This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 72 Transformation (Two in One)

Lucian looked at Carly, who had extremely determined eyes at this time, and finally said nothing, just nodded slightly. "Well, be prepared. After we arrive in Kosai City, we can conduct the blood transplant experiment. If you regret it in the past two days, I won't say anything. But if you wait until after your blood transplant and then want to regret it, you won't have the chance. ”

"Yes." Carly nodded heavily, but there was no fear in her eyes, but a deep expectation.

"Lilia, Lucian!" As soon as he got off the boat, Lucian saw Bennett and several of his followers waiting on the dock. Compared with when they separated before, Bennett also brought five fewer followers, and many of them were injured. Apparently they had fought on the way to Kosai Island.

But what shocked Lucian and Lilia was the head maid Fia who had been following Bennett. At this time, the latter could not perfectly control his breath due to the injury on his chest, and burst out with a mental wave belonging to a third-level wizard apprentice.

"Fia was lucky enough to have a breakthrough when the battle broke out and she was faced with the threat of death." Bennett explained as if he noticed the gazes of Lucian and Lilia, but didn't say much.

"Did you also encounter a goblin?" Lilia stared at the maid Fia for a while, then looked at Bennett, but her right hand gently pressed on the rough cloth doll [Adeline] around her waist.

"Well, we met a team of goblins. The leader was a forest elf at the level of a third-level wizard apprentice. We suffered a small loss." Bennett also looked at Lucian and the others at this time. From what Lilia said just now, "Also ", he naturally learned a lot of information.

"We have also encountered harassment from a few goblins here, but they are all at the level of second-level wizard apprentices." Lucian added, and then he looked at Bennett, "Are there any corpses of those goblins here? If so, you can sell it to me.”

"Sorry, I'm more interested myself." Bennett shrugged, seemingly casually.

"Let's talk about the situation on Kosai Island first. Your deal will be settled privately." Lilia was a little impatient and interrupted the conversation between Lucian and Bennett.

"I want to know now, is Kosai City safe? Also, how did those damn goblins discover us." Lilia's cold eyes scanned the other people in the team.

"The plan was initially agreed upon by the three of us on a temporary basis, but on the way, we were intercepted accurately by the goblins." When Lilia said this, her whole person's aura suddenly exploded, like an iceberg about to explode into an avalanche. "If someone is leaking information, then I think we should find out the bug who leaked the information first!"

Several second-level wizard apprentices lowered their heads slightly under Lilia's cold gaze, not daring to look at her.

After Bennett thought for a moment, he shook his head. "It shouldn't be our internal problem. After all, no one has left the team privately during these times. I am more inclined to think that this is some kind of weird detection method used by the forest elves."

"Mist tide." Lucian looked at the two partners who had different opinions and expressed his opinion. "The goblins are naturally able to control some special natural forces. Perhaps there are special individuals among them who can use the fog tide for detection."

"But now the group of goblins is really too active, and this desperate posture does not seem to be for some magic plants in the goblin paradise. I feel that we can ask the academy for help. If the official wizard takes action..." As Lucian spoke, he quietly observed the expressions of the other two people, not missing any detail.

"No, I object!" Lilia showed her strong opposition before Bennett could. But Lilia soon realized her gaffe. She calmed down her expression slightly, and then assumed a calm and analytical posture.

"Think about it, if the official wizard comes over, we won't be able to return early before things are completely over here. We will even have to obey the orders of that adult and take the greatest risks for very little benefit..."

Bennett on the side also nodded repeatedly. In order to dispel Lucian's idea of ​​asking for help, he quickly continued to follow Lilia's words.

"Yes, and the situation is not as bad as you think, Lucian. At least Kosai City is still within our control now. If those goblins really have the absolute strength or determination, then Kosai City is now It should have fallen."

"In addition, Lucian, don't you still want to obtain the corpse of the goblin? If you miss this opportunity, it will be difficult to come into contact with these intelligent creatures again."

Lucian nodded, seemingly convinced by Bennett.

Under Bennett's arrangement, Lucian and Carly moved into a spacious building inside Kosay City.

