This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 100 Body Refining Wizard's Notes

A meditation method requires 10,000 points. Is it expensive?

It is definitely not cheap. If you use these points to exchange for magic stones, you can get 1,000 magic stones. For Gagarin, it is also a huge sum of money.

But this is a better meditation method, representing the foundation of the wizard's road. Not to mention 1,000 magic stones, even if the price is higher, Gagarin will find ways to get it at all costs!

Gagarin had never heard of this kind of meditation method before. Perhaps some powerful and ancient wizard families will circulate it secretly. But these precious meditation methods are rarely circulated, let alone circulated, even the slightest information is rarely circulated.

As for wanting to get it? It is basically impossible! Even some super geniuses with fifth-level qualifications find it very difficult to obtain this level of meditation method from those families.

Maybe if you sell yourself to that family, the meditation method you get in the end is also a "youth version" or "foreign trade version" that has been modified and castrated, and there are some hidden dangers.

As for other apprentices? There is no chance to sell your life!

But what about now? On Lucian's side, it was openly offered for exchange. No other additional conditions were required, just enough points were needed to exchange it!

This was equivalent to directly marking the price of a precious banned item, and the price was something that these weak apprentices could hope to achieve with their efforts.

This was simply too... too crazy!

Gagarin was so excited that he trembled a little. He tightly grasped the list that Lucian handed to him and bowed deeply, "Lord Lucian, I won't let you down!"

"Yes." Lucian looked at Gagarin, who seemed to be unable to hold back at this time, and handed him another list, and a smile appeared on his face. "These are some chores or materials I need to deal with during this period, and the points I am willing to pay are also marked."

"By the way, if you have some precious items, such as magic tools, some knowledge that is not available in the academy, or other items, I can also convert them into magic stones or points for recycling. However, for things like potions and magic tools, my recycling price will be much cheaper than the exchange price."

Gagarin's eyes lit up, and he took out a scroll without hesitation, and then placed it respectfully on Lucian's desk.

"Lucian, this is an ancient wizard inheritance that I obtained when I went out on an adventure alone before. Unfortunately, it is incomplete, and the requirements for the inheritor are relatively high..."

Gagarin explained in a low voice, and Lucian also picked up the scroll and flipped through it.

"The body-refining wizard school? Well, it also includes some methods for refining wizard tools. It seems that the hard-refining school is to refine the human body to be like a wizard tool. It's interesting, but unfortunately the inheritance is incomplete. Only the apprentice part is relatively complete, but there is no record of the part of being promoted to a formal wizard..."

Lucian quickly flipped through it and then put the scroll back down.

Gagarin was very nervous. He had obtained this scroll for a long time, but it seemed precious, but it was of little use to him.

After all, according to the description of this scroll, it is necessary to force the alchemical runes into the body one by one. Not only does it require talent, but it also requires a lot of recovery potions or resources as support. Moreover, the training process is extremely painful. It is not suitable for him at all, and he can't afford it at all.

However, Gagarin was also a little worried that this scroll would not catch Lucian's eye. After all, for Lucian, although the body-refining wizard school is also very powerful, it is definitely not worth the trouble to study.

"Let's put it this way. If this is a complete inheritance, I can give you 5,000 points for recycling. But because it is incomplete and lacks the key promotion part, I can only give you 2,000 points." Lucian looked at Gagarin and spoke slowly.

Gagarin breathed a sigh of relief and nodded his head in agreement. The price Lucian gave was much higher than the price in his heart.

"That... Lord Lucian, I hope to exchange for a copy of Moonlight Praise." Gagarin first looked at the Gray Bone Meditation Method (Improved) that seemed to exude infinite temptation, but still gritted his teeth and chose a copy of Moonlight Praise that would help him the most now.

"Okay, then you can do the rest yourself, exchange resources and so on, and settle once a week." Lucian took out a test tube containing Moonlight Praise, handed it to Gagarin, and waved his hand to indicate that Gagarin could leave.

Gagarin took the test tube in front of him blankly, looking at the drop of crystal flower dew in it that was as light and dreamy as moonlight, his expression couldn't help but become a little dazed.

Just... just got it like this?

