This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 401 The bell controls the universe! The seal of the Emperor of Heaven!

The battle at Mount Xumi attracted the attention of countless gods.

While countless gods were surprised at the power of the Demonic Path, they were also shocked by the Yuanchu Temple.

The Yuanchu Temple is now one of the most powerful forces in the prehistoric world. With the addition of Yuanlian, the new emperor of heaven, it is extremely powerful.

But they did not expect that the Netherworld Palace, which dominated the northern and western parts of the prehistoric world, had such a close relationship with the Yuanchu Temple.

In the Jieying Divine Court, Zhunti had summoned all the gods to discuss the occupation of Mount Xumi and the domination of the western part of the prehistoric world.

But after seeing the people from the Yuanchu Temple show up, they were disappointed.

Jieying looked sad, and Zhunti was like a roller coaster, from great joy to anger.

"What a Yuanlian, what a Yuanchu Temple, they are so hidden. If it weren't for the sudden attack of the Demonic Path, I'm afraid all the gods in the prehistoric world would have been kept in the dark."

Zhunti was so angry! At the same time, he was a little scared.

If the Demonic Path had not fallen into this trap first, what if they had the idea of ​​dealing with the Netherworld Palace?

At the critical moment, so many late Taiyi saints from the Yuanchu Temple suddenly rushed out, and even if they were not killed, they would suffer heavy losses.

Although they have hundreds of Taiyi saints, there are only 20 or 30 of the strongest late Taiyi saints.

Although they have the advantage in numbers, their cohesion is simply incomparable.

Moreover, Zhunti deeply suspected that this was not an alliance formed in a short period of time, and it is very likely that the layout and digging of the trap had begun billions of years ago.

Hiss! Yuanlian, this guy, is really...

When he thought of this, Zhunti once again remembered the shadow of being calculated by Yuanlian, and he felt bad all over.

"Hmph, Yuanchu Temple and Netherworld Palace, they have bad intentions!" A saint said in a bad tone.

"What should we do now?"

"The Netherworld Palace joins hands with the Yuanchu Temple, and the Demonic Path may not succeed."

The saints communicated with each other.

The basis of their plan is to make the Demonic Path and the Netherworld Palace lose both, and then they will be the yellow bird, expel the Demonic Path in one fell swoop, occupy Mount Xumi, and radiate the western part of the prehistoric world.

But now the situation has changed suddenly, and everything is in vain.

"Fellow Daoists, let's wait and see. The Demonic Path has come with such a big fanfare, so it must have a trump card."

Jie Yin said calmly.

At this moment, the will of the Demonic Path descended, sweeping across the prehistoric world, and countless sacred pupils were shocked and looked at it in disbelief.


"The power of the Demonic Path is beyond your imagination. You think that you can compete with the Demonic Path with the power of spiritual treasures. Let me completely shatter your ridiculous idea."

Surrounded by the will of the Demonic Path, Wu Tian's black robe fluttered, and the mighty aura was infinitely rising.

Then, Wu Tian, ​​whose momentum soared to an unparalleled level, raised his hand and pressed down, and the boundless Demonic Path suppressed Zhen Yuanzi and others.

Zhen Yuanzi and the others all had solemn expressions, with infinite mana surging, and at all costs, they aroused the power of the spiritual treasures, defending instead of attacking.

Crack! Crack!

With just the spread of the breath, the void shattered into pieces, turning into crystal fragments, and then quickly crushed into powder.

The law was like a broken chain, making a crisp explosion.


But just as this terrifying blow was about to collide, a mighty and boundless bell sounded throughout the prehistoric world, sweeping across the heavens and the worlds, reflecting the long river of time.

At this moment, time was solidified, space was stilled, and time stopped.

Zhen Yuanzi, Hongyun, Minghe and the others all had their eyes lit up, and when they looked at each other, the corners of their mouths rose slightly.

Chaos Bell!

They knew who it was.

On the other side, Wu Tian frowned, looking at a place in the dark.

The next moment, ripples appeared in the void, and a figure of wild rice became real.

Yuanlian looked at Zhenyuanzi and others and smiled slightly, "After years of separation, I never thought that all of you Taoist friends have successfully taken this step. Yuanlian congratulates you on your further progress in the Great Dao!"

Seeing that all the friends who had been together for billions of years had broken through and were on the last journey of proving the Great Dao, Yuanlian was also happy in her heart.

"Hahaha! Yuanlian, you are one step ahead, how can we fall behind too much!" Hongyun laughed loudly.

Yuanlian's arrival completely dissipated the tense atmosphere just now, but the warlike Hongyun never mentioned the discussion of the Dao.

