"No!" Buck wanted to say something, but when he wanted to speak, he felt that his body had become extremely difficult. It seemed that even a small movement like opening his mouth was extremely laborious and extremely difficult. difficult.

"My... body..." Buck felt that his thinking was gradually becoming sluggish, and he could even feel that his mental power was being infected and devoured by some special force at an alarming speed.

But at this moment, Buck only felt that there seemed to be many familiar and unfamiliar memories in his mind, including some scenes where he escorted some supplies and then encountered the Bones.

He seemed to be fighting with some of the original crew members of the Bone, and then a long sword pierced his chest and severely injured him... Then, there were scenes where he was controlled by the Bone...

"I see..." Buck only had this thought in his mind, and then his consciousness completely fell into darkness.

On the Bones, Captain Butters had finished "eating" and elegantly took out a handkerchief to wipe his eyes. At this time, "Bart" was still standing there blankly, However, the originally black and white eyes turned into a blur of gray and white, and the whole person looked a little stiff.

"Do what you have to do." Butters waved his hand gently, the smile on his face still gentle.

Buck nodded slightly, his movements looking a bit mechanical, like a puppet with rusty joints. However, as Buck and Butters continued to fine-tune in "chat", Buck's movements became more and more agile and natural, and soon they were no different from normal people.

However, Buck's eyes were still blurry gray-white, lacking the agility and vitality of a living person.

About five minutes later, Buck ended his chat with Butters, then he straightened the three-cornered hat on his head, and then strode towards the lower deck. "Left full rudder!"

Da da da…

He walked down the stairs quickly and faced some "sailors" who were sneaking around. Buck didn't hesitate and kicked them away.

Most of the sailors busy on the deck already have special "grey eyes" like Buck.

"Hold it... hold it back... frugality is also a virtue." Butters watched Buck walk down the deck. He couldn't help but licked his lips gently, with a touch of intoxication and greed in his eyes.

His eyes glanced at some other relatively normal sailors, and he smacked his lips, but there was an abnormal flush on his face.

For Butters, the sailors on the Bones are his "supplies". His real helper from beginning to end is this special aerostat he was lucky enough to get back then.

In Black Horn Mountain, there is a hidden gathering place for wizards.

"Hurry up, hurry up! You idiots and bastards!" A strong man with gray eyes was angrily waving a whip with a barb, raising the whip in his hand from time to time. He whipped it towards a certain slave who was staggering.

This kind of whip is actually a standard alchemical witchcraft tool, but its function is not for fighting, but for punishment. Every time the whip is struck, under the influence of the alchemical runes, it will give the person being punished a severe pain that penetrates into the soul. That feeling is no less than directly extracting the soul and then placing it on a special soul flame for burning.

"Ahhh...you guys kill me!" A young man wearing a tattered wizard robe was somewhat unlucky. He staggered while walking, but was whipped three times in a row. At this time, he was lying on the ground in pain. He rolled around and kept wailing at the same time, but the pain originating from his soul could not be alleviated by rolling or physical defense at all.

On the contrary, his wailing sound attracted more attention from the guards and the strong man who was responsible for guarding them. For a while, whips and leather shoes attacked the wizard apprentice one after another.


The wizard apprentice curled up and instinctively wanted to protect his vitals. But his ridiculous defense was simply unable to withstand the attack he endured at this time. Soon, his aura began to decline rapidly, and eventually disappeared from the perception of other people's spiritual power.

"Tsk... Morodo, you two magic stones are gone." Many guards laughed and said a few words to the strong man, and then each of them dragged one of the young man's legs and slowly gave the young man to him. Dragged into a basement.

Outside this hidden wizard gathering place, many wizard apprentices from the Ashbones Academy were also using witchcraft or witchcraft tools to spy on what was going on inside.

"Jero, look at those new blood, haha..." The two third-level wizard apprentices who had some friendship acted a little casually at this time. They were not touched at all by the death of the young wizard apprentice. At this time, that The third-level wizard apprentice named Jero even ate his breakfast leisurely.

