This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 124 Analysis; Treatment

Lucian silently watched the snake mother disappear again, while tapping her fingers rhythmically on the table.

"This knowledge restricted by the contract is trouble..." Lu Xian muttered to himself, and then slowly walked out of the underground library along the original path he entered.

In the process of leaving, Lucian silently took out the "doll" arm again, and also carefully sensed the environment around his body, especially the movement from inside the dream mezzanine.

Lucian's pace was not fast, and he was also quietly waiting for Adeline.

It's just that before he walked out of the library's underground passage, he didn't notice any movement in the dream mezzanine. It wasn't until Lucian walked out of the secret passage and returned to the inside of the library that his spiritual power was released, and he felt a faint aura following him, staring at the arm in his hand.

"It seems that he didn't dare to follow me into the underground library because he was concerned about the dean's arrangements?" Lu Xian came to a conclusion in his heart. He didn't say anything, but silently recorded this information point.

"But if you still dare to let your nightmare creature continue to follow me in the academy, do you really think you can control me?" Lu Xian snorted coldly, but his pace quickened slightly.

And when he walked to a window that was covered with water, he saw another girl in a dress holding a mutilated doll. She was raising her head and looking at him with a pair of big watery eyes.

Through the medium of the window, Lucian could even feel the helplessness in the little girl's heart, and even had a "sense of guilt" in his heart, and then he felt a desire to return the arm to the girl in front of him. impulse.

Fortunately, Lucian's mental power quickly suppressed the sudden effect of confusing witchcraft, and when Lucian saw the window again, the strange phenomenon inside the window had disappeared.

In Lucian's mental perception, the figure inside the dream mezzanine has gradually moved away, and it seems that today's exploration has ended.

"You will pay for your arrogance today." Lucian lowered his head slightly, and then quickly left the library.

After returning to his residence, the first thing Lucian did was to renovate his laboratory.

Of course, it may be a slight exaggeration to say that it is a transformation. The main purpose is to arrange several witch formations specifically designed to isolate or suppress spirits on the basis of the defensive witch formations originally arranged in the residence.

After all, Lucian doesn't want his every move in the laboratory to be peeped and coveted by others. Even though Adeline can't tell the reason for some of his actions even if she lets Adeline observe them, there is definitely no one willing to tolerate him. Every day there is a little mouse poking its head in the room.

Especially since he has some kind of "crooked thoughts" about her, and even the Loren wizard behind her.

"That should be enough." Lucian looked at the witch formation that had just been set up. The magic element blender in some areas had not yet completely dried, and it still had a semi-fluid texture.

But Lucian took out a sea-blue transparent crystal ball from the space ring, placed the crystal ball in the core area of ​​the witch formation, and then completely activated the witch formation learned from the underground library.

Buzz - When the witch formation was activated, Lucian only felt a soft push passing by him quietly. After experiencing the initial slight discomfort, Lucian quickly adjusted.

"A slight sense of oppression, as if the air has become slightly thicker..." Lucian was also comparing the changes in the environment inside this layer of barrier. At the same time, he was also manipulating his mental power, trying to see what was happening at this moment. The influence of enchantment on dream mezzanine.

But soon, Lucian discovered that the dream interlayer inside the barrier had completely stagnated. If the real world was affected by the barrier and the air became slightly viscous, then the dream interlayer became slightly thicker under the influence of the barrier. Extremely "strict".

Just like changing from the original liquid to a solid brick, it is difficult for the creatures sneaking in the dream mezzanine to pass through the obstacles of the barrier and move freely through the dream mezzanine with this texture.

"Okay, now we can study it." Lucian nodded with satisfaction, and then took out the severed limb from his space ring, and began to try to use the knowledge of spiritual body science and transformation science that he had mastered so far to study it in the simplest way. observation and analysis.

Soon, Lucian noticed a vague witchcraft atmosphere in the interface of the amputated limb. It seemed that a special witchcraft formation was flowing inside the amputated limb, and it remotely echoed a certain location.

"Sure enough." Lu Xian felt relieved, then took out a scalpel and carefully cut open the coarse cloth on the surface of the doll's severed limb.

"Huh?" When Lucian started to try to cut, he felt great resistance from the scalpel.

It looked weak, and there were obvious gaps, and even some cracks in the rough cloth, but at this time, it showed unreasonable toughness under the scalpel.

Even at this time, Lucian could feel the resistance coming from the amputated limb. It was a kind of resistance similar to defensive witchcraft, but the effect was much weaker.

If Lucian wanted to, he could directly defeat this resistance with his mental power, but the consequence of that might be to directly destroy this special doll's severed limbs.

"Forget it." Lucian stopped his movements, then he looked at the scalpel that had a tiny gap, and paused slightly.

Because on the smooth surface of the scalpel, a very tiny red dot appeared.

If it were an ordinary person, they would not even be able to see this tiny red dot, but Lucian discovered it with his keen mental power after being promoted to a formal wizard.

This is human blood...

Lucian looked down at the severed limb on the table, and the severed limb seemed to be responding to Lucian's gaze at this time. Its cloth hand moved slightly, as if it wanted to escape.

"It seems that this transformation is reversible to a certain extent..." Lucian put down the scalpel, but quickly recorded the several witchcraft runes he had just seen on the severed limb.

For wizards, time always passes quickly in research and analysis.

But for Carly, she felt the "warmth" of the Gray Bone Academy during this period.

"Sir." Walking on the street in the trading area, other apprentices passing by bowed humbly after seeing Carly's iconic silver hair, and many of them even took the initiative to make way and respectfully retreated to the sides of the road.

