This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 56 Repairing the bow and arrow, alchemy teaching

However, Lucian still took this matter to heart.

After the teaching was over, Lucian led Carly back to the laboratory and took the broken bow out of his space ring.

"Teacher Lucian, if it cannot be completely repaired, just repair the appearance..." Carly looked at the hunting bow that was broken into two pieces and felt a little nervous.

Lucian did not respond, but concentrated on checking the broken bow.

Based on the superficial knowledge of alchemy he had learned in the past few days, it would not be difficult to "repair" the broken bow and make it a decoration. Even one or two simplest witchcrafts were needed to glue the two parts of the bow together and polish it.

But if he wanted to slightly strengthen the hunting bow and allow Carly to continue to fight with it, it would be difficult to achieve it at Lucian's current level.

Carly looked at Lucian's embarrassment and wanted to speak, but she was afraid of affecting Lucian's thinking, so she could only pinch her thighs with her hands, looking extremely nervous.

However, her little action still attracted Lucian, who was a little distracted at this time, and it made him feel a little moved.

The threshold of alchemy seems to be much lower than that of pharmacists. With Carly's current strength, it seems that she can gradually start teaching.

What Lucian is curious about now is, if he teaches Carly how to repair the hunting bow, what kind of reward will the system give him?

Thinking of this, Lucian put down the two sections of the hunting bow again under Carly's nervous gaze. Then he looked at Carly and shook his head slightly. "I think it's better not to repair this hunting bow for the time being."

Carly looked at the hunting bow that was put back on the table at this time, and then looked at Lucian who was shaking his head at this time. It seemed that he was sentenced to death all of a sudden, and the whole person was a little wilted.

"It's okay, Teacher Lucian..." Carly squeezed out a smile, but no matter who it was, they could see the helplessness and loss behind her smile.

Carly lowered her head and reached out to take back the "remains" of her first hunting bow.

"I just said that I won't repair it for the time being, not that it can't be repaired." Lucian looked at Carly's completely drooping body, and stretched out his hand helplessly, gently patting Carly's hand away.

Carly raised her head and looked at Lucian, but there was a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"I feel that since this bow is very meaningful to you, if you can't participate in its repair work, there will always be something missing." Lucian looked at Carly, "I want to teach you some alchemy knowledge first, and then the two of us will complete its repair work together."

Carly was stunned at first, then quickly lowered her head, her face a little confused.

"Ah... I, no problem, no..." Carly's words were no longer logical at this time, and her eyes seemed to have lost focus, and the whole person was in a state of downtime.

It was not until Lucian hit her head with a not-too-light blow that Carly gradually recovered from her downtime.

"I... can I?" Carly looked at Lucian, but she was a little unconfident at this time.

"Then it depends on you." Lucian took out the alchemy notebook from the space ring and handed it to Carly, "You can record the first thirty pages yourself, but I need to make it clear to you first that teaching alchemy is not within the scope of our original plan..."

"So according to the principle of equivalent exchange, do I need to pay you an extra price?" Carly's eyes sparkled, and she seemed very expectant.

"No, I mean that our teaching time needs to use your original rest time, and there will be additional alchemy homework." Lucian looked at Carly's eager look at this time and shrugged, which immediately made the silly smile on Carly's face stiff.

However, when Carly lowered her head slightly and saw the broken bow quietly placed on the experimental table, Carly finally nodded hesitantly, "Teacher Lucian, the homework won't be like... it won't be as much as the basics of witchcraft, right?"

"Don't worry, I will help you balance it reasonably." Lucian smiled, like a vague figure seen when staring into the abyss.

For some reason, Carly looked at Teacher Lucian's mysterious smile, and felt that Teacher Lucian's face seemed to become a little mysterious and made her a little scared.

[Your student Carly has respect for you, respect value +20]

"Come, I will teach you the most basic knowledge of alchemy today and recognize various materials. Of course, our first task is to repair bows and arrows, so I will only tell you about the materials needed to make bows and arrows, and then other materials and systematic knowledge will be made up later."

Lucian waved his hand and took out a few pieces of ore and a piece of wood with green veins from the space ring.

"These are star iron ores, which are one of the most common alchemical materials. They are flexible and often used to create parts that require a certain degree of toughness. You can pick them up and take a look. Its standard is that you can see obvious flickering stars in the ore pattern, and its absorption of mental power is low. When you use mental power to stimulate it, you can see a faint blue light. Here we can use it to make the bow body, leaving enough space for the rune enchantment later..."

"This is Wind Song Wood, a magical plant that contains a touch of wind element. It is often used to make wind-attribute witchcraft tools. Even if no runes are engraved on it, items made with Wind Song Wood can still have a slight acceleration effect. , for example, your previous hunting bow was made of Feng Yin Wood as the main body of the bow..."

While Lucian was teaching, he was also guiding Carly towards repairing the bow and arrow.

He wanted to know if Carly mastered the method of repairing the hunting bow and turning it into a simple witchcraft, whether the system could provide him with something new like upgrading witchcraft.

To be honest, the process is not too complicated.

After all, neither Lucian nor Carly had high requirements for bows and arrows, and Carly even simply wanted to repair bows and arrows.

So just over three hours later, Carly had roughly drawn a sketch of a bow and arrow on the scratch paper.

The top of the sketch is a hunting bow. The broken parts of the hunting bow will be spliced ​​together with flashing star iron and wind chanting wood to make up for the vacancy caused by the original fragmentation of the bow.

At Lucian's suggestion, several wizard runes representing "acceleration" were added to these newly added parts to provide the most basic blessing for this hunting bow: as long as it is used when drawing the bow and shooting. Mental power activates the runes on the bow, which can slightly increase the initial speed of the arrows fired.

"Teacher Lucian, I've designed it." Carly put down the quill in her hand, and then handed the final sketch to Lucian.

[Your student Carly has designed a simple alchemy hunting bow (unnamed). Congratulations on mastering the drawing: Simple alchemy hunting bow·modification! 】

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