The voice came from a maid with a panicked expression. Tears flashed in her eyes and her body trembled slightly. She looked both panicked and helpless.

"Ms. Somaya?" Lucian's heart moved, but he thought of the identity of the character who had just died because of him. She quietly squeezed into the crowd, but she was not particularly worried.

After all, in this case, the identity he played was the best disguise. At least in the eyes of those who were not manipulated by the "player", a young child like [Lula] who had not awakened extraordinary talents could not kill an adult.

What's more, Lucian could be sure that there were no other bystanders in his fight with the unlucky player just now. Listening to the maid's description, if the Miss Somaya she was looking for was the player she killed, then she had deliberately sent the maid and others away before sneaking into the library.

In this case, it would probably take a long time to find the scene of the crime.

"She just told us that she was going to take a walk in the garden..."

"We just stayed in the garden and didn't see Miss Somaya..."

As the maid kept asking, some people who had just seen Somaya began to tell the information they had, and some of the information forged by Somaya began to be corrected.

The crowd was a little agitated, and some maids who had just taken a short break were also a little flustered at this time. They put down their things and began to look for their children or the ladies they served. After all, for these personal maids, if the masters they served had any accidents, they would be severely punished.

"Miss, you actually ran here. Huh, Goddess bless you..." Mir was also one of the many panicked maids. When she found Lula played by Lucian in the crowd, she couldn't help but let out a long breath and subconsciously drew a six-pointed star representing the holy light of the Awakening Temple on her chest.

"Sister Mir, I'm fine." [Lula] raised her head and showed a bright smile.

However, Lucian remained extremely calm. He silently sensed the flow of people who were beginning to disperse and search for Miss Somaya, and silently noted down some changes that would occur after killing the "character":

At least in this "reincarnation", the death of the character is real death, and it may even change the direction of some story lines. I don't know if I will be affected or even backfired because of this...

However, from the perspective of the rules, it seems that killing the identities played by other players is a more convenient way to kill, which is a "rule-recommended" method. From this perspective, it should be "legal", but the identity played by oneself may be involved in some extra troubles, such as being accused of murder...

Lucian silently made a calculation in his heart, and at the same time, he silently observed the crowd, watching them start to check the surrounding buildings, and even watched many people walk into the library where the murder just happened.


In front of the door of the library, many people gathered together and walked into the house.

"There is a smell of blood." Suddenly, a knight subconsciously touched his waist with his right hand, and also reminded other companions loudly.

After receiving his reminder, some people subconsciously touched their waists or other common areas to prevent weapons. Some people slowed down their pace after a slight hesitation, fell behind the team or even distanced themselves from the team.

The knights standing in front were even more on guard at this time, and even subconsciously arranged themselves into a basic formation, carefully stretched out one foot to kick open the door, and then rushed in.

"No demon breath..." Many knights who awakened extraordinary talents and had contact with demons quickly began their own reconnaissance methods. After confirming that there was no demon breath, they also breathed a sigh of relief. With these knights supporting the front, some brave ordinary people also followed behind these knights to explore. Some people even picked up nearby wooden sticks, dung forks and even scissors that could serve as temporary weapons to protect themselves.

"Not necessarily. Some demons are good at hiding their aura. If they don't go all out, we may not be able to sense the demon's aura." A somewhat discordant voice sounded, and the voice seemed a little immature, and had a slightly hoarse feeling like a boy's voice change in the late stage.

And the person who spoke was [Rafar].

When many people looked at Rafar, the negative protagonist, there was a hint of disdain in their eyes, and some people looked at Rafar with more complicated emotions in their eyes.

However, in this case, these people with different thoughts did not say much, but maintained their formation and carefully approached the place with the strongest bloody smell.

Soon, they saw an extremely bloody scene. Many of the male servants or nobles who gathered behind the knights felt a little weak when they saw this scene. There were even two people with slightly weaker spirits who directly threw away their weapons and ran towards the door for their lives.

"Hiss..." Even those knights who had been on the battlefield and fought with the demons felt their stomachs churning when they saw such a bloody scene. The image of Somaya's corpse, blood, and brain matter brought them strong physical stimulation.

Many knights even imagined the scene when Somaya died based on the corpse:

The murderer directly grabbed the poor, weak, and helpless Miss Soumaya, maybe even picked her up like a chicken, and then, like crushing a watermelon, she crushed Miss Soumaya's head. Scratch it into pieces.

"Ugh..." The picture that came to mind once again stimulated the bodies of these knights. When one of the knights started to retching, three more knights covered their mouths or bent down to cover their mouths. own belly.

"What happened?" Maid Mir was a little nervous at this time. She wanted to know what happened in that building, but she was also a little worried about what would happen if her little master was left here alone in such a chaotic situation. Some irreparable safety hazards.

In the end, she did not move. Instead, she protected [Lula] in front of her like a hen guarding her chicks. At the same time, she carefully pulled [Lula] towards a place with relatively few people.

"Miss Somaya! Miss Somaya...wuwuwu..." The miserable cry of the maid just now came from the distance, which also made Lucian confirm some of his previous guesses in his heart.

However, just when Lucian was about to observe from a distance, Mir involuntarily covered [Lula]'s eyes at this time. Due to the "feedback" of the role-playing identity, Lucian's sight was also hindered by the rules and regulations. cover.

"Miss, nothing happened over there..." Mir's voice was trembling, but he still managed to tell Lucian in a calm tone.

"Actually, you don't need to cover it. After all, I know very well what happened over there. I even saw the scenes you haven't seen. Well, I even know that poor Miss Somaya better than you. What happened to his head, after all, it was me who pinched it..."

Lucian felt that his vision was completely blocked, and silently complained in his heart.

However, he did not resist, but cooperated with Mir's actions very obediently. At the same time, he also used his keen mental perception to quietly explore the chaotic situation caused by the death of Miss Somaya.

"Miss Somaya..." The maid who served Somaya seemed to have recovered slightly, but her voice was still hoarse, with a thick nasal sound and a crying tone. Beside her, there were various people... There were several comments and several retching sounds, which were suspected to be caused by several searchers who witnessed the bloody scene of the first death scene and suffered physical discomfort.

"Demons...have demons infiltrated this place?" Some people shouted angrily, but there was a sense of lust in their voices; others murmured in a low voice, praying for the goddess's blessing, their voices trembling like chaff... …

"Miss!"/"Master!" There were some panicked voices from other servants. It was suspected that some noble children who had never seen blood had a serious uncomfortable reaction after witnessing such a bloody scene...

Lucian perceived these voices through his mental power. Although he could not see the scene over there, he roughly completed the state of those people at this time in his mind.

However, he also understood that this was just the state of ordinary characters, and those "players" must have understood that this was a murder caused by a fight between players. It's just that they will definitely not show it, and may even "perform" according to the characteristics of the role they play.

"Judging from the current situation, at least no one is openly pointing this murder at me. Instead, they are investigating in the direction of love killing or lurking demons." Lucian was pulled by Mir towards the place far away from the crowd. The direction is moving, but the heart is extremely calm.

He crossed his hands and looked down at the storage ring on his right hand.

"I hope the gains this time will outweigh the risks I took this time." Lucian exhaled slowly.


"Sister Mir, I...I'm a little nervous."

"It's okay, it's okay, Miss." Mir knelt down and gave Lula a hug.

Lucian's vision returned, and he took advantage of the moment when Mir was not paying attention to look at the rioting crowd, and his eyes paused briefly on the dream master [Raphael].

Then, she quickly lowered her head and allowed Mir and two family knights to escort her to the relative safety of the family carriage.

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