Even the apprentices who were setting up stalls around to trade lowered their voices, as if they were afraid of disturbing Carly's thoughts or interest.

When Carly's eyes swept over them, many apprentices showed their most friendly and kind smiles on their faces, and some of them even looked a little humble; and when Carly's eyes moved away from them, many apprentices had a deep envy or even jealousy in their eyes.

Pure-blooded goblins... and the kind of powerful goblins that can continue to transform and eventually become formal wizards as they grow up.

Formal wizards, this is something that many apprentices can only dream of but cannot reach. But for Carly, this is a realm that is almost certain to be achieved. No need to fight, sacrifice or luck, just polish your bloodline step by step, and you can be recommended to become a formal wizard.

What's more terrible is that it seems that this lady Carly's wizard qualification was only the weakest first-class at the beginning.

Some weak apprentices looked at Carly with naked desire.

In their eyes, Carly seemed to represent a hope, a miracle. They themselves could not see much hope of being promoted to a formal wizard, but Carly's existence ignited a little fantasy in their hearts.


Facing the naked eyes of the apprentices around her, Carly looked very calm on the surface, and even seemed a little cold.

If it was the first few days after returning to the academy, Carly might still feel a little uncomfortable or a little awkward, but now, she has completely gotten used to facing this kind of "enthusiasm" from other wizard apprentices.

She quietly walked into a shop selling magic potions, "I want two bags of blood fruit seeds. By the way, if you have other magic plant seeds here, give me one bag..."

"Okay, Master Carly."

The manager of this fixed shop specializing in selling magic plants is a fat-looking third-level wizard apprentice. At this time, he looked at Carly, and his smile on his face had wrinkles. He walked quickly to the small warehouse behind the shop and began to select magic plant seeds quickly.

At this time, his bloated body was so flexible that it seemed to be dancing a weird dance.

"Master Carly, there are a total of 7 magic stones. Don't worry, with my careful selection by Barto, they are all the fullest and most magical seeds..." The fat apprentice Barto quickly took out a large bag of seeds. He didn't bother to wipe the sweat off his face and handed the large bag of seeds to Carly.

"7 magic stones?" Carly was slightly stunned. She looked at the large bag of seeds in her hand, but was a little surprised that the price seemed to have become a little lower.

"Well, my family leader has already ordered that when Lady Carly comes to us to buy seeds, magic plants, or anything else from other stores opened by our Boyle family, we will only charge the cost price..." Barto bowed slightly at this time, with a sincere look of flattery and envy.

"Of course, when we purchase Lady Carly's items, we also guarantee that we will not earn a single magic stone! Our Boyle family just wants to make friends with Lady Carly!"

Carly was silent, but finally nodded gently. "Thank you, Barton."

Looking at Barton's seemingly surprised expression at this time, there was a hint of complexity in the depths of Carly's eyes.

In the wizard world that advocates equal exchange, people like her who have a 99% chance of being promoted to the official wizard level, even "friendship" is very precious.

The Boyle family is not the first wizard family to make friends with her, and it will definitely not be the last. She didn't need to say anything, but those wizard apprentices and wizard families who used to be arrogant in front of her now expressed their sincerity and kindness in front of her.

Even if she wanted, she could gather a group of second-level wizard apprentices or even third-level wizard apprentices as her subordinates with a wave of her hand, and even learn the practices of other third-level wizard apprentices and formal wizards to cruelly exploit them...

But before, these people seemed extremely indifferent, and when they talked about her and mentor Lucian and others going to Cosai Island, their faces were even a little gloating.

Or is this the influence brought by strength?

Carly said silently to herself, and at the same time she couldn't help but squeeze her hand gently.

After all, in terms of strength, she is actually relatively weak now. These wizard apprentices or wizard families valued her potential rather than her current strength, which also made Carly feel a sense of urgency in her heart.

"Tonight, let's go practice with Edison again." Carly showed a smile on her face. At this time, Edison was one of the few people in Ashbone Academy who could treat her with a more normal attitude. He is a person who can communicate with others, and for this reason, Carly also takes more care of this junior brother who has not yet "passed through".

Even when facing Edison, Carly could feel a sense of being "upgraded."

"I hope that when I go back for a surprise inspection, you'd better be training instead of being lazy or in a daze..." After Carly collected the seeds she purchased, she walked quickly towards the training ground, with a smile on her face. is more obvious.

Behind her, the shop owner Barton watched Carly go away with a smile.

"Mr. Barton, these are the blue mushrooms we collected in the Ashvale forest..." Four second-level wizard apprentices who looked a little embarrassed on the side carefully handed over two wooden boxes.

But when Barton faced these second-level wizard apprentices, the smile on his face turned into indifference.

"Blue mushrooms? Now we have recycled too many blue mushrooms, so the price will definitely drop. We won't even want some blue mushrooms with poor quality." Barton casually checked the blue mushrooms inside the box. , and then glanced at these second-level wizard apprentices. "One price, three magic stones."

"These are worth at least 12 magic stones! This is our hard work..." The voice of an apprentice was a bit sharp.

But Barton sneered and interrupted the other party's words, his eyes extremely cold.

"You can choose not to sell it, but I want to remind you that if these blue mushrooms are not stored in time, the value will be further reduced. So it is you who should be anxious, and I am not anxious at all. By the way, because of your personal reasons , if you want to sell it, the price will be reduced by half a magic stone."

After speaking, Barton clapped his hands, ignored the group of wide-eyed second-level wizard apprentices, and turned back to the inside of the shop.

Outside the door, there was already a slight quarrel between the apprentices...

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