Then, Bennett waved his hand gently, and a torn wizard robe fragment appeared on the table. Judging from the style, it was the standard black wizard robe for wizard apprentices in the Gray Bone Academy.

However, Lucian quickly determined that this was a small fragment of a defensive magic tool after scanning it with his mental power. And there was also a faint magical fluctuation on it, which was somewhat similar to the aura of plant-based witchcraft.

Lucian's heart moved, and he quietly spent 1 point of reverence to identify the wizard robe fragment.

At this time, Lilia was obviously using her own means to quietly detect the wizard robe fragment, trying to determine whether the remaining witchcraft power on it was really caused by the wood spirit's innate witchcraft.

"Hmm?" Lucian looked at the identification results from the system, and was slightly surprised, but he did not make a sound, maintaining a calm expression.

[Item]: Damaged wizard robe fragment

[Location]: Wizard tool fragment

[Material]: Thornbird feather, silver ore

[Introduction]: One of the fragments of wizard robe-shaped wizard tool, which is no longer repairable and has little value.


1. The original complete wizard tool is suitable for second-level wizard apprentices...

2. The damage is caused by internal tearing...

3. The wizard robe was attacked by a half-elf before it was damaged. It is speculated that the attacker's true strength is a third-level wizard apprentice...

"Half-elf?" Lucian's mind was working quickly, thinking about the information points obtained from the identification results.

The most important point is that the guy who attacked the original owner of this wizard robe is a half-elf.

The so-called half-elf is actually a hybrid between humans and fairies. And not all hybrids can be called half-elfs. The concentration of fairies in their bodies is at least more than 25%, and they can have obvious fairy characteristics in appearance, and can use the fairy's innate witchcraft with the help of blood.

Half-elves have some characteristics of fairies, and also have some special features of humans. Influenced by the blood of fairies, their life span is higher than that of normal humans, but much lower than that of pure-blooded fairies.

However, for these half-elves, their mixed-race identity does not give them the opportunity to get along with both races. On the contrary, this puts them in the gap between the human race and the fairy race.

Among the human race, their overly handsome and weird appearance can easily attract the attention of other people and wizards, and for wizards, half-elves are also very good experimental carriers or body-changing materials. They often have higher wizard talents and a life span far higher than that of ordinary wizards.

Among the fairy race, these "hybrids" are even more rejected by the fairy race who pay attention to the purity of blood. They think that the human blood in them is "inferior" and has caused irreversible pollution and insult to the blood of fairies.

What's more, their short life span compared to pure-blooded fairies will make them look like heretics in the fairy race, and the concept of time between the two seems to be on a different level. Perhaps when the pure-blooded elves of the same age as them are still enjoying their beautiful youth, these half-elves have already lived more than half of their lives.

They are like marginal people caught between two populations. Apart from the warmth of the half-elves, they seem to have no other choice.

However, Lucian still feels a little strange about the half-elves appearing on the island of Cosai.

After all, this kind of race wandering on the edge and in the shadows is basically not too ostentatious. They are more likely to hide their identities in an extremely covert way, and quietly active underground, using blood and identity as a medium to maintain their inner circle.

Why did they attack Cosai Island?

Lucian frowned, feeling that there was a key point here that he had not thought of.

"It is indeed the unique witchcraft breath of the wood elves." Lilia completed her detection at this time, and then looked at Bennett on the side.

But Bennett looked at Lucian at this time, as if waiting for his confirmation.

Lucian nodded slightly, but he was still trying to think about what he had missed.

At this moment, Lilia took the lead in asking her own question. "Bennett, you should know the value of these fairies. If you say that this information is true, then I believe that those formal wizards of the Academy Committee will not miss such an opportunity, especially the adult of your Bonn family."

Lucian's eyes also flashed a gleam of light.

The formal wizard Heli of the Bonn family is over 250 years old. According to the life limit of 300 years for formal wizards, even if he has used some special means to prolong his life, Heli has reached the second half of his life.

After all, some experiments, witchcraft, and even battles may affect the life of wizards. Even if wizards will try their best to prolong their lives, there are still few wizards who can live to the end of their life. Like Heli, among all the formal wizards, this age is considered long-lived.

These formal wizards who are not far from the end of their lives will often try every means to prolong their lives.

Replacing yourself with a fairy body is a good way to prolong your life. Of course, for Wizard Heli, because his life level has already made a leap and reached the level of a formal wizard, an ordinary fairy body cannot help him prolong his life.

But the mysterious appearance of the wood elves may be caused by fairies with higher bloodlines. If we investigate further, not to mention that the captured fairies are a huge fortune, just the opportunity to extend Wizard Heli's life, judging from his current situation, he should not give up!

"I have no way of guessing what my ancestor thinks." Bennett shook his head, seeming to be quite regretful. "But what I know is that my ancestor said that there is no sign of high-level fairies behind Kosai Island."

Lilia frowned, but Lucian was still calm.

After all, from the information just obtained, the people active on Kosai Island were not wood elves, but some half-fairies.

As an intelligent race that places great importance on blood and origin, the probability of high-level elves cooperating with those half-elves is indeed low.

Bennett was also quietly observing the expressions of Lucian and Lilia at this time. He clapped his hands lightly, and immediately, under the leadership of the maid Fia, all the servants obediently left the room. Then Fia closed the door and opened the isolation magic array.

"I also got some information, but I hope we can sign a confidentiality agreement before sharing this information." Bennett lowered his voice. It seemed that seeing Lilia and Lucian were a little hesitant, his expression twitched slightly, but he finally added in a low voice. "It's about being promoted to a formal wizard."

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