This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 11 Progress, Treatment

"Forget it, let's just try out the effect of the teaching prompt." Lucian thought silently in his heart as he looked at Carly who was leaving with a cup of water.

After all, according to the prompt of the system just now, "Let Carly help me get a cup of water" is one of the prompts. And now, while Carly took the initiative to help me get water, I can see how effective the prompt of this system is.

Carly naturally didn't know what Lucian was thinking. Her idea was very simple, that is, she wanted to express her gratitude to Teacher Lucian in her own way. After all, in her own opinion, Teacher Lucian was willing to teach her so patiently, which made her very grateful.

Especially her own understanding ability is still relatively poor. Obviously, Teacher Lucian has explained the knowledge very carefully, but she still has a hard time understanding it...

When Lucian was explaining just now, Carly clearly remembered that when Teacher Lucian was teaching, the blue veins on his face were throbbing for a while, but in the end Teacher Lucian still endured it.

Thinking of this, Carly felt a little ashamed and wanted to laugh.

She couldn't help but lower her head, but her pace was much faster.

Wow——the water in the kettle was poured into the cup.

Carly held the kettle in one hand and the cup in the other, and her eyes inadvertently looked at the cup.

At this time, the water in the kettle slowly poured into the cup in the form of a "water line", causing a vortex to appear in the cup, and many bubbles were constantly rushed into the vortex, and then constantly emerged from the vortex...

"So that's it... I thought too much. In fact, the Giles vortex does not have the parameters I thought I needed to consider, because most of the parameters can be ignored..." Carly muttered to herself, and the knowledge point that had been stuck in her mind suddenly became clear at this moment.

Chi Chi——

At this time, the cup was full, but Carly was immersed in her own thoughts until the boiling water had flowed out and scalded her slightly, and then Carly came back to her senses.

"Ah..." She hurriedly put down the cup, looked at her hands that had turned a little red, shook them hard, and then put her hands to her mouth and blew them carefully.

But even though her hand was slightly burned, Carly's eyes were shining.

After all, she just managed to get a knowledge point that was so difficult for her! This sense of accomplishment made Carly happy.

"Hehehe..." Carly was slightly burned when she picked up the water cup, but she was grinning like a fool.

On the other side, Lucian was paying attention to Carly's teaching progress.

When he saw that Carly's teaching progress bar jumped from 2.41% to 3.28%, Lucian couldn't help blinking.

Before, when he asked Carly to sort out the knowledge points by herself, the teaching progress bar was advancing very slowly, moving up by 0.01% by 0.01%, but now, suddenly, Carly's learning progress has directly increased by 0.87%!

Lucian stroked his chin, revealing a frowning expression like Psyduck.

This is not scientific!

Why did Kali improve so much just by getting a glass of water?

System teaching tips!

This was all Lucian could think of at this moment.

"Teacher..." Kali was carefully looked at by Lucian at this moment, and she hid her hand that had just been burned and turned red behind her back with a guilty conscience.

After all, when working in the Earl's Mansion, servants who were clumsy would be punished.

"No change..." Lucian muttered in his heart, but he still opened Kali's character panel again and carefully "find the difference".

"Hmm?" After a careful comparison, Lucian really found a little difference.

"Minor burns on fingers?" Lucian looked at Kali who hid her hands behind her back at this moment.

"Put out your hands."

"Ah..." Kali was a little embarrassed at this moment, and hesitated for a moment, but still stretched out her hand hesitantly, and spread her palm, as if she was ready to be punished.

When Lucian stretched out his hand, Kali even closed her eyes in advance.

But soon, she noticed the difference.

Because the imagined pain did not come, on the contrary, the part that was just burned was a little cold at this time, and even the pain was relieved a lot.

Carly opened her eyes.

But she saw that Lucian's right hand was emitting a faint light at this time, and under the illumination of this special light, her burn was being quickly healed.

Zero-level witchcraft, the healing hand of Hawkz.

The burn on Carly's hand was quickly healed, and soon, Lucian's hand emitting light touched Carly's right arm.

"Hmm..." With the contact of the palm, Carly only felt that the wound on her arm caused by accident during the airship began to scab and heal quickly.

"Stand up and open your hands." Lucian looked at Carly. Since he had already taken action, he naturally planned to help Carly solve all the hidden dangers in her body.

"Ah... yes." Although Carly didn't know how mentor Lucian knew about her hidden injury, she didn't dare to ask more at this time, but honestly opened her arms, but her face was a little blushing.

Carly's most serious physical injury was on her waist. She was beaten with a stick by a butler in the Earl's Mansion. Although the superficial flesh wound has healed, a large purple mark similar to a birthmark is left on the wound. And there are sequelae, so that Carly will always feel a dull pain in the wound after strenuous exercise.

However, as Lucian's right hand gently touched the clothes outside the wound on Carly's waist, a faint light penetrated through the outer clothes and gradually merged into Carly's body.

The treatment process was very short, lasting only about ten seconds. After all, this kind of small hidden injury may be very tricky for ordinary people, but for wizards, it is really the simplest zero-level witchcraft.

"Hmm..." Carly's body trembled slightly, and the wound on her waist was tingling, but after the faint tingling, it was a long-lost relaxation.

"Okay." Lucian retracted his palm.

At this time, the "birthmark" on Carly's waist had basically disappeared.

"Thank you...thank you, teacher." Carly's face flushed a little, and she lowered her head and whispered.

"If you have a good rest, we will continue the class."

"Ah... OK, OK." Carly responded and sat down hurriedly, but her eyes were sparkling.

[Your student Carly is grateful to you, Respect +5]

Lucian raised his eyebrows slightly.

He now questioned the "extremely precious" description of the respect value in the system. After all, judging from the current results, it seems that it is easy to explode the respect value in the process of teaching Carly.

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