"Kill him, hehe, as long as you let Adeline do it, Adeline will definitely kill him." In Lilia's mind, there seemed to be a little girl's voice laughing, and at the same time it was pulling Lilia's emotions, making her anger more intense.

Lucian snorted coldly, glanced at Lilia who was extremely embarrassed at this time, but sneered in his heart.

In two months, with sufficient [Moonlight Praise], he has now solidified a full 131 spiritual runes, which is much higher than Lilia in terms of quantity. In terms of purity, it is more than one level higher than Lilia who practices the Gray Bone Meditation Method.

Lilia actually took the initiative to intimidate him by releasing mental pressure, which was like crashing into the steel plate.

"Okay, let's discuss it here, it's more or less not worth it to take action." Bennett looked at the somewhat tense atmosphere at this time, comforted Lilia twice, and looked at Lucian.

"Lucian, I heard that you have mastered some ancient goblin texts. How about we use this as a trade? After all, I won't need this potion for a while."

"Okay." Lucian took back the Moonlight Tribute with a flip of his hand. He didn't care about Lilia's ugly face at this time, but bargained with Bennett.


"My lord, great wizard, please... please..." A young man in ordinary farmer's clothes crawled on the ground, trembling all over.

"My family is still counting on me..." But soon his pleading was blocked by a growing vine, and he could only twist his body constantly, with a strong desire for life in his eyes.

In front of him, two half-goblins were holding special witch tools and conducting more detailed tests on his blood.

"Is it okay?"

"It's the blood of the sea elves, but it's very thin and not very useful." Another half-goblin shook his head, and his words undoubtedly sentenced the tied man to death.

A vine came out of the ground and smashed the man's heart into pieces accurately. Blood quickly flowed out of the wound.

This scene also made the men and women in the vine cages scream and wail in fear. After all, this might be their fate.

"Be quiet." The half-elf who was in charge of the test just now spoke. She exuded the aura of a third-level wizard apprentice. At the same time, a special wave radiated from the antlers on her head.

The faint mental power fluctuations began to quickly invade the minds of these ordinary people, making them suddenly in a state of confusion. The struggle, wailing, and crying stopped at once. Everyone stood in the cage blankly, like a walking corpse.

But there was an accident.

"Uncle... Uncle..." A skinny boy looked at the man on the ground who had died miserably, his body trembling slightly. Under the impact of this hypnotic mental wave, it seemed that a hidden switch in his body was accidentally turned on, and his eyes suddenly turned into a violent blood red.

"Roar!" A breath like a ferocious beast burst out from his body, and then the blood vessels on his body began to bulge one by one, and his originally skinny body swelled up like a balloon.

Large chunks of muscles were generated quickly and even began to squeeze each other, turning him from a "skinny monkey" into a sturdy muscular man in an instant.

Swish - the boy just exerted a little force with both hands, and immediately tore the vine cage that originally bound them directly.

"Looking for death!" A half-elf at the level of a second-level wizard apprentice sneered, but directly activated the blood power of the forest spirit in his body, and immediately summoned dozens of hard wooden thorns, which shot towards the suddenly erupting boy like a rain of arrows. If an ordinary person encountered such an attack, he would probably be shot into a sieve.

"Ahhh..." Facing these witchcraft attacks, the boy did not choose to dodge, but opened his scarlet eyes wide and rushed towards the two half-elfs.

At this time, his mind was filled with anger from his bones, and the only thought was to kill these two hateful enemies!

Sizzle - the wooden thorns passed through his arm, bringing a string of blood flowers.

However, the muscles near the wound on the boy's arm were squirming rapidly, entangled with each other, and soon blocked the blood hole and began to heal quickly.

At the same time, he had come in front of the two half-elfs.

The boy had clenched his fists and was about to vent his anger on the enemy in front of him, but at this moment, dozens of tough vines rose from the ground and quickly bound him tightly.

Even though the boy was extremely powerful in this state, he could only hit these flexible vines foolishly and could not get rid of them at all. In the end, he was bound by these vines and wrapped into a solid dumpling.

"I actually met a madman who suddenly awakened [Frenzy]." The half-elf at the level of a second-level wizard apprentice looked at the boy who was struggling helplessly under the heavy vines with some fear, but then sneered.

"Even if the lowly bloodline inherits the power, it is just..."

"Okay, shut up, Luo." The third-level wizard apprentice-level half-elf with antlers on his head glanced at his companion, "If I hadn't taken action just now, you would have returned to the embrace of nature."

Luo opened his mouth, but in the end he couldn't say anything to refute. However, he vented the anger in his heart on the young man who had exited the mad state and fell into a deep coma.

"Sister Xiaolu, let's kill him. Since he has awakened the fighting spirit, even if he has thin fairy blood, he must be contaminated at this time..." Luo lowered his head slightly, his eyes flickering.

"I know what you are thinking, but you have to know that this is a precious carrier. It only needs a little control to become my most loyal and capable slave. Even with a little modification, he can use his special body and The third-level wizard apprentice used one or two moves." Lu glanced at Luo beside him, half-smiling.

"Of course, if you can give me something that makes my heart move, it's okay to leave him to you. But... can you afford it?"

Luo hurriedly lowered his head.

He knew his sister's temper very well. If he completely angered her, the consequences might not be much worse than angering the leader. Even for me personally, perhaps offending the sister in front of me is more terrifying than offending the leader.

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