No other... He likes to discuss the Dao with war, but he doesn't like to be abused!

"Yuanlian, you are here." Zhenyuanzi seemed to be calm and composed no matter what the situation was, just smiled and nodded to greet.

"Daoyou Yuanlian!"

"Palace Master!"

Bai Ze, Fuxi Nuwa, and Kongming also smiled and saluted.

Minghe looked at Yuanlian in silence and said with a smile, "You are finally here. You, the deputy palace master of the Netherworld Temple, are really not doing your job well at all!"

"Kunpeng greets fellow Daoist Yuanlian." Kunpeng smiled and bowed.

Deputy palace master?

Red Lotus Immortal Venerable?

The most mysterious deputy palace master in the Netherworld Temple, who has been either in seclusion or traveling for billions of years, is Yuanlian, the palace master of the Yuanchu Temple, or the Emperor Yuanlian? ! !

In Mount Xumi, the eyes of the gods such as Xuangui and Lei Ze were all shocked.

In the Netherworld Temple, there is a deputy palace master, called Honglian Immortal Venerable.

But his identity is so mysterious that few people in the entire Netherworld Temple know about it. Many gods who joined later learned about it from Xuangui and Lei Ze.

But they didn't expect that this extremely mysterious Honglian Immortal Venerable would appear in front of them under such circumstances.

Since these Yuanhui, they have also felt that the relationship between the Netherworld Palace and the Yuanchu Temple is good. After all, the last time, the Palace Master was determined to participate in the Heavenly Emperor's Heavenly Sacrifice Ceremony.

But they never expected that the Netherworld Palace and the Yuanchu Temple would have such a relationship.

Unlike the joy and excitement of the Yuanchu Temple and the Netherworld Palace, Wu Tian's expression became solemn for the first time on the Demon Dao side, and Ji An and others were even more shocked, staring at Yuan Lian.

As if feeling their hot gazes, Yuan Lian looked back, his expression returned to indifference, and he glanced at Wu Tian and others lightly.

"Wutian, for the sake of Luo Tian and fellow Daoist Luo Hou, I will spare you this time, and settle the cause and effect of fellow Daoist Luo Hou's help in the past, but..." Yuan Lian spoke softly, but his tone was undeniably tough.

His eyes fell on Ji An and others, and a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

"But they...die!"

Dare they dare to invade the Netherworld Palace?


As soon as the words came out, the killing thought arose, the heaven and earth felt it, the universe shook, the hurricane rolled wildly, the thunder roared, and the heaven and earth changed according to his will.

"Such aura! As soon as the thought arose, the law followed, and Fellow Daoist Yuanlian actually went so far!" Zhen Yuanzi's pupils shrank slightly, and he was secretly amazed in his heart.

While Hongyun was surprised, he also had a little bit of joy in his heart, "Good guy, it's a good thing that he didn't get inflated because of the breakthrough to the late stage of Taiyi Jinxian. How can we discuss the Dao? There is no fairness at all!"

"Master Yuanlian, you are so strong. As both of us are in the late stage of Taiyi, I am afraid I may not be able to take your attack!"

Fuxi and Nuwa looked at each other, and they realized their own thoughts as if they were in sync.

Bai Ze smiled with relief, and Fei Lian was even more excited. Anyway, he was basically at the bottom of the Yuanchu Palace, and it didn't matter how strong Yuanlian was.

Minghe's eyes were burning, and he was determined in his heart to become stronger faster. As the master of the blood sea, how could he be willing to lag behind others?

Kunpeng's eyes were bright, full of appreciation and joy, "Yes, the master of Yuanlian Palace practiced the great way of purifying the world and loved the wildness, so he could have today's fortune."

This scene fell into the eyes of countless saints, shocking beyond words.

No one knew how strong Yuanlian was now, not even Yuanlian himself.

Because since he ascended to the throne of the Heavenly Emperor, he had not made a move for several Yuanhui.

"Arrogant!" Wu Tian's eyes burst into anger, and he forcibly connected with the will of the Demon Dao, "What about the Heavenly Emperor? After all, he is only in the late Taiyi period. Under the will of Daluo, they are all ants!"

Boom! ! !

Under Wu Tian's desperate and forced urging, the Demon Dao connected with the Demon Dao universe, and the mighty will suppressed it.

Yuan Lian did not move, but looked at all this calmly.

The evil path was overwhelming, and Yuan Lian spoke softly, "Suppress it!"

Accompanied by the magnificent sound of the Tao, a brilliant light surged out from the Yuanshen.

It was a seal, the seal of the Emperor of Heaven shining with brilliant light! (End of this chapter)

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