"Hello, I want to ask the alchemy hut to help me make a magic tool." In front of the alchemy workshop, a third-level wizard apprentice Wager respectfully took out several materials and a bulging bag full of magic stones.

While others were not paying attention, he flipped his hand and took out a slightly smaller cloth bag and handed it to the person in charge of the alchemy hut.

"I want to trouble Lord Ounig for help. You know, we are about to face a bloody battle..." Wager whispered his request.

"Sorry." The apprentice in charge of the alchemy hut quickly pushed Wager's small bag back, and at the same time looked at the second floor of the alchemy hut nervously. After finding that no one noticed their movements, he was relieved.

"Lord Ounig is busy these days..." The person in charge let out a breath and explained.

"I am willing to pay more magic stones. I know that everyone is seizing the time to improve their strength now..." Wager's voice became a little anxious.

"It has nothing to do with the magic stone." The person in charge smiled bitterly and shook his head. He looked at Wag and whispered, "Recently, Lord Ounige is completing the private commission of the dean. It is estimated that it will take another three or four days to complete. And now, the dean is also refining that magic tool..."

"Dean? Lord Lucian?" Wag was stunned, and then the scene of Lucian sealing the wizard Helen under the watchful eyes of everyone emerged in his mind.

He couldn't help but raise his head and look at the second floor of the alchemy hut with some admiration.

He was also affected by the rampage of the wizard Helen. If it weren't for Lucian's timely action, I'm afraid he would have died completely now.

"Then help me entrust other alchemists." Wag nodded to the person in charge. When he walked out of the alchemy hut, he couldn't help but stop and bowed slightly to the refining room where Lucian and others were.


As the date of the blood battle approached, the atmosphere of the Gray Bone Academy became tense at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Under the deliberate relaxation of the academy, the prices of knowledge and witchcraft models, which were originally expensive for apprentices, began to plummet, and the number of witchcraft tools circulating in the trading area gradually increased. The academy even opened some of its treasured witchcraft tools or other attack items for formal wizards or wizard apprentices to purchase and select.

"I have taught you all the witchcraft that can be learned in a short time. The rest is up to you to master and prepare." Lucian looked at the apprentices in front of him and exhaled lightly.

Then he waved his hand, and suddenly a gray pendant and a vibrant emerald leaf flew towards Gagarin and Edison.

"According to the rules, each of you can only carry one witchcraft tool at the formal wizard level, and the two I prepared for you should be the most suitable for you." Lucian looked at the two and gave them a warning, but after a pause, he still added a sentence.

"But these can only be regarded as loans to you. You need to repay the credit points slowly later. Also, the best use level of these two magic tools is formal wizards. Although the third-level wizard apprentice can barely activate them, each use will form an oppression on your mental power, and cannot be used as a normal means."

"You should understand the specific precautions and functions of the magic tools after you use your mental power to imprint them."

"The landlord's family has no surplus food..." Lucian looked at the two magic tools flying towards Gagarin and Edison, and couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

The two magic tools he took out are very precious, and they are even of great help to formal wizards. According to the classification of magic tools, these two magic tools are both "first-level magic tools" at the formal wizard level, and they are also of medium and upper quality among the first-level magic tools.

But you should know that not all first-level magic tools can be used by third-level wizard apprentices. If this is taken into consideration, these two magic tools are definitely the top ones for the third-level wizard apprentices. Usually, only the most favored seed players by the official wizards are likely to be favored by the official wizards and invest so much money.

You know, once Gagarin or Edison died in the bloody battlefield, the magic tools Lucian lent them will be taken away by other apprentices as trophies, and will not be returned to Lucian later.

If he had not "inherited" the legacy of Helen the wizard a few days ago, he would not dare to be so generous.

"As for your armor, Carly, it will take another two days to make." Looking at the two people who were monitoring their magic tools at this time, Lucian looked at Carly on the side again. After a pause, he asked, "Your own potions should be fully prepared, right? If the raw materials are not enough, tell me."

"Enough, Master Lucian." Carly nodded.

"I asked you to come together today because I received a piece of information." Lucian looked at the few people with an extremely serious expression.

