This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 25 Multiple Fire Arrows, Torch Technique

"Very good, there are still forty-nine." Lucian looked at Kali beside him and encouraged her.

"Yeah." Kali was full of energy at this time, and there was an uncontrollable joy on her face.

While Kali began to search for new targets in front, Lucian opened the system panel and began to check the teaching rewards this time.

First, he clicked on the icon of Pyrotechnics·Arrows. Soon, three routes extended from this icon representing the knowledge of Pyrotechnics·Arrows, each connected to a brand new icon.

"Multiple arrows, speed up the arrow speed and improve the hit rate?" Lucian looked at these three options, and then looked at Kali who had successfully hunted another blood crow. After thinking for a moment, he chose the option of multiple arrows.

After all, one more arrow, to a certain extent, is equivalent to doubling the power of the current bow and arrow, which is more profitable than the latter two.


Countless knowledge poured into Lucian's mind. This time, there was not only knowledge about witchcraft runes, but also some archery skills... Countless knowledge gathered and combined with each other, and finally formed a complete archery in Lucian's mind - multiple flaming arrows.

This bow and arrow witchcraft can fire up to five, at least two enchanted arrows at a time, but each additional enchanted arrow will double the mental power consumed by the caster.

However, in contrast, each additional enchanted arrow is equivalent to raising the instantaneous burst power of witchcraft to a higher level. Using high mental power consumption in exchange for high power of witchcraft is also a win-win situation.

"Well, after this mission is over, I can go back and teach Carly new things." Lucian couldn't help but smile, and then he looked at another upgrade knowledge that was still waiting for his choice.

Blazing Fire Art·Modified

There are also three upgrade directions for Pyrotechnics: increasing the power of the flame, strengthening the attachment effect of the flame, and increasing the hit rate.

This last point surprised Lucian a little. After all, in his opinion, the biggest flaw of Pyrotechnics is that its attack method is single and easy to be dodged. So what is the way to increase the hit rate?

Thinking of this, Lucian also made a decision in his heart.

The next moment, knowledge emerged again, this time it was a pure witchcraft model. The huge amount of knowledge that instantly poured in made Lucian close his eyes lightly. The next moment, he opened his eyes and his mouth made a special sound.


Following Lucian's low voice, a huge rock about 20 meters in front of him suddenly exploded with a ball of blue flame.

Hiss-the blue flame burned, causing the huge rock to make a slight cracking sound.

"Teacher?" Carly, who had just finished hunting, also heard the movement caused by Lucian. She turned her head and saw the huge rock that suddenly burst into blue flames.

"I had an idea, and I just tried it because I was a little itchy." Lucian explained with a smile, and at the same time withdrew the mental power that kept the witchcraft effective.

Suddenly, the blue flame burning on the surface of the boulder slowly extinguished, but the boulder at this time had been burned so that the surface was slightly red.

"Sound wave positioning, remote casting." Lucian looked at the boulder and was quite satisfied.

The upgraded blazing fire spell is mainly about surprise. After positioning through sound waves, the witchcraft effect can be directly brought to the opponent.

If you carry auxiliary casting materials that can emit ultrasonic or infrasound waves that cannot be directly heard by human ears, the concealment of this witchcraft can be improved to a higher level. It can be said that it can fall on the opponent instantly without the opponent noticing.

It is definitely a good skill for sneak attacks! Although the attack strength is not particularly high, it wins by surprise, and the hit is close. If the opponent does not have a skill to counter in time, this move can threaten the life of a third-level wizard apprentice in the case of a sneak attack!

"Let's call you... Torch." Lucian thought of the countless blue flames that gathered just now, and the boulder instantly became a huge torch. He gave this new witchcraft derived from the Fire Spell a new name.

What surprised Lucian was that Torch and Multiple Fire Arrows were actually the same witchcraft, so they shared the same teaching progress bar.

In other words, as long as Carly completely mastered one of the witchcrafts, he could unlock the subsequent knowledge or bond rewards.

This was undoubtedly great news for Lucian.

"From this perspective, the system probably encourages me to develop the personality of students and then derive a derivative branch of witchcraft." Lucian had an epiphany in his heart, and at this time he couldn't help but look at Carly on the side, planning not to wait until he returned to school to start, but to start now.


"Teacher Lucian?" Carly put away her bow and arrow and turned to look at Lucian.

"I feel that your bow and arrow magic can be further modified and improved." Lucian took the bow and arrow from Kali with a smile, and then took out two arrows from the quiver behind Kali.

Gently pulled the bowstring.

The two arrows gradually gathered with magic fluctuations, and finally formed two arrows with the fire spell.

Lucian loosened his hand, and the arrows flew towards the boulder in front. After perfectly avoiding the boulder, the two arrows landed almost at the same time and exploded slightly.

Ka Li: (°ロ°)!

Lucian smiled faintly and returned the bow to Ka Li.

Ka Li was still a little confused at this time. She remembered that Lucian had never asked her about the improved witchcraft model. But now, Lucian not only perfectly reproduced it, but also upgraded it on his own basis?

Ka Li took out two arrows with some disbelief.

Draw the bow and start to build the witchcraft model.

One of the arrows was enchanted successfully, but the other arrow did not change at all.

Ka Li hesitated for a moment and wanted to do two things at the same time, but just after trying it for a while, she felt that the arrow that was enchanted first was about to explode out of control. She had no choice but to give up and loosen the bowstring to shoot the two arrows.

"Think about it yourself first, and I'll tell you after returning to the academy." Lucian patted Ka Li's shoulder.

Ka Li raised her head slightly and looked at Lucian, with a flash of respect in her eyes.

She felt that she had somewhat understood the good intentions of Lucian.

Perhaps for Lucian, the improvement of the witchcraft fire arrow was not difficult at all, but what the teacher was doing was to quietly spend more time, guiding her step by step to research, think, and successfully develop and master it.

"Lucian..." Carly gently hugged Lucian's waist, but because of the height limit, Carly's posture was more like hugging Lucian's thigh.

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