This seems to have been the residence of a wizard in the past. Although some valuable wizard arrays, equipment, etc. have been moved away, the frame design of the house has been kept very intact. Clean it up and take out some of the prepared items. After arranging the materials and equipment slightly, a simple laboratory has been formed.

"As expected of a resource point rich in moonlight moss, the moonlight moss sold at a high price in the academy is sold for less than half of the price in Kosai City. If some internal means are used, the price can even be suppressed. Within one-third of the price of the college..."

Lucian picked up a portion of moonlight moss with some crystal dewdrops on it, and his eyes lit up slightly.

With a sufficient supply of moonlight moss, he could continue to prepare the potion [Moonlight Praise] that can improve his mental power to speed up his mental power accumulation.

However, the moonlight moss he bought now was not used to prepare potions, but for the blood transplant experiment that was about to begin.

"Teacher Lucian... I, I'm ready." Carly responded a little awkwardly at this time.

"Well, okay, then lie down." Lucian said while taking out a small jar of light silver crystal particles from the space ring.

This was all the moon essence blood essence he extracted from the half-elf corpse. At this time, under Lucian's treatment, the blood stored in crystallization slowly melted and finally returned to light silver moon essence blood.

Carly lay on a stone platform, and her breathing became a little heavy due to tension.

"Relax, you may feel pain when the thorns pierce your body, but the silverthorn wood itself has an anesthetic effect, so you won't feel the pain soon."

After Lucian used a few vines to fix Carly's body, he placed the moonlight moss in his hand under the palm of Carly's right hand, then took out a sharpened wooden thorn and stabbed it hard at Carly's palm.

Carly's body trembled slightly because of the severe pain caused by the penetrating wound. Then, bright red blood flowed out at a uniform speed along the natural lines of the silverthorn wood, slowly dyeing the moonlight moss under her palm red.

"Hold on, it will be fine soon." Lucian said, and continued to pick up the wooden thorns in his hand, and did the same to Carly's remaining limbs.

At this time, the four wooden thorns had nailed Carly's body to the test bench, and her little face became a little pale due to blood loss.

"Lu..." Carly opened her lips, but soon closed them tightly, and her eyes became determined again.

"The last one." Lucian took out a thinner wooden thorn, and this time, he aimed at Kali's heart.

Kali closed her eyes tightly.

Bang - the wooden thorn pierced hard, and Kali's breath began to weaken rapidly because of the fatal wound that pierced through her heart.

But at this moment, Lucian took out the Moon Essence Blood that he had prepared long ago, and poured it down at a uniform speed along the top of the silverthorn wood thorn that pierced through Kali's heart.

The light silver blood slid down at a uniform speed along the natural lines of the silverthorn wood, rendering this piece of wood thorn into a beautiful silver color. Even under the nourishment of the Moon Essence Blood, a small spore was extracted from the top of the wood thorn, and then sprouted and turned green, becoming a emerald green leaf.

However, more Moon Essence Blood still followed the lines of the wood thorn and successfully entered Kali's heart, and began to rapidly merge and grow with some kind of weak power lurking in Kali's original blood.

At this time, under the severe external threat and the instinct of survival, Carly's body not only did not suppress this sudden power, but also fully cooperated with this power to transform the body.

The first thing to undergo transformation was Carly's heart.

Plop... Plop...

Carly's originally bright red heart now had many complex silver secret patterns. The heart, which was originally weak due to the thorns of the silver thorn tree, now burst out with more powerful vitality, and even slowly squirmed, slowly expelling the foreign body that pierced into the body.

With the successful transformation of the heart, the special blood carrying the light of the bright silver moon began to flow into Carly's limbs and bones with the rhythm of the heart.

Soon, Carly's bones began to change slowly, and a few silver secret patterns appeared on the surface of the bones. The bone marrow began to continuously breed this special silver moon blood, which brought Carly's body transformation into a new stage.

"Hmm..." Carly's frown gradually relaxed, but as her bloodline continued to transform, Carly's consciousness also fell into a deep sleep of self-protection.

Lucian was relieved when he saw this.

"Identify." Lucian waved his hand and spent 30 points of reverence to identify Carly.

