This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 172 Points-based Scholarship Program

Winterfort is the only wizard force in the vicinity that Lucian knows that is famous for its body-refining wizards.

There are even powerful second-level body-refining wizards inside Winterfortress, so their understanding of the body-refining wizard lineage and some of the body-refining wizard methods they master must be more comprehensive and specific than their own.

Perhaps some friendly exchanges with the group of body-refining wizards in Winterhold can have a better training effect on Edison.

But the only problem is that the leader of the other party seems to have some conflicts with the Gray Bones Wizard on his side, otherwise he would not have participated in the siege of the Gray Bones Academy and eventually participated in the incident of entering the Blood Battle Secret Realm.

Now, although the College of Ashes and Winterhold are in a state of peace due to de la Torre's mediation, the two sides are actually still somewhat hostile. If I rashly go to visit, the other party will definitely not give me a good look. Even if I encounter someone with a more domineering temper, they may find an "offensive" reason to attack me directly...

Lucian's brows that had just relaxed at the thought of Winter Castle now wrinkled again, and he began to think about how to "open channels" with the group of body-refining wizards in Winter Castle.

I had heard Carly say before that they met some body-refining wizard apprentices from Winterhold inside the Blood Battle Secret Realm, so could I use this to make a fuss?


Lucian's fingers tapped lightly on the wooden window sill, his eyes becoming a little wandering.

"What a beautiful day..." In the apprentice dormitory of Ashbone Academy, Monica stretched lazily. "Now, except for the basic rune coursework assigned by Teacher Carly, which can cause me some troubles, there is nothing left for me to worry about!"

"Oh my god! This is simply my paradise. I feel like I have never been so happy here at the academy before at home! After all, when I was at home, I still had to follow my guy who looked like his face was permanently frostbitten by ice cubes. The etiquette teacher learns so many complicated etiquette... She wants to teach me how to smile, how to sit, and even how to be elegant..."

"Okay, Monica, stop talking, I'm still eating." Sally looked helplessly at her friend, who also had the wizard's qualifications detected.

However, compared to Monica, who was already showing signs of salty fish at this time, Sally was very hard-working and serious at this time. She was holding butter bread in the corner of her mouth, but her eyes did not move away from the basic runes textbook. .

After writing a mark in the textbook, she hurriedly swallowed the bread in her mouth, and then she looked at her friend aside, "Monica, the wizarding world is not as good as you think... "

"Okay, okay, I get it." Monica muttered.

But Sally, after wiping her mouth, started writing and drawing on the draft paper beside her without stopping.

She has been a very independent and planned person since she was a child. So after coming to Ashbone Academy, Sally made a clear plan for herself.

She longed to be promoted to an official wizard, or even go further on the wizarding path.

For this she is willing to pay something else, such as...a few hundred million bits of free time.

"By the way, Sally, did you listen to what my senior said? Our college seems to be planning to launch an 'exchange student' activity, which seems to be aimed at allowing us apprentices to enjoy the 'flower arrangement' style of wizard learning..." Compared to Vol. Wang Sally and Monica communicate a lot about some news about the college.

At this time, she was supporting the table with one hand, leaning forward slightly, and telling Sally the information she had heard.

"Exchange student?" The quill pen held in Sally's right hand paused slightly, showing some curiosity about this new term.

"Yes, it seems to be a plan to conduct a large-scale transaction with other wizard organizations. The academy is willing to pay a certain price and send some of our apprentices to have friendly exchanges with their apprentices. It's not a battle... It's not a battle! It's a knowledge exchange. communication..."

Monica excitedly talked about some of the information she had heard.

"Exchange of knowledge? This matter should be promoted by Dean Lucian, right? Monica, do you know which wizard organization it is with?" Sally seemed to have thought of something, simply put down her quill, and began to concentrate on talking to Monica Ka discussed this topic.

"I heard... it's still under discussion, but some of them may be Forest School or Winterfort. After all, there are only three wizard organizations nearby that have the same level as our college, and it is said that the relationship with our college is not very good. , It’s even a bit subtle. Oh, I heard this from my senior. If you want to know, just ask your senior.”

"I know." Sally silently wrote down this information on a small note in her notebook. She planned to go find someone to inquire carefully after she was finished with her plans for the day.

But suddenly, Sally and Monica saw many apprentices running towards the academy's bulletin board.

"Is it about the exchange students?"

