This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 133 Dreams are a contradiction

Lucian took a deep breath, mentally penetrated into the "trap" of the scroll, and took out a section of Adeline's arm from the trap.

"Huh?!!" Lucian quickly opened his eyes, because he could feel that the arm cut off by Count Thanasis was alive!


With the drag of Lucian's mental power, an arm in the two-dimensional scroll was dragged out by him and descended into the real world.

But what makes Lucian a little creepy is that the arm that was dragged out and belonged to Adeline was struggling at this time, like a newly cut off octopus tentacle or a gecko's tail. It was full of " Vitality", and even tried to twist his arms to capture Lucian's mental power.

"Sure!" Lucian manipulated his mental power to fix the struggling arm, and examined it carefully, but soon he discovered an abnormality.

Because the "section" of this arm is perfect.

In other words, if you don't think it is an arm, then it has no wounds at all. Even the joint between the shoulder blades looks so "perfect", without any wounds or any sense of disharmony. It's as if this "creature" was born to look like this.

Modify reality and even make others feel reasonable...

This is simply a method only possessed by the legendary gods.

"Hiss..." Lucian took a deep breath, then he grabbed Count Thanasis, and then pointed at the arm, but he saw the stinky expression on the latter's face.

"Teacher Lucian, I feel like he doesn't want to say it." Carly looked at Count Thanasis, and there seemed to be a little devil dancing in her eyes.

Lu Xian silently gave it a thumbs up.

"What's all the fuss about?" Count Thanasis glared at Carly angrily, and then explained reluctantly.

"Dreams can be realistic or distorted. They are a combination of abnormalities and the incarnation of weirdness. Each dream itself is a contradiction. Nightmare life is born in dreams and naturally inherits some of these characteristics, and I It’s just Qianqian taking advantage of this..."

"Contradiction..." Lucian read the term lightly, and Carly's eyes also showed a thoughtful look, because there seemed to be similar content in the numerous racial inheritance memories that were instilled in her during her sleep...

"To put it simply, it's like a coin or a playing card." Count Thanasis said lightly, "Because the nightmare creature itself is a two-dimensional life, it differs according to the 'perspective' of the 'observer' , what you see is often different sides of nightmare creatures.”

"Perhaps... an elf in the eyes of one child is a demon that can freely travel around the world in the eyes of another person. A tiny insect in the eyes of some people is a terrifying dragon in the eyes of others. "

Looking at Count Thanasis who seemed extremely serious at this time, Lucian sat up slightly and felt that this guy seemed to have something to say.

"So you two bastards should be nicer to me! Maybe in the eyes of others, I am the one who will unify the dream mezzanine in the future, and even let this mezzanine evolve into a great existence in the world!"

Count Thanasis praised himself loudly, and jumped down from Lucian's hand with a very elegant gesture, plopped into Carly's water glass, and used the water inside to wash away the paint stained on his body. .

But soon, Count Thanasis's voice became a little strong but dry, "What, Pointy Ears, I allow you to fish the great Count Thanasis out of this water. Gululu..."

"Twisted..." Lucian narrowed his eyes slightly. He felt that Count Thanasis also had this special sense of contradiction and conflict among nightmare creatures, but this also made Lucian more interested in Wizard Helen.

I don't know if she became a "nightmare" to some extent after merging with a "nightmare".

In addition to the image of a powerful, domineering, and crazy peak-level wizard projected in her real world, is there another contradictory side like other nightmare creatures?

Or does this require me to switch to some kind of "special perspective" to achieve this?

Lucian thought for a moment, but he quickly turned his attention to Adeline.

After all, this is living experimental material, and it is also the best and most convenient.

Of course, before that, he still needs a "good teacher."

Thinking of this, Lucian looked at Carly.

Of course, it is more accurate to look at Count Thanasis in Carly's hand.

"I don't know if the special potion that guy mentioned is true..." Carly muttered quietly, but there was a hint of expectation in her eyes.

Count Thanasis had previously told her about a "growth potion" that was said to be able to solve her growth retardation problem, but Carly always felt that the guy running the train might just want to trick her. However, the potion that can accelerate growth is what she desires, so she seems a little conflicted at this time.

Although she thought so, Carly did not stop.

At this time, she had left the laboratory and walked towards the trading area of ​​the college.

"Lord Carly..." But at this moment, Barton, a third-level wizard apprentice who had traded with Carly many times in the trading area and even took the initiative to get closer to her, ran over after seeing Carly, with a hint of urgency in his eyes.

"Barton?" Carly looked at this "friend" in a daze, but didn't know why the other party rushed out to find her so eagerly.

"Huff..." Barton took a deep breath and barely suppressed the anxious emotion in his heart, "Lord Carly, do you have any extra recovery potions or higher-level healing potions? I need them here."

"A lot of them, and very urgently!" Barton added.

Carly was stunned, but still followed Barton into the grocery store, and also took out a test tube box from the space bracelet, which stored 20 [Recovery Potion·Large]

"This is a kind of restorative potion [Emerald] that my mentor has modified... It is about twice as effective as the restorative potion..." Carly said, and at the same time she wanted to buy some magic plants from Barton in the growth potion formula that she had obtained from Count Sanasis.

However, Barton seemed particularly anxious at this time. After he grabbed the potion, he gave a few instructions to another second-level wizard apprentice who was helping to guard it, and then put away the potion and left in a hurry.

"Lord Carly, Lord Barton just ordered that we will pay 200 magic stones for these potions. In addition, if you want any magic plants or seeds, we are willing to help you find or buy them..."

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