Vice dean?

This is not an original position.

For example, before, when the Gray Bones wizard was looking for ways to advance to the third level of wizards, the Gray Bones Academy did not appoint a deputy dean. Instead, Wizard Dawson was appointed as the leader and formed a college committee to manage the entire Gray Bones Academy.

Although Wizard Dawson has a higher status than other college committee members, in reality, this nominal leader is essentially just a committee member and can only cast one vote at committee meetings. , there is no qualitative difference in rights compared to other official wizards.

But now, Ashbone Academy has ushered in a new dean, and the situation is different from Wizard Dawson.

After all, it can be seen from the literal meaning that the dean must be more senior than the committee members, not to mention that the Gray Bones Wizard directly asked Lucian to take charge of the entire Gray Bones Academy before leaving.

This trusteeship naturally includes the management of the official wizards in Ashes Academy.

"It's worth it! It's so worth it!" On the other side of the crowd, Gagarin straightened his chest, feeling that his surrender in the secret territory of the Kingdom of Clouds was the wisest decision he had ever made in his life.

How long have you been back from the ruins of the Kingdom of Clouds? Look, Lord Lucian has become the vice-president now.

And although he is said to be the deputy dean, if the dean is not doing anything, the word "vice" in front of the vice dean can be directly erased by rounding, and he is now a third-level wizard apprentice, and there is Lucian. A golden thigh, in the near future, maybe I can still hold Carly’s silver thigh...

In one word, cool.

At this time, Gagarin had already begun to think about his bright future walking sideways in the Ashes Academy.

"One official wizard was killed, two were seriously injured, four were detained, 19 third-level wizard apprentices were killed, and second-level wizard apprentices..." In the Ashbone Academy committee meeting room, Lucian sat in the main seat, looking at this. Casualties caused by the attack.

Perhaps it was because the opponent was not in a hurry to attack, so the casualties in Ashes Academy were still within an acceptable range. That is to say, the period when Wizard Helen took the initiative to enter and massacre caused huge damage. Ashes Academy The losses were mainly concentrated on resources and some materials needed to repair the witch formation.

But Lucian understood that this sudden crisis may have been over for the official wizards, but for many wizard apprentices, perhaps this crisis has just begun.

"Alas." Lucian put down his quill and gently rubbed his temples, thinking about the upcoming bloody battle between his apprentices.

To be honest, this conflict came very suddenly, and even the final solution seemed extremely simple and crude. It was completely a conflict between a few second-level wizards, but in the end many wizard apprentices paid for it...

Moreover, the way in which mediation is handled also reveals a strangeness. The third-level wizard De La Torre seemed to encourage, even condone, the apprentices' bloody battles, and even gave some witchcraft tools, materials, or knowledge to make the battles more bloody.

"I don't know how many of these apprentices will survive after the bloody battle..." Lucian raised his head slightly and looked at the wizard apprentices cleaning up the traces of the battle outside the window, shaking his head helplessly.

But unfortunately, under the premise that formal wizards cannot participate in the war, he simply cannot protect all the wizard apprentices. After all, this is simply unrealistic.

"Hey, two-legged hairy monster, someone is coming in!" Suddenly, Count Thanasis's voice sounded in Lucian's consciousness through the spiritual thread.

The next moment after Count Thanasis reminded him, the moment Lucian raised his head, he felt that the light in the huge room seemed to dim slightly at this moment.

A more accurate description is that in this aspect, due to the large accumulation of dark attribute magic elements, some light attribute magic elements are excluded due to opposition.

At this time, where the dark attribute magic elements gathered, a figure quickly emerged from the shadow layer.

However, what is different from the witchcraft [Shadow Sneaking] used by Lucian during his apprenticeship is that the old man in front of him does not use some trick to make himself look like a fish sneaking in the shadows for a short time, but It almost became a part of the shadow magic...

In other words, his body can be completely broken down into shadow-like magic particles, which can freely transform between a flesh-and-blood entity and a pure magic energy body.

"Master Dean." Lucian stood up and bowed his head slightly, showing his due respect for this second-level wizard.

"You can just call me Helson. Okay, sit down and talk." A smile appeared on the gray-bone wizard's old cheek. Although on his thin and gloomy face, this smile was not friendly at all. It has a cold feeling that is unique to the shadow magic element.

