

Buzz! ! !

The seal trembled, and ripples spread out in the void.

Yuan Lian stretched out his hand, and the seal fell lightly into his palm. Feeling the familiar feeling from the spiritual treasure, he couldn't help but smile with relief.

"It's done!"

"Acquired merit spiritual treasure!"

Yuan Lian gently stroked the merit spiritual treasure that he had refined with his own hands, and knew its power well.

Although this treasure is as dangerous as the merit treasure, its power is comparable to the best innate spiritual treasure. More importantly, this seal contains the luck of the heaven, and is connected with its luck. The stronger the heaven is, the stronger the power of the spiritual treasure is.

In addition to attacking, this Heavenly Court's luck has many special uses.

For example, the position of Feng She Xingjun has a strong suppressive power on the Heavenly Court's subordinates.

Moreover, the seal contains infinite merits, killing people does not involve cause and effect, and does not damage the luck. It is a must-have treasure for traveling in the prehistoric world.

"Since you are connected with the Heavenly Court's luck, why not call it the Heavenly Emperor's Seal!"

Yuan Lian thought about it and named this treasure.

Buzz! ! !

The spiritual treasure vibrated, and a burst of joy came, and a faint glow shone. On the front of the seal, on the corner not occupied by the Chaos Green Lotus, the two characters of "Heavenly Emperor" appeared.

Yuan Lian nodded with satisfaction, and the spiritual treasure turned into a stream of light and escaped into the sea of ​​​​consciousness of the Yuanshen, and quietly fell beside a group of spiritual treasures.

A group of lotus platforms, the five-sided flags of heaven and earth and other spiritual treasures all shone with brilliance, as if greeting new guests, shining with each other.

Yuanlian stood up and breathed a sigh of relief, "I can finally have a good rest this time."

Last time, I was in seclusion for several epochs, and I was planning to relax, but I didn't expect that as soon as I came out of seclusion, I would receive merits from heaven.

As a last resort, I had to retreat to offer sacrifices and spiritual treasures for merits.

Although it was only ten thousand years of effort, it was nothing to the sacred.

But after a long retreat, one would always feel a little tired. The sacred was not a piece of earth or stone, and there were only a few who would retreat for several epochs at will.

In a magnificent palace, Yao Chi, with her eyes slightly closed, suddenly opened her eyes, looked at the figure approaching step by step in front of her, and smiled indifferently:

"You are out of seclusion."


Just a gentle response, without more words, Yuan Lian stepped closer.

"You have worked hard over the years." The two looked at each other, and Yuan Lian smiled.

How could he not understand Yao Chi's feelings.

Since these epochs, Yao Chi has stayed in the heaven and never left. Isn't it for himself?

In the past years, he had been wandering around, and he was devoted to seeking the Tao, so he didn't care about these things.

But now, we have achieved some results, and it is time to respond. After all, we will not betray this friendship.

Yao Chi seemed to notice that Yuan Lian was not right, and said softly: "You are welcome."

Yuan Lian did not say anything more, and smiled and took her soft hand, "Walk with me."

Yao Chi was slightly stunned, and then smiled, and her voice became cheerful.


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