This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 2 Enrollment Planning

"In the wizarding world, strength is respected and knowledge is supreme." In the library of Graybone Academy, Lucian closed the book in his hand and sighed silently in his heart.

This is the third day since he traveled to the wizarding world. Combining the memories of the original owner and some information he has found in the library in the past few days, he has a general understanding of the wizarding world and the wizarding organization he is in now.

Wizards, in simple terms, are a group of scholars who use knowledge as a crowbar to pry the rules to gain power.

Rational and cold-blooded, wise but crazy.

The relationship between wizards is more distant and cruel than the world before Lucian traveled, almost interpreting the jungle law of the survival of the fittest.

If you want to protect yourself, you have to become stronger!

"From a certain perspective, my system is actually quite suitable for the wizard world. After all, using the knowledge you have already mastered to 'exchange' for more advanced knowledge is a very cost-effective deal for wizards."

"For wizards, knowledge is power, a lever to pry rules, and the core competitiveness among wizards."

Lucian's eyes had a gleam of light, but the light soon dimmed.

"It's a pity that before I bind a student, the system's help to me can be ignored. And if I want to bind a student, the student must be willing from the bottom of his heart."

Lucian couldn't help but smile bitterly.

These days, he has also thought about looking for the "back door" of the system and trying to circumvent the rigid condition of binding a student, but all attempts have ended in failure.

I'm worried.

Lucian took a deep breath and then exhaled gently.

If it were normal, Lucian's desire to improve his strength would not be particularly strong. After all, as long as he survived the most difficult period in front of him, it would be relatively easy to find a student in the future when his strength recovered.

But the current situation is indeed a bit special.

His mentor, the official wizard Pinol, died. This also means that his biggest backer in the academy is gone.

According to the rules, a third-level wizard apprentice will be assigned a mandatory mission every three years, and Lucian's next mandatory mission is less than a year away.

At that time, without the protection of the backer, Lucian will easily be sent by the official wizards who assign mandatory tasks to perform the most dangerous tasks.

According to the original owner's memory, the mortality rate of a third-level wizard apprentice for that level of mandatory tasks is generally more than 50%.

And what about Lucian? The situation is even worse.

You must know that in order to suppress the injury, the original owner has basically sold the magic tools he used in battle and some temporarily unused resources early, and exchanged them for potions and magic stones.

Although the injury was suppressed at this time, the potion and magic stone had been almost consumed, and there were almost no other magic tools for battle on his body except the wizard robe. Compared with the heyday, the combat strength can be said to be only one tenth of it.

If his combat power cannot be improved before that, when he encounters a mandatory task, he can basically look forward to whether there will be another time travel.

Therefore, he must restore his strength as much as possible before the mandatory task is assigned to him.

But when magic stones are scarce and accumulated, the only key to breaking the situation that Lucian can think of is his system.

Only if the system can provide him with knowledge or other help in a short period of time, it is possible for his strength to be improved in a step-by-step manner in a short period of time.

So, now Lucian is in urgent need of a student!

Of course, Lucian also considers himself a good mentor. And he is a high-quality mentor that is hard to find in the wizard world.

After all, in the wizard world, there is no so-called mentor-apprentice friendship. There is more mutual use between mentors and students.

In most cases, mentors act as exploiters, using limited knowledge and providing shelter to squeeze benefits from students.

Even some black-hearted mentors will take advantage of contract loopholes or information gaps in knowledge to lead students astray through misleading, partial hiding, hinting and other means, so that they become the mentor's experimental subjects without knowing it.

But Lucian is different. He teaches students for the sake of teaching students. He is absolutely serious, responsible, patient and careful.

But without students, everything is in vain.

What's more, the apprentices in the Gray Bone Academy where Lucian is located have all experienced the cruelty of the wizard world. Even if Lucian tells them that he is much better than other mentors, they probably won't believe it. Even, they will believe that Lucian must have some ulterior motives.

It is unlikely that they will sincerely become apprentices, so they cannot meet the most basic conditions of the system, and it is useless to accept them.

"So, if I want to get students, there are actually only three ways for me." Lucian raised his head slightly and looked at the gloomy night sky outside the window.

First, choose an ordinary person without wizard talent to make the transition. Although they don't have the possibility to become wizards, it should be no problem for them to learn the most basic knowledge, which can help me get through the most difficult period now.

However, this method will definitely waste a quota of bound students, and even... it may cause the system to be unusable in the future.

Lucian frowned slightly. This plan was the easiest one he could think of, but it had a lot of drawbacks. It was no exaggeration to say that it was killing the goose that laid the golden eggs.

The second option was to buy slaves at the wizard apprentice level! Those slaves whose souls were implanted with slavery runes could be said to be absolutely loyal from the soul, and becoming a disciple was definitely not a problem.

However, the disadvantage was that it was expensive! A weakest first-level wizard apprentice slave required thirty magic stones... All my assets were now converted to about a hundred magic stones. It was too much of a burden to buy a wizard apprentice-level slave with thirty magic stones.

Lucian was also somewhat dissatisfied with the second plan. After all, the qualifications of those enslaved apprentices were mostly not very good, and the wizards who bought them were mostly for a precious experimental subject who was absolutely obedient and submissive.

Buying slaves for teaching? This was really too outrageous. What's more, Lucian didn't have many magic stones left.

And the last resort was to try to recruit new wizards.

New blood, a blank sheet of paper is easier to paint, and easier to fool... No, it's easier to guide and teach.

What's more coincidental is that the airship that recruited new blood this year is already on its way back, if nothing goes wrong.

At most a week later, they will arrive at the Gray Bone Academy. Either become an outstanding wizard in the future, or become part of the natural cycle of the Gray Bone Forest in the future.

The only problem is how to recruit a student, a good student, from the new blood.

To be fair, at this stage, my competitiveness is definitely not as good as other third-level wizard apprentices, not to mention competing with formal wizards. If I let those new blood choose freely, I may not be able to receive a student.

However, since conventional means don't work or the competitiveness is too low, Lucian naturally has some other ideas.

This book has received a short message from the station, and book friends who still have investment quotas can consider making an investment~~

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