However, Lucian was keenly aware that the gray-bone wizard, who had seen the dragon but had not yet seen its end, looked a little happy and even a little impatient, and he was trying hard to suppress his emotions.

"As the deputy dean... you can read the books I left in the library for free. Haha, of course you can also try to ask Helen..." The gray-bone wizard Helson looked at Lucian, and he seemed a little confused at this time. polite.

"It seems that he should understand that the previous wizard Helen is now controlled by me through some means. Rounding it up is equivalent to me having the combat power of a second-level wizard."

Lucian understood, but he would not foolishly give up the benefit that was delivered to his door. Instead, he accepted the gift from the Graybone Wizard with a smile, and at the same time, he perked up and listened carefully to the real purpose of the Graybone Wizard's visit to him.

The Graybone Wizard seemed to gradually regain his composure and began to talk about the current situation of the Graybone Academy. After talking about all these, the Graybone Wizard looked at Lucian and asked casually.

"How many wizard apprentices are there in our academy now? What about the third-level wizard apprentices?"

"The loss is not too big, but..." Lucian said, and at the same time he was more vigilant.

"This bloody fight has been decided, but we still need to try our best to protect the lives of the apprentices in the academy and give enough compensation to the winners. They are all heroes." After listening to Lucian's story, the Graybone Wizard sighed softly.

Then he waved his hand, but directly used his mental power to condense a dense list in the air. That is to say, Lucian has been promoted to a formal wizard, and his mental strength is much stronger than other formal wizards, otherwise it would be impossible to thoroughly read the contents of this list in a short time.

However, the contents of this list made Lucian take a breath of cold air in his heart.

"We can't let the apprentices bleed in vain..." The Gray Bone Wizard shook his head gently and continued. "So, I decided to use the accumulation within the academy to compensate those apprentices who have made outstanding contributions to the academy."

"For example, in this blood fight, the apprentice who gets the most badges in the academy, in addition to being able to use the badges to exchange for the above resources and materials, he will also get a promise, a promise from me, Helsen."

"I promise that even if he only has the first-level qualification, I am willing to pay the price to make him successfully promoted to a formal wizard!" The Gray Bone Wizard's eyes were confident, more like a kind of bewitching.

"I know that those outstanding wizard apprentices must have the investment of formal wizards behind them, and I will not be stingy with formal wizards who dare to take risks..."

"There is no gain without effort." The Gray Bone Wizard smiled, but Lucian's heart was a little cold.

The resource list and the promise of guaranteed promotion that the Graybone Wizard brought out were not so much compensation for the apprentices, but essentially would make the blood fight more intense and more crazy.

Even the formal wizards would be attracted by the rewards for the academy and the rewards from the third-level wizard De La Torre, and would invest in some powerful third-level wizard apprentices.

For example, they could lend them magic tools at the formal wizard level and give them scrolls containing formal wizard-level attacks...

And with these "public cheats" given by formal wizards, those already powerful third-level wizard apprentices would become "slayers"!

"Gather all the formal wizards and apprentices later, and I will personally announce my promise and this reward." The Graybone Wizard tapped the table lightly with his fingers.

"Oh, and about the betting of the formal wizards, in order to ensure fairness, each wizard apprentice can only carry one trump card of the formal wizard level at most, and if the magic tools are lost in the blood fight, the academy cannot recover them..."

Lucian nodded slightly, but he began to think about how to protect the safety of Carly and others as much as possible in this terrifying blood fight.


"I am Dean Helson, I promise here..."

When it was afternoon, when all the wizard apprentices were gathered, they saw a huge reward list in the air.

"Gro Flower..."

"It's actually a high-level basic meditation method, a high-level meditation method!"

"My God, there is an immortal potion!"

Many apprentices looked at the contents of the list, and their eyes were a little straight.

Some of these precious materials on the list have never been seen, let alone heard of.

After the gray bone wizard Helson's slightly incited speech began, almost all wizard apprentices, even some weak first-level wizard apprentices, raised their faces, and their expressions were extremely fanatical.

At this moment, the greed in their hearts had completely shattered their fear of the brutal bloodbath, and when Helsen said in a tone that he would help the wizard apprentice with the greatest merit to be promoted to a formal wizard unconditionally, the atmosphere at the scene was directly ignited.

Chapter 2: Just a Little Bit Left

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