Sally had a guess in her mind, but her guess was quickly refuted by the voices of others discussing.

"Oh my god! Dean Lucian is so generous this time!"

"I used to feel that the dean took too much care of the new students or some weak wizard apprentices, but from the current point of view, Lucian... the dean still takes good care of the interests of us third-level wizard apprentices. Hehehe, you see Looking at the missions this time, the way to get a lot of points still requires us, the third-level wizard apprentices, to do it.”

"No more, I'm going to go check out the class I'm in charge of. I want to get at least the guaranteed 200 points..."

Listening to some of the comments from the crowd around them, Sally and Monica exchanged glances, both feeling a little confused.

integral? This sounds like a new term!

"Go and see, go and see!" Monica has never been able to resist these new things. She grabbed her friend's wrist with excitement in her eyes.

Sally herself was also very curious, so she simply followed her friend and trotted to the college bulletin board. However, she was a little frustrated to find that the wizard apprentices were already surrounded in front of the bulletin board.

"Oh my God! There are actually so many people in the academy..." Monica couldn't help but muttered when she saw the crowd in front of her.

"Everyone, go back to your age bulletin board and look at it. We also posted it there..." The two wizard apprentices who were responsible for pasting the announcement seemed a little weak and powerless in front of the surging crowd. While they guarded the announcement, they Screaming at the top of his lungs.

Although some apprentices turned and left after hearing their shouts, there were still a large number of wizard apprentices stranded here and did not leave.

Mainly because there are too many things in this announcement!

In the crowd, Sally stood on tiptoes with some difficulty. She raised her head and barely saw the headline at the top of the announcement.

"Preliminary Draft of Points-Based Scholarship Plan"

"Points-based...scholarship?" Sally felt as if she knew these words, but when they were combined together, she seemed a little at a loss to understand.

"Come on, let's go back!" After trying to squeeze forward several times without success, Sally quickly changed her mind. She grabbed Monica's hand and then headed towards the teaching room where their first grade students were. Rush to the floor location.

Sure enough, there was also a notice posted in the teaching building. And here, although there are many people surrounding the announcement, at least it is not as exaggerated as the situation at the college's main bulletin board.

"In view of the enthusiasm of the apprentices in the academy..., the scholarship titles tentatively established by Lucian Kevin personally are as follows:..."

Monica looked at the contents of the announcement and recited each word in a low voice.

Sally, on the other hand, browsed quickly, her eyes bursting with excitement.


Judging from the content of this announcement, the main content of this reform is that Dean Lucian launched a scholarship program for wizard apprentices in his own name.

However, this plan does not issue magic stones, but a "virtual currency" called points.

Apprentices can use their points to redeem meditation methods that are better than the basic meditation methods of the academy, powerful witchcraft models that are not included in the library, or some witchcraft tools, knowledge, or even personal guidance from Dean Lucian. Chance……

If you want to get points, in addition to getting "scholarships" of varying amounts by performing well in the test, you can also get points by selling knowledge and treasures to Dean Lucian. In addition, as a class leader, you can also get points by selling knowledge and treasures to Dean Lucian. Or if you are a teacher, if you perform well in the class, you can also get certain points...

"Oh my god... I feel like the purchasing power of these points is even more exaggerated than the magic stones..." Monica exclaimed in a low voice.

But at this time, Sally no longer looked at the announcement, but quickly turned around and walked towards her dormitory.

"Sally, where are you going?"

"Go back and review, prepare to earn points!" Carly's voice was very firm, because she had chosen an expensive item on the points redemption list.

An improved version of basic meditation!

In addition to Sally and Monica, many wizard apprentices also noticed the points system implemented by Lucian, and set their sights on the Gray Bone Meditation Method·Change that Lucian used as "bait"!

Although Lucian set the price a bit exaggeratedly, for some wizard apprentices who pursue their own strength, this meditation method is something they are willing to exchange at any cost.

But when these powerful third-level wizard apprentices wanted to redeem, they were all dumbfounded.

Because they found that if they wanted to exchange it forcibly with magic stones or ordinary materials, the price would be too exaggerated!

For example, if you use magic stones to redeem points, according to Lucian's rules, 5 magic stones can be exchanged for 1 point. After this conversion, if you want to purchase a learning opportunity for meditation, you will need 50,000 magic stones!

This price is a price that is difficult to afford, let alone a wizard apprentice, even a formal wizard.

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