Compared with what happened in that camp, they felt that the expressions of the new wizards on the side were more interesting.

After all, these new wizards had never seen such a bloody and brutal scene inside the academy, and they all showed a certain degree of discomfort at this time. Some of the new wizards who had just had breakfast felt their stomachs churn.

"Don't move around. If you feel uncomfortable, bear with it. If you feel like you can't stand it, meditate! Meditation!" Some veteran wizard apprentices who had taught the new blood or served as counselors were patrolling among the new blood, and at the same time, they also transferred some new blood with more serious symptoms to the back for simple treatment.

"If you feel you can still bear it, open your eyes and watch carefully." Tang En was also walking through the crowd at this time, but when he passed by his students, he couldn't help but tell them what he was thinking, "This is only a small scene in the wizard world. You should adapt to it now. It will be good."

"Wu... Sally, I can't do it anymore!" In the crowd, Monica covered her mouth, her expression seemed a little painful and a little distorted.

"Yeah." Sally's body was also trembling slightly at this time. After all, the scene in front of them was in the basement. For the "dissection" of some corpses, watching those guys operate as skillfully as butchers treating whole pigs, Sally was the first to be unable to hold on, covering her mouth and slowly retreating to the back.

Sally silently took off a brooch from her clothes. Although her body was still trembling slightly, she still used the brooch to prick her arm with a little force.

The pain from her arm slightly relieved the discomfort in her heart, and Sally continued to hold her breath and watch some things happening in the wizard gathering place below.

"This is very similar to the wizard world described by my grandfather..." Sally thought silently in her heart, but if she was asked to choose, she still preferred the wizard environment of the current Gray Bone Academy.

While they were enjoying the "live broadcast", in the sky, a black airship slowly descended below.

"Let's leave quickly." On the deck, Captain Butters of the Death Report silently watched the increasingly clear Black Horn Mountain, but a hint of uneasiness flashed in his eyes.

With the help of his special training system, Butters would have a vague sense of "death" in the dark.

During this period, he has been in a state of uneasiness, as if a terrifying danger gradually enveloped him.

This is why he was determined to lead the White Bones to the Chaos Sea. His intuition told him that if he could not leave in time, he would most likely die.

But for some reason, when the White Bones was about to land, Butters suddenly felt that the terrifying danger seemed to be approaching quickly.

"No, there is an ambush!" Butters seemed to understand something, and he waved his hand and wanted to control the White Bones to fly high in the sky.

But the next moment, he saw a wizard in a white robe looking at him at this time, and in the wizard's hand, he was holding a special cane made of arm bones.

"Gray Bone Scepter! It's from the Gray Bone Academy!" Captain Butters quickly recognized the identity of this wizard tool, and a trace of horror appeared in his eyes.

But the next moment, he felt his body sink, and the originally light White Bones began to fall uncontrollably.

At this time, countless tiny shadow air currents have entangled the White Bones, and at the same time, these shadow air currents began to penetrate into the core of the White Bones, and began to perform a clever seal on the magic lines of the White Bones.

Under the somewhat panicked gaze of Captain Butters, the White Bones, his greatest reliance, has lost its spirituality at this time, and began to shrink rapidly, and even turned into a palm-sized ship "hand-made" in the end.

[Second-level witchcraft·Gray Bone Sealing Technique]

Although it is only a "semi-finished product" performed by Lucian with the help of the Gray Bone Scepter, this trick is more than enough to deal with opponents of the level of Butters and the White Bones.

"Prepare to attack, and don't leave any apprentices in the wizard camp below. Carly, pay attention to collecting." Lucian gave the order, and then he looked at the three official wizards who followed him, "Let's go, capture Captain Butters alive, this is the order of Dean Gray Bone, you should know what to do."

"Yes!" The three official wizards couldn't help but tremble in their hearts.

If they dared to make some small moves against Lucian and dared to put forward some conditions, then they dared not disobey the orders of the Graybone Wizard, and they dared not even make any small moves.

Because those official wizards who disobeyed the Graybone Wizard were all dead!

Chapter 2 is still being written QAQ

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