"Don't hide your tricks, come up with some tricks to repel this hateful Storm Giant." After confirming that there was no peaceful solution, Lilia glanced at Bennett and Lucian and spoke.

Lucian did not nod immediately, but turned on the identification function of the system and spent 10 points of reverence to identify the Storm Giant in front of him.

[Creature]: Storm Giant

[Position]: Monster·Giant·Storm Giant

[Introduction]: An intelligent creature that can manipulate storms and some thunder, but few people know that this seemingly powerful intelligent creature is afraid of strong light...

"Strong light?" Lucian was slightly stunned, but looking at Bennett and Lilia who had already taken out the combat magic tools at this time, after thinking for a while, Lucian stepped forward directly. "Let me try this Storm Giant first."

Bennett and Lilia were stunned, and there was also a hint of doubt in their eyes when they looked at Lucian.

If this was another level 3 wizard monster, they wouldn't be that surprised.

But now they are in the sky, and it's difficult for them to find a place with stable combat power after leaving the airship. Not to mention a fair fight with the Storm Giant.

Now Lucian said he would try it alone. This calm tone seemed to have the confidence to defeat or kill the Storm Giant alone.

"Is it possible that his strength is already very close to the level of a formal wizard, so he has strong confidence?" Bennett's heart was slightly lifted. If Lucian's strength is already very close to the level of a formal wizard, then his previous arrangements may be in vain. After all, in the face of absolute strength, some arrangements and means will appear very ridiculous.

On the other side, Lilia looked at Lucian with something else in her eyes.

After all, according to the instructions of that adult, in addition to keeping a close eye on Bennett, she also had to pay attention to Lucian, the emerging level 3 wizard apprentice.

At this time, Lucian's calm appearance when facing the storm giant also made Lilia have many thoughts in her mind.

Lucian didn't know what the other two companions were thinking. He took a few steps forward and stretched out his right hand. Suddenly, countless mental powers surged out and began to build a witchcraft model.

"Huh?" Bennett looked at Lucian with some doubts, because he found that Lucian had built a witchcraft model at this time, and he actually knew it, and this was a very simple focusing model, but under Lucian's fine-tuning, this model now enhances the focusing effect and can gather light with higher intensity than the original version.

However, the effect of this witchcraft is more reflected in the lighting of dark environments such as night or caves. Why would Lucian release this useless witchcraft in this atmosphere of an upcoming battle with the storm giant?

Bennett was a little confused, and at this time Lucian had already rubbed out a small light ball with many compressed light elements on his right hand.

"Carly." Lucian called out, and when Carly came running over, he quickly used a method similar to the enchantment of the Fiery Rocket to attach the light ball in front of him to Carly's arrow.

Carly understood, and fired the arrow with the strong light bullet attached to it towards the center of the storm.

Bennett and Lilia looked at Lucian in confusion, wondering what he was up to.

After all, they could see at a glance that the real lethality of the strong light bullet was not great. It might cause severe dizziness to the enemy, but the witchcraft intensity level that erupted might be a little difficult to kill even the weakest first-level wizard apprentice.

If Lucian still deliberately concealed his means at this time, or even wanted to use this method to be mysterious... Nate narrowed his eyes, but many thoughts emerged in his mind.

Just when Bennett had many thoughts in his mind, the strong light bomb that had just been launched in the center of the storm had exploded. The dazzling light made many weak wizard apprentices or crew members on the ship cover their eyes.

"Despicable human!" In the center of the storm, there was a somewhat angry roar from the storm giant.

At this time, a flame-like light was lingering around his body, and even the surrounding storms were calmed down a lot because of the injury of the storm giant.

Lilia looked at Lucian with a surprised expression. He could actually use the simplest strong light magic to cause such a great killing to the storm giant.

At this time, Lucian's right hand rubbed the strong light ball again, as if he was ready to hit the storm giant again.

However, the storm giant, which had suffered a great loss at this time, had already driven the storm to escape quickly, without giving Lucian and Carly the opportunity to hurt it again.

"I saw a book in the library that had some records about storm giants." Lucian noticed the look in Bennett and Lilia's eyes and explained with a smile. "The book said that storm giants are actually very afraid of strong light. Their fear of strong light is somewhat similar to humans' fear of fire."

"Today I met this storm giant, so I just tried it to see if what the book said was true."

Lucian said it easily.

However, Bennett and Lilia looked at Lucian deeply, because in the wizard world, knowledge is the best embodiment of strength.

Lucian was able to defeat and drive away the storm giant with the simplest strong light spell in the high altitude, which was extremely unfavorable for his own battle. This was the best embodiment of strength.

"Well, Lucian, you have been promoted to the third-level wizard apprentice for a short time, but you have accumulated so much knowledge. It seems that our future tasks will be easier." Bennett praised with a smile, but he was a little nervous.

"It's just luck." Lucian ignored Bennett's temptation. For him, the limelight just now was just to show off his muscles to Bennett and Lilia.

At this time, his goal has been achieved. There is no need to continue to show off. Instead, it may cause Bennett and Lilia to be vigilant against him, and it will also have a bad impact on the subsequent plans.

Bennett's eyes flickered. Lucian's performance just now was really beyond his expectations. It even made Bennett feel that his identity as the temporary leader of the team seemed to be threatened.

But soon he smiled again.

"Lucian, I think what you said just now makes sense. We will go to Kosai City in batches, and then observe carefully for a while at the garrison point before we take action. During this time, we can also take the initiative to conduct some detection and exploration. If possible, it would be best if we can capture a few fairies and bring them back."

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