This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 185 Specialty Class

Carly glanced at Count Sanasis who stopped shaking the grapes and raised her chin slightly.

"Tsk, your little gourd... is not good enough to be used as a flower pot for me." Count Sanasis muttered in a low voice, with a stiff disdain in his tone.

Carly was about to say something, but was stopped by Lucian. He looked at Count Sanasis who was venting his emotions on the grapes under him, and his eyes showed a thoughtful look.

"Sanasis, how much do you know about wizard sacrifices?" Lucian took out a new grape and placed it next to Count Sanasis.

"I only know... a little bit."

Count Sanasis's voice became leisurely, and he gently shook the grape under him, as if it was his exclusive rocking chair, but when Lucian didn't pay attention, Count Sanasis glanced at Carly, his eyes were proud, and even a little provocative.

"But during my time in the wizarding world, I seem to have remembered that you wizards follow the principle of equal exchange. So... what do you plan to use to exchange this information?"

Count Sanasis shook the grapes, and suddenly he used too much force, and the whole grape was about to roll rapidly in one direction. Fortunately, Lucian was quick and caught the rolling grape with his fingers, which prevented Count Sanasis from becoming a plane again.

"Ahem...conditions...the conditions should be the same as the last time that Pointy Ears traded with me." Count Sanasis restrained his movements slightly, then jumped off the grape with some lingering fear, and then slapped the grapes fiercely with the tentacles around his body, almost causing a second tragedy.

But Count Sanasis didn't care about the deadly grapes this time. He looked at Carly with a mean look, and seemed to be looking forward to this bargaining chip of equal exchange.

"Teacher Lucian, I'll go check on the new blood." Carly took a deep breath, resisted the urge to give Count Sanasis a big watermelon, and walked quickly outside.

Lucian picked up Count Sanasis directly, "Sanasis, you should talk about some practical conditions."

"Conditions?" Count Sanasis no longer had the frivolous expression just now. His eyes suddenly became deep when he looked at Lucian, and even his tone became a little serious. "What can you give me now?"

Lucian was slightly stunned. Although he knew that nightmare creatures would more or less carry a trace of dream-like characteristics, and sometimes show a more contradictory or absurd side, he did not expect that Count Sanasis, who always seemed to be unruly, could show such a serious side.

Even at that moment, Lucian even felt an inexplicable momentum.

"Really, even if you give me a sweet watermelon, I can't eat it now..." However, Count Sanasis's serious expression only lasted for a moment, and soon he became carefree again. "Forget it, how about this... you give me that doll to play with for two days?"

"Doll?" Lucian was a little confused at first, but soon realized that Count Sanasis was talking about the Helen wizard sealed in the card. After he used it once before, he now has six opportunities to use Helen wizard.

Spend it here once... Lucian quickly weighed the pros and cons in his mind, and soon he made a decision.

"No problem." Lucian nodded lightly, and then he took out the set of Helen cards, but when he thought that this kind of magic tool containing the power of dreams seemed to have some restrictions on the number of times for the user, and also had some special rules, he didn't know whether Sanasis could control this kind of magic tool.

What's more, this deck of cards is much larger than Count Sanasis's body.

"Two-legged hairy monster, you seem to be thinking about something very impolite." Count Sanasis noticed Lucian's strange eyes and seemed to be aware of Lucian's offense. His tone became a little unfriendly, and then he muttered a few words in a low voice that Lucian couldn't hear clearly.

Lucian was too lazy to think about Count Sanasis's mumbling, but directly took out the bottle of blood essence he collected, "Sanasis, my idea is..."


"Sally, are you... feeling better?" On the other side of the airship, Monica was anxiously guarding Sally at this time, with a hint of anxiety and guilt in her eyes.

She was considered a relatively poor new blood in this crusade. Although she was not as outrageous as the apprentice who attacked randomly out of panic and even caused the death of his teammates, she was still a little flustered when facing those wizard apprentices who attacked.

