This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 210 Awakening, Talent

Lucian did not return to Lula's bedroom immediately. Instead, he sneaked into the shadow space and began to wander around quietly to check whether other players were following him.

"Huh? The player who is the maid is still there?" Soon, when Lucian passed by the room where the servants lived in the manor, he noticed the maid he had marked before.

But the latter was sleeping soundly at this time, and the player's body seemed to have left with the help of the rules of the night.

"It seems that at least it is safe around here, otherwise this player with some reckless actions would not be able to survive until now." Lucian paused for a while, and after hesitating, he gave up on bringing this third-level wizard apprentice level. The idea of ​​player harvesting.

However, while the player left this identity, Lucian's mental power quietly penetrated into the body of the maid, and used his mental power as a label to leave an obscure mark in her body.

Once the maid dies, Lucian can quickly sense it through this mark. From a certain perspective, she has now become a "living" one-time warning device set by Lucian.

"I hope the early warning device I arranged will be effective." After dealing with all this, Lucian quickly left and returned to Lula's bedroom.

"Awakening Stone." After fusing his own body with Lula's identity, Lucian took out the dusty stone from inside his space ring.

He stared at the awakening stone, but his eyes seemed a little hesitant.

"According to what I heard at the party, the requirement of 'acting' does not seem to be completely consistent with the character, but rather to not let one's abnormalities be noticed by non-player characters. From this perspective, I even Let Lula become the 'Awakened One', but as long as I don't expose myself, there won't be any problems, and it will give me a trump card."

Lucian stared at the Awakening Stone, and finally no longer hesitated, pricking Lula's finger and dripping a drop of her blood into the dusty Awakening Stone.


The blood dripped on the awakening stone, causing the stone to begin to soften at a speed visible to the naked eye. The stone even began to slowly squirm, as if it had some characteristics of life.

Lucian did not hesitate and stretched out Lula's hand to make contact with the activated awakening stone. At the same time, he also released his mental power and began to observe the entire process of [Lula's] awakening.

"The body seems to be starting to undergo some kind of transformation? Well, it's more like it's looking for an entry point to merge with this body... This should also be related to the extraordinary ability after awakening..."

Lucian could feel that after Lula's body was fused with the Awakening Stone, some of the extraordinary powers hidden in her body began to become active.

Among them are the power to control fire, the power to control ice, and even the ability to control extremely thin space, which seems to be a special talent for teleportation...

"It's a pity that these talents are not a good choice for me. After all, the risk of exposure when using these talents is too high." Lu Xian muttered in his heart, while also manipulating his mental power to hinder The inner power of the Awakening Stone merges with the extraordinary power shown in Lula's body.

But when Lucian's mental power and the power of the Awakening Stone were entangled with each other, they suddenly merged together.

"Huh?" Lu Xian was startled. He was about to peel off the power that was entangled with his own mental power, but he soon stopped what he was doing because he was tainted with his own mental power. After the breath, the nature of the power contained within the awakening stone seemed to have changed.

It soon separated from Lucian's mental power, and began to rapidly transform Lula's body. It regarded other extraordinary powers inside the body as material and began to devour and transform them.

"It seems... the awakening stone treats my mental power as a special source of awakening, and therefore has mastered some kind of talent related to mental power?" Lu Xian guessed, but the awakening was not over at this time. , and therefore he did not know what kind of extraordinary talent Lula finally awakened due to his intervention.

But soon, the severe pain from Lula's mind was transmitted to Lucian's body, making him no longer able to maintain the state of being integrated and separated from [Lula], but his consciousness was completely replaced by Lula. Identity, I felt the painful process of the awakening stone's power transforming my mind.



Lucian seemed to hear the voices of many people in his mind at this time. He was confused and couldn't hear clearly, but those words made Lucian feel a sense of irritation and even pain.

These voices echoed in his mind, seeming to burst his mind. Even if he resisted with the mental strength of a formal wizard, he still felt a little powerless.