Although he also paid a part of the inheritance of the body refining wizard, this relatively fair transaction still made Gagarin feel a little incredible.

Until he left Lucian's study, Gagarin still felt a little unreal.

He subconsciously raised the test tube in his hand and admired the beautiful drop of crystal flower dew in the test tube.

"I..." Gagarin felt a little dry in his mouth, he licked his lips, but still hurried towards his residence for the past few days.

He wanted to try to take this tube of precious medicine. Of course, before trying, he still needed to use some of his own methods to test Lucian's medicine to prevent some "dirty things" from existing inside.


"Body Refining Wizard..." After Gagarin left, Lucian picked up the scroll again and read it carefully. However, Lucian temporarily skipped the cultivation methods of the previous body refining wizards. He mainly looked at the alchemy part of the scroll. Just now, when he was flipping through it, he saw a lot of interesting things, which inspired him to design his own wizard.

"So that's it. Through a special ring structure, the semi-finished witchcraft model can be kept stable, but it cannot be activated. At the critical moment, the ring structure is destroyed to allow the witchcraft model to be quickly constructed and complete the return of magic..."

Lucian's eyes became brighter and brighter as he read.

Other people's stones can be used to polish jade. The body refining wizard school takes a process of constantly strengthening and tempering the body as a wizard tool. Some wizard runes can even be injected into the body to strengthen the body. With these means, the micro-magic array arranged in the body can be activated when necessary, and the recorded witchcraft can be released instantly.

This method has the same idea as the wizard's manual that Lucian is studying now.

However, some of the methods recorded in this notebook are still too superficial, requiring a very strong body to try, and there is even a high risk of failure, so it can only play a certain role in inspiring Lucian's research on wizard tools, but it cannot let Lucian directly copy its methods.

"Perhaps, when there are new binding quotas in the future, my second student can try to follow the body refining wizard school? Even if I may not be able to use many of the witchcraft of the body refining school, some of the alchemy methods of the body refining wizards are what I need, and it can even be said that it will be of great help and role in my gradual improvement of the [Wizard's Notes] in the future."

After closing the notebook, Lucian couldn't help but fantasize in his heart.

Then, he began to refer to some witch arrays on the body refining wizard inheritance notebook, and began to conduct some small-scale attempts and experiments, trying to integrate these alchemy techniques into the design draft of the wizard's notes.


"Failed, the loop is too stable..."



Lucian started to try again and again. Although most of these attempts ended in failure, and even a few minor explosions caused by failed experiments made Lucian a little dusty, his eyes became brighter and brighter, because with continuous attempts, Lucian seemed to have found the corresponding direction.

"My previous idea was wrong, totally wrong." Lucian's eyes were excited.

"My previous idea has always been to learn from the sealing method of the witchcraft scroll, but it can't solve the problem that the witchcraft scroll material is difficult to reuse. But in fact, I don't need to be able to keep a certain witchcraft in a stable activation state for a long time like the wizard scroll. I just need a few days."

"And the 'planting' method of the body refining wizard is very suitable for the design idea of ​​[Wizard Notes]. Now I just need to find a balance between stability and convenience!"

Lucian exhaled excitedly, and then began new designs and attempts enthusiastically.

He had a hunch that his exclusive wizard tool [Wizard's Notes] seemed to be not far from being released.

Gagarin opened his eyes and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

After he came out of the sad and beautiful illusion that had just ended, he lowered his head slightly to look at his hands, and even pinched himself gently with his hands.

It was a little painful, which also showed that this was not a dream, but something that really happened.

"It's really... it's the Moonlight Tribute." Gagarin closed his eyes again, feeling the beautiful silver color rendered in the spiritual sea, and carefully looked at the 8 new spiritual runes on the membrane wall of his spiritual sea. He just felt that the scene at this time was a little unreal.

The third-level wizard apprentice that he had been thinking about for a long time was promoted so easily.

And there was no problem with the Moonlight Tribute that Lucian gave him. The funny thing was that he wasted about one-eighth of the potion for testing, otherwise the improvement of his mental power would be much greater.

Thinking of this, Gagarin couldn't help but smile bitterly, feeling that his constant caution seemed to have backfired on him for the first time.

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