This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 178 Saud follows his heart

"You mean, your Dean Lucian can't participate in the second half of this academic exchange, right?" In the room, Wizard Saud frowned, looking a little unhappy.

After all, strictly speaking, it was Lucian who invited them to come for academic exchange, and now the academic research is just halfway through, and this "inviter" has left directly.

In Wizard Saud's view, this behavior is a concrete manifestation of Lucian's disrespect for their Winterburg exchange team. This made him feel despised. Although his voice was calm at this time, it was like a volcano about to erupt, causing Carly's head to have a few drops of sweat at this time.

"Sorry, but Teacher Lucian..." Carly took a step back and explained the situation softly. At the same time, she also tried to suppress the blood in her body that was gradually boiling due to external pressure, and controlled the blood power to slowly retract some small silver feathers that had appeared on her arms.

"But don't worry, we will arrange for the waiting official wizards to follow up on this matter later..." Carly explained softly.

"May I ask if your mentor has any urgent matters?" Iceberg Wolf looked at Carly, then looked at Saud who was obviously still a little angry, and spoke calmly to help Carly ease the slightly tense atmosphere at this time.

"That... is to deal with a small wizard organization." After a slight pause, Carly still said this information, but she did not say some specific situations, but vaguely muddled it.

"Deal with a small wizard organization?" Saud was slightly stunned. After he exchanged glances with another veteran official wizard, both of them saw a touch of solemnity and seriousness in each other's eyes.

After all, they knew that Winterburg was also carrying out similar actions recently, and now it seems that not only Winterburg, but also the Gray Bone Academy is doing similar things. This is obviously driven by powerful wizards behind the scenes. Perhaps there is a game between wizards at a higher level, which is not something that Lucian or they can influence or interfere with.

At this moment, the little dissatisfaction in Saoud's heart just now has disappeared, but he is unwilling to bow his head in his tone.

"Forget it this time, but I have to say that in our subsequent exchanges and battles, our wizard apprentices in Winterburg will not hold back. Humph..." Saoud snorted lightly, but when he looked at Carly, who was smiling at this time, his words could not help but pause slightly, because he suddenly remembered that the guy in front of him who had the qualification to communicate with him on an equal footing was strictly speaking still a wizard apprentice.

Because although Carly was still an apprentice-level wizard, her strength could no longer be measured by the wizard level. The fact that the Gray Bone Academy had this bug-level wizard apprentice to keep the scene was simply engraved on its face that it was not a martial arts ethics.

"Our purpose this time is mainly to communicate. I feel that I have reached the threshold of promotion recently, and it is not suitable for this kind of battle with communication and display as the main purpose." Carly guessed the reason why Saud stopped talking halfway.

She explained, which made Saud feel a little relieved.

"But my junior brother will participate. By the way, strictly speaking, he is only a second-level wizard apprentice now. It should be normal for him to participate in this level of exchange activities?" Carly's eyes flashed a smirk, but on the surface she still maintained a calm look.

"Junior brother?" This word made Saud a little nervous. In his opinion, Lucian, who could teach and cultivate a freak like Carly, might also be monsters in some aspects. And letting such monsters participate in the exchange battle might cause unnecessary shadows to the apprentices he brought with him.

But when he heard Carly's complete speech and learned that the other junior brother was only a second-level wizard apprentice, Saud smiled.

"I'm looking forward to his performance." Saoud nodded gently, while the icy Wolfe beside him showed a thoughtful look on his face. After all, in his impression, it seems that Carly's junior brother is Edison, a low-key wizard apprentice who is very talented in body refining.

But that... the strength he showed in the Blood Fight Secret Realm before, is more than a second-level wizard apprentice?

Wolfe felt that there seemed to be something strange in it. But when he saw the wizard Saoud with "the advantage is mine" written all over his face after watching Carly leave, he opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

"That... I met her junior brother inside the Blood Fight Secret Realm before." After a moment of silence, Wolfe spoke softly, which also attracted the attention of Saoud beside him.

"That is a very powerful body refining wizard apprentice... Well, the one you briefly contacted and tested before." Wolfe considered his tone, but didn't notice that the expression on Saoud's face became unusually wonderful at this time.