[Character]: Carly Meyer

[Status]: Sleeping (bloodline fusion, expected awakening time: 10 days, 7 hours and 15 minutes)

[Strength]: First-level wizard apprentice/transforming...


1. Because of the fusion of the same bloodline, the dormant moon essence bloodline in the body has received a certain degree of positive stimulation, which has enhanced the original degree of atavism of the transformer to a certain extent. It is expected that the richness of the moon essence bloodline after fusion will be slightly higher than expected (10.3% - \u003e 13.5%)

2. There are sores on the body caused by the experiment, and the specific treatment method is...

Looking at the identification results, Lucian breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he was able to remain calm during the experiment, his entire back was soaked when he put down the wooden thorn.

After all, this experiment still has a certain risk of death, especially when Carly's heart was pierced by the silverthorn wood. If an accident occurs, it will be difficult to rescue her.

Fortunately, the experiment was successful. The most risky stage of blood fusion has passed, and the subsequent transformation process will slowly continue for 10 days. This process does not require Lucian's intervention. Now all he can do is wait quietly.

Of course, Lucian was not idle during this period. He soon shifted his attention from Carly to several unused moonlight mosses.

Carly only felt her consciousness drifting. She didn't know how long it had been, nor what she was doing. In a daze, she felt that she had come to a tree kingdom built between the mountains and forests.

"Where is this?" Carly looked around in confusion. This was definitely the first time she had seen the scene here, including those exquisite utensils that didn't look like daily necessities and some carvings with complex natural patterns.

But everything here made her feel extremely familiar and kind, as if she belonged here.

"I...what should I do?" Carly didn't know what she was thinking. She waved her hand subconsciously, and suddenly an invisible special airflow blew over, giving birth to tiny buds on a piece of special-style wooden branches hanging on the wall.

"Me?" Carly was shocked by her own ability. She looked at her hands in panic, then looked at the branch on the wall that had sprouted, and was a little confused.

Outside, Lucian, who had just dealt with the waste, paused slightly.

[Your student Carly has mastered the racial talent {Nature Force}, congratulations on mastering the racial witchcraft {Nature Force·Change}! ]

[Your student Carly has completely mastered the racial talent {Nature Force}, congratulations on obtaining the bond · Nature Force! ]

The two messages popped up almost at the same time, and a lot of knowledge began to flow into Lucian's mind.

"Is this okay?" As knowledge quickly poured in, Lucian looked at his hands in surprise, and began to construct an extremely complex witchcraft model according to the knowledge transmitted by the system.


As the witchcraft model was completely constructed, Lucian waved his hand gently.

An invisible air current blew over the wooden stool in front of him. Under the blessing of this special air current, a corner of the wooden stool began to sprout quickly and grew a thin branch, which looked full of vitality.

"It is really amazing to be able to revive dead plants. This special ability to control nature is really amazing." Lucian looked at the wooden stool that was sprouting and taking root at this time, with a touch of admiration in his eyes.

You know, according to the description of the system, limited by the human body, even with the blessing of the fetters, the effect of this kind of racial talent that Lucian can play is only half of what Kali can play. If Kali is allowed to play this special ability, the effect will be more magical, and it can even give birth to some precious magic plants!

emmm, sorry, this chapter has been slightly revised and is a few minutes late.

The second student started preparing after the end of Kosai Island, and asked for everyone's opinions.

The second student's occupation currently scheduled is melee, male, big and strong. It belongs to the type that is usually calm and reliable, but will be more fanatical after the battle begins.

In terms of professions, there are three ideas:

1. Knight (physical and magical dual cultivation, somewhat similar to the magic swordsman in online games, mainly relying on melee combat, but also releasing some auxiliary witchcraft to enhance themselves or the team, and then raising Warcraft partners)

2. Melee wizard (somewhat similar to berserker, or physical or fist cultivation in immortal novels, focusing on an undead warrior)

3. Secret pattern warrior (somewhat similar to the paladin in Warhammer, tin can)

4. Others


In addition, if there are book friends who want to help with the naming of watermelon, please leave a message

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