This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 61: The four villains ask for a fight! In the end, they are not perfect! (Please read! The t

"See my emperor!"

The four evil spirits all greeted him with greetings, but they were unable to salute because of their own bodies.

"Yeah." Shen Ni nodded softly, not paying much attention.

"Say it." Shenni's face was calm and his eyes were soft.

Qiongqi took a step forward and said, "My emperor, the Qilin tribe has summoned the ancient gods to prepare for a decisive battle with my ferocious beast tribe. Please give my emperor's order and let me lead the army to destroy them."

"My emperor, I am also willing to lead the army to fight!"

"My emperor, I am willing to fight!"

Before Qiongqi finished speaking, Taotie and Yaozhu also spoke up, and then three eyes glanced at Chaos, finally converging on the figure on the high platform.

Chaos smiled helplessly and said loudly, "I also want to fight and ask my emperor for an order."

Shen Ni looked at the four evil spirits whom he had inspired with his own hands, and said in a faint tone, "Do you know that in this battle, you may all fall?"

"My Emperor, Qiongqi was an ignorant and ferocious beast at the beginning. Fortunately, my Emperor enlightened him and made him wise. This is the gift of reinvention." Qiongqi's eyes were sharp and he looked directly at the Emperor.

Shen Ni looked at Qiong Qi with a complicated expression, feeling a little relieved but also a little unbearable.

Qiong Qigui is one of the kings of ferocious beasts, extremely vicious and endlessly destructive. To the ancient world, he is a pest that harms the world.

But for Shen Ni, he is the most loyal subordinate. He personally enlightens and teaches, and he is like a half-disciple.

"Qiongqi, I am willing to die for my emperor!" Qiongqi knelt down and said firmly.

"Taotie, I am willing to die for my emperor!"

"梼杌, I am willing to die for my emperor!"

"Chaos, I am willing to die for my emperor!"

Shen Ni looked at the four villains who were kneeling down, filled with a kind of powerless sadness.

At first, it was just an experiment to enlighten the ferocious beasts to retain their sanity, an experiment done to better control the ferocious beasts.

But I thought that he didn't care at all about the life and death of these ferocious beasts, they were just tools on his path to seek truth.

But countless Yuanhui time has left a bond after all.

He summoned the ferocious beasts to gather in the north, and his original intention was not to exterminate the ancient world.

He just wants to find a way, a way that allows him to strip away the laws of chaos and return to the innate holiness.

He has been trying for countless Yuanhui.

He did not completely fall to the Chaos Demon God, nor did he destroy the ancient world.

He doesn't want to, and he doesn't want to!

He is innately divine. Even though he was eroded by Chaos, under various opportunities, he successfully merged with Chaos and became the Beast King Divine Rebellion.

But now, the vast world cannot tolerate him.

"Demon God of Chaos, one day I will seek revenge from you."

Shen Ni raised his head slightly, looking across the endless void, piercing the heaven and earth, looking into the endless chaos.

His eyes gradually became firm, and he completely abandoned the sacred way and turned to the avenue of chaos.

Since heaven and earth cannot tolerate it, then I will destroy heaven and earth!

Shen Ni took a deep breath, with a solemn expression on his face, and said word by word:

"My family of ferocious beasts is not tolerated by the world, but ants still live in vain. You, the primitive creatures, want to survive. Please ask for help. We poor people who have been eroded by chaos don't need to survive. Are you asking for help?"

Yes, the saints of the ancient world all believed that the beasts were sins of heaven and earth and were terrorists who destroyed the ancient world.

But in Shen Ni's view, the ferocious beasts are just like him, they are just pitiful people!

The ferocious beasts were once prehistoric creatures, and their divine rebelliousness was once innately sacred, but they were eroded by chaos and were unable to resist.

Most of the creatures corrupted by the Chaos Demon God turned into ferocious beasts. They lost everything and turned into godless and wisdomless ferocious beasts. Aren't they miserable?

As an innate saint, he originally had a promising path, but once he was plotted by Chaos, his sacred feet were eroded, and his path was hopeless.

But he still didn't obey the avenue of chaos and destroyed the ancient world. Now... isn't he miserable enough?

"You want to fight! Then fight!"

"The Buzhou Mountains...are finally here!"

Yuan Lian raised his head and looked up at the immortal mountain that penetrated the starry sky. Although it was still separated by countless trillions of miles, the majestic and majestic aura still shocked his heart.

Buzhou Mountain, transformed into the backbone of Pangu's ancestral god, connects the prehistoric heaven and earth and is the center of this world.

"Let's go. This is still outside the Buzhou Mountains. It will take at least a thousand years to reach the location of the Qilin Clan."

It was not Hongyun's first time to visit Mount Buzhou, but it was his first time to visit the Qilin tribe.

"This prehistoric world is too vast. I'm afraid it would be difficult for Jinxian to visit all of the 180 Yuanhui meetings, right?"

Yuan Lian once again refreshed his understanding of this ancient world.

You know, according to the information left by the Qilin tribe, their tribe is still located on the outskirts of Buzhou Mountain, but it actually takes thousands of years to get there from outside the mountain range.

The mountain alone is ridiculously big!

No wonder it is said in later generations that golden immortals are inferior to dogs.

The group of people said no more and rushed towards the Qilin Clan's residence.

Time passed by, and a thousand years passed in the blink of an eye. Just when Yuan Lian and the others were about to arrive at the Qilin Clan, a mighty roar came into the hearts of everyone.

"Hey... there are gods fighting. Do you want to go over and have a look?" Hongyun's eyes lit up and he immediately looked at Yuan Lian and said.

Yuan Lian looked at Hong Yun who was happy to hear the battle in a funny way, shook her head and said, "Don't go there yet, who knows if it will be a trap."

It is better to do less than to do more. In this ancient world, who knows what kind of messy reasons will cause karma.

After saying that, he dispersed his thoughts and looked towards the battlefield.

Countless billions of miles away, two innate gods fought in a group, brilliant fairy light was blooming, and the mighty laws were colliding. The violent roar resounded through the void of billions of miles.

"Shang Yang, I came here to respond to the invitation of the Qilin tribe. How dare you intercept me halfway?" A fierce-looking god shouted angrily.

"Hmph, Tiangou, a few Yuanhui ago, you took advantage of my retreat and killed all my people of the same form. Today, I want your life."

Shang Yang is a female god. She holds a blue sword in her hand, and her beautiful face is full of murderous aura.

When the innate gods are born, the law evolves, and by chance, some people of the same race will be created.

They depict the law form of the innate gods and construct the same law avenue. They are much stronger than ordinary acquired creatures, and they are naturally in line with the avenue of the innate gods.

The same law avenue is connected with each other, which can make the innate gods more powerful.

More importantly, the relationship between the same-shaped tribe and the innate sacred is like that of a blood descendant, which can be perfectly controlled and is a great help to the innate sacred.

In this prehistoric world, it is not just the three tribes of dragon, phoenix and unicorn that evolved the same-shaped tribe, but the three innate sacreds are too strong, so the same-shaped tribe is stronger.

"Hmph, just some acquired creatures dare to disrespect me, so I'll kill them." Tiangou said disdainfully.

"Nonsense, I'll send you back to heaven and earth." Shang Yang looked at him with contempt, and immediately raised his sword to cut it off.

Finding so many excuses is nothing more than wanting to annex his own Lingshan mineral veins, coveting treasure resources, and killing his own same-shaped tribes, and the purpose is nothing more than wanting to weaken his own external force.

Thank you for the reward from Meiyou book friends, and thank you for reading with all the brothers and big brothers!

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