This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 20 Darkness and Light

"Dead...dead?" Carly was stunned, and the "Wizard's Little Champion" she was holding suddenly fell to the ground.

Carly forced a smile and looked at the other four people in confusion, "You... are you kidding, right? Where is Tina? Tell her to stop hiding and come out quickly!"

Carly's voice was trembling, and some of her experiences with Tina could not help but come to mind.

She was a very cheerful and somewhat heroic girl. She was even a trainee knight. She also took great care of Carly along the way...

"My tutor is also very good. He takes good care of me. He allows me to read all the books in his laboratory..." Carly closed her eyes, as if she could still hear Tina speaking with a smile on her face at the last party.

She slowly opened her eyes and saw that all four people, including Wayne, had their heads lowered and were silent. Carly's heart slowly sank to the bottom.

The female knight, who seemed to be walking with wind and full of energy, seemed to have really left them.

"How...died?" Carly's voice was very low at this time.

"Experiment." Wayne's voice was low, and in addition to the sadness in his eyes, there was also a hint of vigilance like a rabbit dying of a fox. "You should know that wizards adhere to the principle of equal exchange."

"When our mentors signed the contract, in addition to promising to teach us knowledge, they would also ask us to fulfill some contracts. Among them, we were asked to cooperate with them in conducting some experiments."

Wayne's eyes were red and he looked at Carly, "Those experiments that are not marked in the contract as not causing the death of apprentices naturally involve the risk of death!"

The other three people's faces were also a little pale at this time. After all, the contracts they signed with their mentors probably contained clauses for cooperating with the experiment. Tina's today may be their tomorrow.

Carly was stunned, and she couldn't help but blinked.

"Contract?" Carly couldn't help but think of what Teacher Lucian had asked her in the contract.

It seems...respecting teachers?

"But...but Tina said before that her mentor was very good..." Carly still refused to believe it at this time.

"Wizards only talk about contracts. What they say and do may be layer upon layer of language traps with special purposes." Wayne seemed to be roaring at this time, "Is it possible that you would think that, Will they cultivate us selflessly without any purpose?”

"Exchange of equal value is the most direct rule between wizards! When you harvest something from your mentor, you also need to figure out what he got. If he doesn't get anything, then does he have something deeper? Purpose! Just like Tina..."

Carly couldn't help but feel a little hesitant in her heart when she heard Wayne's venting growl.

Teacher Lucian... Carly's hand slowly tightened, and her whole person became a little confused.

"Didn't you get a good rest last night?" Lucian frowned slightly as he looked at Carly, who was obviously out of shape at this time.

"'s okay." Carly avoided Lucian's gaze in a panic, but her heart was a little confused.

Although she told herself that it was best not to think too much, but when she thought that Teacher Lucian was currently seriously injured, he still spared no effort to help her, so did he also...

When Carly thought of this, she felt as if she had suddenly stepped into a void. Her whole person suddenly became very hesitant, as if she had suddenly lost her reliance.

"Let's take a rest first." Lucian looked at Carly, who was getting worse and worse at this time, and finally waved his hand, sat down and started drinking water, letting Carly adjust first.

Carly looked at Lucian who was drinking water at this time, and opened her mouth, but felt that her opening was too abrupt, so she hesitated for a long time, and finally lowered her head silently.

"Is something wrong?" Lucian put down the water glass and looked at Carly.

"Ah! No..."

"I've long felt that something was wrong with you today. Tell me." Lucian looked at Carly, feeling helpless.

Doesn't this little guy know that her expression can't hide anything?

Carly opened her mouth, trying to come up with some excuse to cover up the matter, but when she looked into Lucian's calm eyes, she felt like she couldn't lie at all.

"I...I heard from others that wizards adhere to the principle of equal exchange, but..." Carly hesitated, and when she really spoke, she couldn't help but feel a little ashamed.

Lucian listened silently at this time, but his expression did not change much.

After all, he was not really selfless, it was just the "price" that Carly had to pay that was borne by his system.

But looking at Carly's current appearance, she clearly feels troubled by this, and even has slight doubts about herself, which will definitely have a big impact on his future teaching.

Lucian thought for a moment, then looked at Carly, who was lowering her head and seemed a little afraid to look at him. After thinking for a while, he said.

"This is my attempt."

"Huh?" Carly raised her head in confusion, but she knew exactly what Lucian meant by trying.

"To put it simply, it is to try to use another way to balance the relationship between the tutor and the student." Lucian smiled, looked at Carly who was a little confused at this time, smiled and stretched out his hand, "You can understand that I It’s investing in your future.”

"The future?" Carly looked at Lucian in confusion.

"Yes, in the future." Lucian touched her little head, "For example, if you grow up to be a formal wizard in the future, then I will have a formal wizard as my helper."

"And it is different from the way other wizards and students rely on contracts and interests to guard against each other and use each other." Lucian looked at Carly and felt that it was a good time to paint a pie with this little guy.

"I don't really like the cold, dark, and emotionally restrained rules between other wizards, so if I have a chance in the future, I want to change it in my own way, just like we learn knowledge and then pry the rules."

"Of course, my strength is too weak now, and I can't change others, so let's start by changing myself." When Lucian said this, he paused and looked at Carly, "I hope that one day, when the children of the wizarding world can enter the wizarding academy to study, they don't have to worry about their safety. I hope that the teacher-student relationship at that time can become harmonious and beautiful..."

Carly listened to Lucian's story and seemed to see a corner of the future full of sunshine and flowers. A trace of yearning appeared in her eyes. Looking at Lucian, who also had a smile on his face at this time, her eyes sparkled, and she felt that Lucian's figure became majestic at this moment.

"Teacher... I, I want to follow you to realize this dream together!" Carly raised her little head, but her voice was very firm.

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