This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 58 Disassembly and Harvest

"Teacher Lucian..." Carly handed the new version of the alchemy sketch she redesigned to Lucian, feeling a little uneasy in her heart.

After all, Carly didn't know whether her version of the alchemy blueprint could meet the standards in the mind of mentor Lucian.

"It's okay. Although there is still some room for improvement, this version is already very mature and not bad." Lucian looked at Carly and smiled.

Carly did not laugh at this time, but was nervously waiting for the turn after Teacher Lucian praised her.

But this time, she was on tenterhooks for a while, but did not wait for the expected "but". This made Carly look at Lucian with some confusion, and there seemed to be great confusion in her small eyes.

"What? Do you still want to continue to improve?" Lucian looked at Carly's questioning eyes, seemed to understand Carly's confusion at this time, and smiled and made a joke.

Carly shook her head with a smile, and took a small step back to avoid Lucian's pretended attempt to hit her brain.

"Hehe..." After confirming that Teacher Lucian seemed to be really sure that the most final version of the alchemy drawings had passed the test, Carly showed a relieved smile on her face.

Lucian looked through the alchemy drawings carefully, but in his mind he quickly went over the alchemy knowledge he had acquired through knowing that Carly had revised the alchemy drawings time and time again in the past few days. "Without further delay, Carly, I will help you repair the hunting bow later."

With that said, Lucian closed the drawing and waved it gently. "Just follow the version you designed. You have now mastered some of the tricks of alchemy, so I need you as an assistant."

"Yes!" Carly nodded heavily, her eyes bright.

Lucian did not hesitate and quickly picked up the materials that had been prepared nearby. However, after hesitating, Lucian put down a few pieces of star iron ore, and then took out the broken space pendant obtained from Norian.

"Wait a minute, I have a better idea." Lucian also had an impromptu idea at this time. When he was about to start the furnace, he remembered this damaged witchcraft tool that had been gathering dust for a long time.

With his current level of alchemy, he can already try to dismantle it and take out the remaining items inside.

After being dismantled, this damaged witchcraft tool will be completely scrapped. However, the main refining material for this precious space storage witchcraft is rare space crystals.

Although the scraps after dismantling cannot be restored into space crystals, and even the original characteristics of space crystals will be greatly damaged, there will still be some remaining. This kind of dismantled waste can naturally be regarded as a kind of alchemical material, and compared with the most basic alchemical material, star iron ore, it will undoubtedly be better in terms of spiritual power transmission and other aspects.

If the dismantled waste materials are used for refining, it may be able to bring some unexpected special effects to this hunting bow, such as giving this hunting bow a little more rare spatial attributes.

What's more important is that Lucian still has a complete space crystal in his hand. This time he took out the waste material with some of the properties of the space crystal to try out alchemy. It can also be regarded as a practical exercise for him to refine witchcraft tools for himself in the future...

Thinking of this, Lucian no longer hesitated, but quickly placed the damaged storage pendant on the experimental table.

Carly was a little confused by Lucian's actions, but she still obediently began to assist Lucian in carefully dismantling the storage pendant.

"Carly, activate the No. 3 witch array." Lucian looked at the pendant, which had gradually turned red from the original bright silver under the heat of the witch array, and gave Carly a quick instruction.

"Yes." Carly quickly activated the No. 3 witch formation, and then followed Lucian's instructions and slowly sprinkled some prepared medicinal powder on the pendant, which was still being heated.

Chi chi chi——

When the powder touched the pendant, it began to react slightly, causing the surface of the pendant to begin to burn.

This is actually a way to continuously dismantle one of the auxiliary materials used in refining the storage pendant, thereby destroying the overall structure of the pendant.

Lucian was highly concentrated at this time, carefully maintaining the stability of the overall structure inside the pendant. At the same time, he was still trying to temporarily unblock several key stages, and carefully dismantled some of the witches used to stabilize the internal structure. Magic runes.

"Get out of the way!" Soon, under the double damage of external refined destruction and internal active disintegration, the damaged pendant had reached the limit it could withstand, and the internal space was also at the last moment of being shattered. A critical state between stability and disintegration.

Lucian did not dare to hesitate. After a low cry, he quickly transferred the entire pendant to the No. 3 witch array that had been prepared for some time, allowing the pendant that was originally in a hot environment to quickly cool down under the action of the witch array.

Click——The pendant at this time could no longer withstand this kind of structural damage. Several small cracks appeared on the surface, and the space contained inside also began to collapse at this moment.

"Get out." Lucian's spirit was to quickly communicate with the half-collapsed space inside the pendant. Taking advantage of the moment when the remaining space was still stable, he moved all the items inside out at once.

After all, if it were a little slower, the things inside would be completely lost in the turbulent flow of space as the space collapsed.

Just as Lucian took out a small pile of items, the pendant on the other side had also broken into several pieces, dismantled from a magic tool into materials.

"Ugh..." Carly naturally saw the part of the things taken out from the space pendant, and when she saw one of the items stored in a transparent can, Carly's stomach churned, and she couldn't help but vomited directly.

In that can was a half-dissected head.

And this well-preserved head happened to be recognized by Carly. For a period of time, Carly even listed him as a goal that she must surpass.

"Lucian, Master!" Carly looked at Lucian, but soon she calmed down, took several deep breaths, and murmured something that only she could hear. After a while, Carly spoke again with some embarrassment, pointing to the head, "Master Lucian, can you lend me this specimen?"

"Oh, it's just a human head specimen. If you like it, you can take it. But I want to tell you that these refined human specimens are only needed by those who study human modification. If you are interested in these aspects, I need to teach you some preparatory courses in advance..." Lucian did not notice Carly's emotional changes at this time, so his words seemed a little casual.

At this time, some of Noriaan's collections had made Lucian unable to take his eyes away.

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