Carly looked at Lucian's expression and straightened her back, while Gagarin also leaned back tactically, waiting for Lucian to speak. Only Edison was as carefree as ever and continued to eat his snack.

"This information is about some wizard apprentices who are recognized to be powerful within the four wizard organizations." Lucian took out three lists and handed them to the three people. "Of course, the strength information of these wizard apprentices is all from three months ago and can only be used as a reference. Their real strength is definitely stronger than what is recorded in the list."

"Especially the 'hunters' among them." Lucian took a deep breath and looked at Carly and others. He felt that he should scare them again so that they would know the cruelty of the bloody battle. It would be best to find a relatively safe area to survive this fight.

"Based on the performance of many wizard apprentices, we have sorted out the 28 most powerful hunters. Of course, it does not rule out that some wizard apprentices who usually hide their strength have not been discovered by us to have the strength of hunters, so no matter what kind of opponents we encounter, we need to be careful, be careful again."

"These hunters are some of the top wizard apprentices analyzed by us formal wizards based on existing information and images. They are either about to break through and have the mental power of the threshold level of formal wizards, or they have special and powerful means, combined with some wizard tools, special materials, etc., they can burst out the combat power of the formal wizard level in a short time..."

Lucian tapped the table lightly, glanced at Carly at the same time, and his tone was slightly heavier.

"I can tell you with certainty that, with the help of the official wizards behind them, the strength of these 'hunters' has exceeded the scope of third-level wizard apprentices. You should still remember Lilia's strength in the secret realm of the Cloud Country, right? The weakest among them is on par with Lilia."

"Well, the Lilia I'm talking about is the Lilia with the Adeline doll." Lucian looked at the three students solemnly.

"My request to you is that when you see these hunters in the bloody arena, stay away from them. I have prepared a means of escape for each of you... Well, in the bloody arena, your legs are always more important than your magic tools!"

As Lucian was talking, Carly lowered her head slightly and flipped through the "hunter list".

NO.01: Electromagnetic Heart (Terry Beckett), High Tower

Proficient in: Electric attribute witchcraft, mechanical wizard


1. In the academy arena, he suppressed three third-level wizard apprentices and won a complete victory

2. He was chased by a formal wizard of the Forest School in the wild and fought alone for nearly 30 minutes until he was rescued by a formal wizard of the High Tower...

NO.02: Ice and Snow (??), Winter Castle

Proficient in: Ice attribute witchcraft, necromancy


1. Successfully hunted alone in an ice and snow environment Severely injured supernatural creature, the Gomo giant snake, which is a first-level wizard creature

NO.03: Poison, Forest School

Area of ​​expertise: Pharmacy


With a special poison, he once led a team of wizard apprentices and successfully killed a wandering official wizard at the expense of a third-level wizard apprentice and two second-level wizard apprentices…

NO.25: Fairy, Graybone Academy

Area of ​​expertise: Bloodline Secrets

Description: A transformed pure-blooded fairy, with some powerful racial secrets.

Carly looked at the simple description of herself on the hunter list, turned the page to the front again and read it carefully, and couldn't help curling her lips.

“Don’t look at it. The reason why you can be included in the list is not because you are strong enough, but because you are attractive enough.” Lucian guessed the latter’s thoughts at this time and glanced at Carly unhappily.

"For the other wizards, you should be the most valuable 'prey' in the blood fight. After all, if you are hunted, you can get an extra pure-blooded fairy corpse, and even extract a fairy blood that is very precious to formal wizards..."

Listening to Lucian's somewhat creepy description, Carly's body was slightly covered with goose bumps, but she soon reacted. Even because of some violent emotional fluctuations, her blood power was gradually activated, and dense feathers appeared on her cheeks.

"Don't pay too much attention to this ranking. The first thing you have to do is to survive. After all, the strength of the wizard apprentice level is only temporary. Whether you can be promoted to a formal wizard is the most critical point." Lucian looked at Carly, who was "really angry" at this time, and couldn't help but remind her softly.

"I understand, Master Lucian." Carly lowered her head slightly, and controlled her mental power to gradually suppress her blood power, slowly recovering from the angry state just now.

She flipped through the list of hunters again, lowered her head slightly, but there was a different light flashing in her eyes.

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