This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 65 Fog Tide, Attack

"We can reach Mingang through the Gremlin Mountains in front." Mark led the way, but Lilia stopped.

"Martin, why is the fog so thick on this mountain?" Lilia looked at the mountain range in front of her that was almost shrouded in fog. Although she didn't sense any fluctuations related to witchcraft, he also felt that the fog was a bit beyond nature. category.

"Oh, this, this is just a fog tide. The Gremlin Mountains are close to the seaside. This kind of fog tide will form every April and May. Although it is somewhat obstructed, some adventurers who are not familiar with the local road conditions may get lost directly. In the mountains. But for me, Martin, this is not a problem." Martin said confidently.

"If we have to wait for it to disappear, how long will it take?" Of course, Lucian used the system's identification function to identify the fog in front of him, but the results still showed that it was just a strange landscape generated under natural conditions, and some Similar to the sea of ​​clouds phenomenon in some mountain ranges.

However, due to the uneasiness in his heart, Lucian was unwilling to continue moving forward in such an environment where his line of sight was seriously obstructed.

"It's possible... I can't tell." Martin hesitated for a moment, and finally lifted his fingers. "If you are lucky, the fog tide may disappear temporarily in a day or two, but if you are unlucky, the fog tide may remain for half a month or even a month."

"Actually, we can go directly through it, and during foggy weather, a particularly delicious mushroom will grow in the Gremulin Mountains. Many of my friends will wait for the foggy weather to go to the Gremulin Mountains. Dig. Gee, that kind of mushroom tastes great whether it’s cooked or grilled…”

Lucian looked at Lilia beside him.

Lilia hesitated for a moment and seemed to be thinking.

However, Lucian did not notice that at this time Lilia's right hand had quietly touched a rough cloth doll tied around her waist.

After waiting for a minute or two, Lilia stepped forward directly and broke into the mist tide.

Several students and followers of Martin and Lilia followed suit without hesitation. Leaving Lucian and Cali at the back of the team.

"Go in." Lucian looked at the large army in front, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, and he quickened his pace to follow.

"In the fog tide, the visual distance is closer than I thought, but the perception of mental power does not seem to be too hindered." After entering the range of the fog tide, Lucian felt the surrounding environment and felt in his heart We also have a general understanding of the impact of this natural fog.

However, to be cautious, Lucian calmly took out a handful of insect eggs that were used as casting materials from his pocket, and quietly performed the zero-level exploration witchcraft [Repelling Insect Hives].

Of course, Lucian did not cooperate with the semi-deformation effect of this witchcraft to temporarily change his appearance to achieve the best detection effect. Instead, he only used the effect of witchcraft to quietly let the insect eggs he just took out quickly hatch into a Only mosquitoes were caught, and the mosquitoes were directed to explore the surroundings in more detail.

"Found it!" In front of the team, Martin suddenly accelerated his run and almost disappeared from Lilia's sight.

Lilia quietly stretched out her left hand, about to perform witchcraft.

But at this moment, Martin ran to the root of a vine, squatted down and started digging. It didn't take long before he unearthed a round white fungi, "That's it. Just wash it a little and it'll be fine." It’s delicious eaten raw.”

Lilia glanced at the mushroom in Martin's hand and narrowed her eyes, but she still retracted her left hand.

The team continued to move forward, and Martin would run a little further from time to time, and then dig out the white spherical fungi.

The deeper you go into the mountains, the thicker the fog caused by the fog tide becomes.

Even at the back, the fog seriously blocked the view, and the surroundings seemed to be covered by a thick layer of milk. The visual distance at this time is not even two meters.

"Carly, stay close to me." Lucian was extremely nervous at this time. Because the mosquitoes he released could hardly find any useful information at this time.

There is a vast expanse of white all around. Except for relying on his mental power to sweep away, he is now almost blind.

Carly held the Origin Bow calmly at this time, and her eyes continued to scan the surroundings vigilantly.

"Lilia, stop for a moment!" Lucian felt increasingly uneasy at this time. He grabbed Carly and rushed towards the front of the team.

At this time, Lilia also sensed the abnormality. At this time, she directly reached out and held down the guide Martin who was still going forward, and her eyes became a little dangerous.

"What's wrong?" Martin didn't know that danger was approaching at this time, and he wanted to continue walking forward.

At this moment, several arrows were shot towards Lucian from the thick fog in front.

"Be careful! Lucian waved his hand, and an ice shield suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking an arrow that shot straight into his chest.

When the arrow was inserted into the ice shield, Lucian discovered that the arrow was actually made of vines. It could even be said that it was actually a vine that had been cultivated into the shape of an arrow.

"The handiwork of a goblin." Two large test tubes appeared in Lucian's hands. The test tubes were filled with lavender liquid. This was the venom that Lucian had prepared to face the goblins he might encounter.

While Lucian was on full alert, other wizard apprentices or servants were unable to completely resist the power of the arrows.

"Ah——" With a few screams, some weak wizard apprentices and followers in the team were shot and injured. Two unlucky guys were shot directly in the vitals and fell to the ground without a sound.

Martin, who was walking in front of the team, also had an arrow on his forehead. His body softened, his right hand loosened, and a spherical fungus block that had just been dug out rolled down to the distance.

But while Lucian and Lilia were on full alert, there was no movement in the depths of the fog.

"Count the number of people." Lilia's expression was a little livid. In the previous round of raids, her casualties were not small.

What's more fatal is that the group of fairies active in the fog can obviously "see" them, but the detection magic on her side did not have the desired effect on the group of fairies.

It was not until the other side launched an attack that we realized it belatedly.

"It should be the forest elves." Lucian walked to Lilia's side and handed the vine arrow to Lilia. "They can exert their greatest combat power in the forest, and they can also use some trees or special plants to exert effects that we can't imagine."

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