What a joke? With that level of strength, Edison is only a second-level wizard apprentice? ! !

But soon, Saud thought of the scene when he fought with Edison. When Edison resisted his attack, it seemed that he mainly relied on physical strength. He did not feel the magic fluctuations belonging to the attack methods of the body-refining wizard from inside his body...

Could it be that he is really only a second-level wizard apprentice?

Saud was a little impatient at this time. He wanted to rush out to find Carly and ask her clearly, but in the end he suppressed the impulse in his heart, and stood up, and then began to turn around in the room in a somewhat irritable manner.

He was still somewhat sure of Edison's strength, not to mention that Wolf seemed to have a very high evaluation of Edison's strength. Although he didn't know where Edison's upper limit was, at least one thing was clear: his strength was definitely not weak, at least he could suppress most of the third-level wizard apprentices.

If the group of wizard apprentices he brought with him were wiped out by a second-level wizard apprentice in the field of body refining wizards, it would be a nightmare for both the reputation of Winterburg and the wizard apprentices of Winterburg who participated in the exchange battle!

"Hiss... It's really despicable!" Saud scratched the sparse hair on his head with some pain, feeling that the means of this group of wizards playing with elements were really dirty.

"Carly, you mean... they are planning to suspend academic exchange activities, and they also want to watch us wipe out the Bone Alliance?" Lucian listened carefully to Carly's retelling, and his expression became a little strange.

"Not watching, but willing to join forces to participate." Carly also seemed a little confused at this time. Although she was the "liaison specialist" of this exchange activity, she also felt very confused when she heard the somewhat strange request of the Winterhold representative team.

After all, this kind of joint attack behavior is not much good for the wizards of Winterhold. It is equivalent to helping the Gray Bone Academy for nothing, and it may even cause one or two of the wizard apprentices they brought with them to suffer losses.

It can be said to be a pure thankless business.

"What about the originally scheduled activities?"

"Uh... except for the exchange battle, they are willing to postpone other activities. Uh, what the wizard Saoud said to me just now was that they wanted to use this joint combat experience as a battle platform for friendly exchanges and exchanges between the two sides, because the warriors from the north would only use the strong wine "Wodka" and winter bear meat to entertain their friends, not their fists."

Carly relayed the words of the wizard Saoud, and her mouth twitched slightly at this time.

Although the words of the wizard Saoud seemed very decent and generous, for some reason, Carly only felt that there were only two words revealed in this long paragraph of words-"follow the heart".

"Okay, let's arrange it this way." Lucian nodded slightly. This result was better than he imagined, and he naturally had no reason to refuse.

"I know, mentor Lucian." Carly nodded, and when she was about to leave, Lucian called her.

"Wait a minute, I have some ideas about the new blood you mentioned last time."

Carly paused, she seemed to understand what Lucian was thinking, she clenched her hands slightly, she felt a little nervous, and there was an indescribable expectation.

But after Lucian called Carly, he closed his eyes, and his fingers tapped the table rhythmically, as if he was thinking, and as if he was making a more tangled choice.

Tap tap tap...

Carly slowed down her breathing at this time, waiting for the final decision of Lucian with some anxiety.

After waiting for a long time, Lucian opened his eyes.

"10% of wizard apprentices from the first and second grades will be randomly selected. They must participate in this siege activity. Others can choose to sign up on their own. In terms of points rewards, they can be distributed to them before the war. Each person... basic 200 points, if there is a special contribution, it can be added after the war."

Carly nodded gently, but Lucian did not finish his words. "By the way, we don't need to assign them some post-war cleanup work for the main attack mission this time. The main purpose of this mission is to let them experience the feeling of seeing blood in the wizarding world first. We can't let these apprentices really fail."

After a pause, Lucian added another sentence. "The last one, you just need to know it yourself, don't tell those new bloods. Forget it, it's better to describe this battle as more dangerous."

Carly blinked, but looking at Lucian's fierce face at this time, she couldn't help laughing. "I understand, Master Lucian, I will definitely follow your wishes and describe this mission as very dangerous."

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