Consciousness seems to have become a small sailboat rocking in the rough waves. It may capsize at any time in such waves that are higher than the boat.

Lucian's consciousness gradually blurred, and everything in front of him became distorted...

"Ahhh..." He covered his head helplessly, but this instinctive body protection could not relieve his current state at all, and he couldn't help but roll on the bed.

"Hold on...Hold on...If the noise gets louder, it will attract other people." Lucian's remaining sanity tried to stabilize the current state. At this time, Lucian had almost no concept of time in his consciousness. He felt that time was slow and almost sluggish.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the pain in Lucian's mind finally eased. He hurriedly took out a tube of potion from the storage ring and drank it. Looking at the sky outside the window, which was already slightly bright, Lucian breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, fortunately...I made it." Lucian whispered, with a hint of fear in his tone.

Then, he closed his eyes and silently felt the extraordinary talent awakened by Lula's identity. This was the power he had just gained in exchange for the great pain he had just endured!

"It's really a spiritual talent. I can even feel that a natural witchcraft model has formed in Lula's mind..." Lucian opened his eyes, his expression seemed to be neither smiling nor crying. "So, the pain I just felt was because this awakening stone forcibly engraved a witchcraft model in [Lula]'s mind?"

"From the perspective of complexity, this witchcraft model is at least at the level of second-level witchcraft, but if it is stimulated in the crude way of those awakeners in the dream world, it will definitely not be able to mobilize all the power inside it..."

Lucian silently checked [Lula]'s talent, and soon he understood its exact effect.

This extraordinary talent can be called [mind reading]. The ability is more auxiliary. It can accurately perceive the true emotions and even the voices of others. However, depending on the power of the user, the effect of this ability will also be different.

For example, if [Lula] uses the weak mental power in his body to detect, he can only see the "emotions" of others at most.

If that person is good at acting or concealing his emotions, this observation may even be misjudged or undetectable. If you want to read other people's thoughts, you need to look closely at the other person's eyes and use the eyes as a medium to reduce the consumption of mental power.

But if Lucian uses his own mental power to strengthen it, then this ability can be terribly enhanced.

As long as others do not deliberately cover up or have similar defensive means, Lucian can quietly sense his true emotions and thoughts with the help of this [Reading Mind] talent, and avoid or extract useful information in advance.

"Perhaps for normal awakeners, this talent is a burden, after all, it has no ability to fight head-on, but for players, it is simply a 'bug' level talent..." Lucian couldn't help but smile.

With this ability, he has a deeper grasp of some key plots in the dream later, and he can even become a "manipulator" through this ability.

"Miss, good morning! It's time to get up!" Just when Lucian began to think about the role of his ability, the maid Mir outside the door had already walked into the bedroom and greeted him cheerfully.

"Hmm, there is a little blue around her body. It seems that my maid has not completely walked out of the previous shadow. She is just trying to hide her true emotions in front of [Lula] as much as possible, and is still trying to heal Lula's heart with warmth... What a good person!" Lucian sighed in his heart.

But he also understood that these characters in the dream were just illusory bubbles. Maybe they have prototypes, but at least everything that happened in this dream was formatted and illusory.

"Good morning, sister Mir." Although he thought so in his heart, Lucian still showed a sweet smile on his face.

At the same time, Lucian's mental power was quietly added to his newly awakened talent, wanting to use Mir as a guinea pig to try out how strong his talent was after being strengthened by mental power.

But when Lucian's mental power was added to the [Mind Reading] talent, he suddenly felt a black, malicious emotion.

This emotion was directed at him, and it was not far from his body.

"Who is that?" Lucian didn't even bother to check Mir's inner state. He changed and went out in a hurry to check the source of the malice.

In his field of vision, he saw his father [Yanos] holding a cup of coffee-like drink. Noticing Lucian's or Lula's gaze, Yanos showed a gentle and kind smile on his face.

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