Even when constructing the witchcraft model, she made a mistake, not only did she fall into the backlash, but also caused her friend Sally to be seriously injured because of helping her.

"I... I'm fine." Sally's face was still a little pale. Although she had taken potions and received some witchcraft treatment, her body was still contaminated by a special witchcraft power, and the wound showed an unnatural gray-white color. It was not so easy to recover completely.

"It's all my fault..." Monica clenched her fists with some regret. She lowered her head, thinking that she usually didn't even want to do any extra exercises. She completed the basic tasks within the prescribed time limit. After the training mission, I always think about fishing and relaxing...

If I had worked harder and had a deeper understanding of the wizard model, wouldn't my nervousness have caused the wizard model to collapse just now, and my mental power would have backfired?

Thinking of this, Monica became even more depressed, and the exchange that her counselor quietly found her yesterday came to mind.

"Um... Sally, I may be ready to go back in two days." Finally, Monica clenched her fists and looked at Sally with a hint of apology in her eyes, "I feel like it's still hard for me to adapt to the wizard. world……"

"What are you talking about!" Sally heard Monica's words, but struggled to sit up. Seeing Monica's serious look at this time, she paused for a moment, and then looked at Monica Card, I thought of some information that my roommate had told me.

"Monica, have you forgotten what will happen to you if you go back?" Sally looked at her roommate angrily, although sometimes she felt that this roommate's mouth was a bit too harsh. Sometimes they are too lazy, but at this time when they learned that Monica wanted to leave after a battle, Sally felt a complex emotion in her heart.

"It won't be worse if you stay here anyway, right? Besides, everyone makes mistakes sometimes, and if it weren't for your timely remediation and treatment later, I might have died directly..." Sally She spoke with some excitement, but she calmed down again.

"Maybe... you are right." Sally's expression was a little depressed, and the atmosphere in the rest cabin became a little heavy and sad.

After all, she also understood that her friend was not good at fighting and did not like fighting. Maybe for her, leaving the wizarding world was not a bad thing.

Monica's expression was also a little heavy. She looked at Sally, who was lying down again, with a trace of reluctance in her eyes.

"I... I'll think about it again in the next two days." Monica whispered, and then left the cabin as if fleeing, and came to the deck of the aerostat to breathe some fresh air.

But soon, she discovered that many wizard apprentices were discussing some issue on the deck.

"Specialty class..."

"It's dedicated to special events, and it seems like there are some changes in the curriculum."

"But... if you only learn certain aspects of witchcraft, your future strength will definitely be limited, right?"

Specialty class? A confused expression flashed across Monica's eyes, and she then squeezed into the crowd and looked at the announcement that triggered discussions among many new wizards.

Healers, defenders and... support wizards?

Monica stared at the three types of wizards above, but she had many thoughts in her mind.

Since these three kinds of witchcraft are not very beneficial in killing enemies, there are very few wizards who really study this part of knowledge. After all, in combat situations, it doesn’t take much for you to master a witchcraft that can save people. If you use it for yourself, you will give your enemy Lingchi a chance, but if you use it for your opponent... that would be even more ridiculous.

It can be said that these three routes are all used to assist teammates, and if you choose this special training plan, it means that you may lose the ability to fight alone...

But maybe for an apprentice with mediocre qualifications like myself, becoming a pendant for others seems to be very good. Moreover, I don't like attacking in the first place, and I even feel inexplicable fear when I think of fighting... Monica thought, She slowly stretched out one of her fingers, and then gently tapped one of the nouns.


It would seem pretty good if I specialized in healing witchcraft in the future, instead of directly participating in battles, but providing professional treatment to other wizards? Moreover, in this way, maybe I can also help my friends and partners in this way.

Moreover, in this way, her journey as a wizard seems to be able to continue.

Monica couldn't help but feel excited. She silently wrote down the contact address at the bottom of the announcement, and prepared to go to the person in charge of recruiting therapists to learn more about the situation.

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