This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 17: Anatomy, Witchcraft

"Witchcraft?" Carly looked at Lucian's gentle eyes, but her heart was beating uncontrollably.

Powerful witchcraft, great wizard!

She would never forget the earl who was usually high and mighty crawling at the feet of the third-level wizard apprentice who led them, nor would she forget the scene when the adult waved his hand and caused several robbers to spontaneously combust and die on the way.

But just as Carly was immersed in her fantasy, Lucian changed the subject, and even had a slight arc at the corner of his mouth. .

"But even to perform the simplest witchcraft, at least three mental runes need to be solidified. Carly, after you learn witchcraft, you can't fall behind in meditation."

"Ah..." Carly's little face fell.

Three mental runes? She hasn't solidified even one mental rune yet.

Lucian naturally noticed the change in Carly's expression, but he did it on purpose.

If there is no visible carrot in front of Carly, Carly's subjective initiative cannot be mobilized.

And now for Carly, being able to cast witchcraft is undoubtedly a juicy carrot.

"Well, if you want to cast witchcraft, in addition to meeting the mental strength requirements, you also need to learn today's knowledge firmly first." Lucian reached out and tapped Carly's head gently.

"Woo..." Carly hugged her little head.

Lucian ignored Carly's playfulness and took out a set of "experimental tools" from the cabinet next to her.

Various needles, knives, tweezers, pliers, and even axes.

Carly looked at this set of tools that seemed to be full of blood and held her breath slightly.

"Anatomy is a basic subject that emphasizes experiments. In the future, if you encounter any special creatures that you are interested in, you can also use anatomical methods to directly observe their internal structure and transform this natural structure into knowledge that belongs to you." Lucian began to teach Carly while checking various instruments.

"I will dissect a rock salamander and tell you the operation skills and related knowledge of the nine most commonly used dissection instruments..."

Carly looked at Lucian who was wiping a scalpel until it was shiny, and her face turned pale.

Lucian saw it, but said nothing. After all, there is no wizard who doesn't bleed? Since Carly has embarked on this path, she must adapt!

Lucian opened the cage on the side, and then took out a rock salamander about 40 centimeters long from the cage, and pressed it firmly on the dissection table regardless of the latter's struggle.

"There are two ways of dissection. One is live dissection, which requires the subject to be alive during the dissection process in order to observe the operation of a certain structure in its body. For example, in the experiment of observing water arrow trout that we will learn later, we need to ensure that the subject is active during the observation process."

"Of course, for the rock salamander, we don't need to be so troublesome. We can use a relatively simple dead dissection or anesthesia dissection. So before the dissection, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble caused by the struggle of the rock salamander, we can let it calm down first."

Lucian reached out and gently soothed the rock salamander on the dissection table, which also made Kali, who was worried, slightly relieved.

But the next moment, a bone-piercing needle appeared in Lucian's hand, which pierced accurately, quickly, and fiercely from behind the second scale behind the first dorsal spine of the rock salamander, directly destroying the latter's central nervous system.

The rock salamander just twisted its body slightly and soon became "docile".

"Ah--" Kali stood up in shock at this sudden scene.

However, under Lucian's calm gaze, Carly sat down again with a somewhat awkward smile.

[Your student Carly is in awe of you, Respect +1]

"Come closer, how can you see clearly if you sit so far away?" Lucian frowned. To be honest, although this knowledge was very clear in his mind, he felt a little nauseous after practicing it.

However, in front of Carly, Lucian forcibly concealed his discomfort, and instead looked at a little quail on the side, and ordered little Carly to come closer in a relatively indifferent tone.

Then, Lucian picked up the scalpel on the side.


As anatomical materials, the scales, muscles, and internal organs of the rock fire lizard are all materials for anatomical research. However, as an extraordinary creature that can cast spells, it is most worthy of research. It is naturally its "fire-breathing system" that contains the mystery of natural magic patterns, and this is naturally the most important point of Lucian's anatomy class.

"The fire bag." Lucian slightly stepped aside and motioned Kali to come forward and take a look at this special organ hidden in the jaw of the rock salamander.

Kali held her breath and quickly memorized the various characteristics of the fire bag, the special fire-resistant cortex, and the special secretion inside that was similar to high-quality sulfur powder.

"The throat with natural magic patterns." Lucian gently pointed with pliers to the complete throat that he had deliberately preserved during the dissection.

"Use your mental power to simulate the spell structure in the fire lizard's throat to serve as a witchcraft model, then prepare some sulfur powder or the fire lizard's flame bag as the casting material, and finally use the witchcraft power in the body as a stimulus to form A witchcraft." Lucian said as he held a handful of sulfur powder in his left hand and began to demonstrate the entire process of performing witchcraft in front of Carly.


The sulfur powder held by Lucian in his left hand began to quickly combine with the witchcraft model he constructed after a slight explosion. Countless stray magic elements were attracted by the witchcraft model, and combined with the sulfur powder and ink like dough. , and finally turned into a small ball of orange-red unstable gel.

Lucian controlled his mental power and threw the small ball of jelly towards the stone target in front of him. When this ball of jelly collided with the stone target, it exploded and turned into flames that adhered to the stone.

Carly's eyes suddenly lit up because she recognized the flame, which was the witchcraft used by the third-level wizard apprentice to deal with the robbers when they were introduced to the new blood.

But soon, Lucian stopped maintaining the witchcraft. Instead, he looked at Carly and asked a question. "Okay, Carly, tell me, does the witchcraft I just performed have any flaws? And how can we improve it?"

Carly blinked, stretched out a finger as if unsure, and then slowly pointed at herself.


There seemed to be big question marks in his little head.

"This is not a serious question." Lucian looked at Carly's confused expression and twitched the corner of his mouth, "You can treat this as an open-ended discussion topic. As wizards, we are not only It is necessary to simulate these natural magic patterns and transform them to achieve better practical effects.”

"For example, when we want to perform this witchcraft, what should we do if we lack flammable materials such as sulfur as casting materials?"

Laminated nails, the author did not graduate with a major in biology, so his understanding of anatomy is relatively limited. If there are any serious loopholes in the article, you are welcome to point it out.

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