This wilderness is too dangerous

Chapter 9 Killing the beast! There is no merit from the way of heaven?

The beast, split into two halves, rushed up again, one on the left and one on the right, with dark blood flowing and black flames burning on its body.

At this moment, its power increased wildly, and it burst out with a terrifying force that was close to the late stage of the Golden Immortal.

This was an attack at the cost of life!

"So cruel!" Yuan Lian's eyes twitched slightly.

As a normal creature, when facing an opponent that cannot be defeated, the first thing to consider is a way to escape safely.

But this beast was completely irrational, and there was only destruction in its cruel pupils. Whether it was the opponent or itself, it seemed that destruction was its ultimate goal.

"See how many times you can resist, suppress! Kill!"

Yuan Lian did not choose to fight hard, but cast the void shield method and appeared on the other side of the beast.

Dinghai Shenzhu smashed down, and then crossed the void again to another direction, and the Pure World Spiritual Light slashed down.

The bones and flesh were separated, and the blood turned into black flames to burn the void. The beast's body had collapsed, and it looked extremely miserable.

But even so, it still did not die. In its head, a drop of blood bloomed with strange and brilliant light, and it was this drop of blood that maintained the life of the beast.

Yuanlian only watched from a distance, but still felt a very vast and terrifying resentment from the drop of blood.

There is no doubt that this drop of blood is the root of the creation of this beast.


The terrible roar continued, and the beast actually smashed the two halves of the body together, inserting the broken bones into the flesh and blood, and forcibly combined the flesh in such a cruel and bloody way.

The black flame used flesh and blood as fuel, burning more brilliantly.

The extremely blazing flame burned a trace of chaotic breath, only a trace of extremely shallow, but it gave the black flame the power to burn the world.

As the flames swallowed and spit, the spiritual energy, space, and the strong wind in the void space, everything turned into its fuel, as if it would continue to burn and completely end this world.

The beast rushed towards Yuanlian with raging black flames like suicide.

"I can't dodge, my aura is locked by the black flame."

Yes, it was not the beast that locked his aura, but the burning black flame.

Yuan Lian took a deep breath. He never thought that a beast in the early stage of the Golden Immortal would force him into such a situation.

He once again felt the horror of the prehistoric world, raising the danger level to the extreme.

"I don't believe that a mere beast in the early stage of the Golden Immortal can do anything to me!"

Since there was no way to dodge, Yuan Lian was also full of heroic spirit.

Eliminating the magical power of the heaven and earth, the vast magic power poured into the Pure World Lotus Platform.

Infinite light was blooming, infinite laws were shining, and the top-grade innate spiritual treasure was blooming its supreme power.


It was like two eternal stars colliding, and the terrifying impact force made Yuan Lian stagger.

The beast hit the spiritual light shield of the Pure World White Lotus, and the vast and majestic spiritual light purified it.

What is purification?

Purification is to change the fundamentals of all matter, and transform all filth into existence that can be accepted by heaven and earth.

Why is the beast filthy?

It is that drop of blood.

Therefore, under the spiritual light of the world of purification, the beast turned into ashes, leaving only a drop of strange blood burning with black flames.

The stalemate continued, and the black flames seemed to be destroyed.

Yuan Lian's face was pale, and he quickly took out a ball of three-light divine water and swallowed it drop by drop.

The lotus platform was like a bottomless abyss, swallowing up all his magic power.

As soon as it recovered, it was swallowed again in an instant, and the cycle repeated.

Yuan Lian knew that it was because the drop of blood was too terrifying, and the power of the black flame was beyond his imagination.

It was not until he swallowed the 23rd drop of the three-light divine water with heartache that the swallowing power decreased.

"Purification! Purification!"

Yuan Lian shot out two spiritual lights of the world of purification in a row, completely extinguishing the black flames that had become dim, leaving only a lonely drop of blood fluctuating in front of him.


He carefully took out a jade bottle and collected the blood.

Afterwards, Yuan Lian tilted his head at a 45-degree angle, slightly proud, and opened his arms, as if waiting for something.


After a few breaths, a strong wind blew, bringing with it bursts of sobbing sounds.

Afterwards, it was still silent.

Yuan Lian lowered his head slightly embarrassedly, put away his arms, and quickly scanned the surrounding billions of miles.

"Fortunately, there is no one."


"Didn't it say that killing the beast would be a reward for merit and virtue?"

"This is different from what is written in the book!" Yuan Lian was a little disappointed.

Since there was no merit, he did not stay any longer, and immediately turned into a long rainbow and sped away.

After flying for a full hundred years, he flashed and disappeared between heaven and earth.

After another hundred years, a rainbow light that was extremely fast appeared on the battlefield at the time.

"What a terrifying power, at least in the late Golden Immortal stage, who is it?"

Kunpeng looked at the remaining battlefield with a solemn look.

Looking away, the surrounding void was all broken, and endless strong winds swept out from the void and blew into the prehistoric world.

The broken laws of heaven and earth collided with each other, slowly repairing the broken world.

"Could it be the white dragon? No, this is not the water vein law."

This is the West Sea. As far as he knows, only the white dragon of the dragon clan is a late Golden Immortal.

But after a careful perception, he rejected it again.

The powerful water vein law was not missing on the unparalleled battlefield, but there was a destructive aura.

"The other aura is very strange, but the law is extremely pure, and there is a faint feeling of cleansing the soul."

Kunpeng realized it carefully, and suddenly, he turned his head and looked to the other side.

Then he fired a burst of magic power to erase the remaining traces of the Law of Purity.

Above the vast sea, a man wearing a white robe with dragon patterns and an elegant face approached quickly.

Within a moment, he appeared next to Broken World.

"Kunpeng, you are indeed the fastest in the world." The man nodded towards Kunpeng, not surprised at all.

I just sighed in my heart again, Kunpeng's speed was unparalleled.

Crossing from the North Sea to the West Sea, he was actually one step faster than he was already in the West Sea.


Kunpeng responded softly as a greeting.

Kunpeng accepted Bailong's compliments openly.

"This vast law should be a battle between the late Golden Immortals. Does Fellow Daoist Kunpeng know who it is?"

Bailong looked at him thoughtfully.

There is only a trace of Qi left, and the strength is almost the same as that of the late Golden Immortal, so the other side of the battle should also be strong in the late Golden Immortal.

You must know that the dragon clan that occupies the endless seas only has a dozen or so late-stage Golden Immortal warriors, and each of them is an important force of the dragon clan.

But on the West Sea, there was actually a battle between two late-stage Golden Immortal warriors, and judging from the situation on the battlefield, one of them should have fallen.

How this didn't surprise him.

If you find this strong man and introduce him into the Dragon Clan, it will be of great benefit to your own status and mutual discussion and practice.

"Oh, isn't he a strong man from the Dragon Clan?" Kunpeng asked knowingly.

Bailong thought so, and so did Kunpeng.

Innate saints, it is difficult to practice and there is no way ahead. What a blessing it is to find like-minded Taoist friends who are at the same level and practice together and confirm each other.

As far as he knew, Taiyi could count them all on one hand.

But no Taiyi saint is willing to spread his own practice path and experience. If you want to gain enlightenment, you can join his subordinates and become their lackey.

But, Kunpeng didn't want to.

"Ha! Fellow Taoist Kunpeng is joking." Bailong asked for trouble and then said:

"Fellow Daoist Kunpeng, it is fate to get together. Why not go to the Dragon Palace to get together?"

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