This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 83: Remarks on the launch

Huh, it's time to put it on the shelves all of a sudden. As a new writer, I didn't handle many things very well, and I thank you for your understanding and company.

Let's talk about the key points first.

Xigua would like to thank all the book friends for their support. Without your company, this book would not have come this far. Here, Xigua also wishes all the handsome men and beautiful women in front of the screen a smooth life and all their wishes come true.

1.2w words will be updated on the day of the launch, and it will continue to be 10,000 words per day for at least 1 week. In the future, it will be intermittently 10,000 words per day under the premise of ensuring quality, with a minimum of 6~8k. The main reason is that sometimes I need to sort out my thoughts, and continuous 10,000 words per day is a bit too much...

[The light-speed speech is announced, the following is the author's words before the launch]


To be honest, I really didn't expect this book to come to this point today. Until now, I still have a very unreal feeling. After all, it was a pure accident for me to think about this book.

When I was in the book friend group of Shui Erquan, Erquan suddenly posted a small essay and suggested that we try online writing. I had nothing to do at the time, and I was short of books, so I had the idea of ​​giving it a try, and then I started browsing forums and looking for information.

At the beginning, the idea of ​​this book was actually beastmaster + wizard

Wizards were a category that I came into contact with relatively early when I came into contact with online literature, and beastmastering was a theme that I liked more recently. The original idea was actually to follow a route similar to that of a druid, to make a contract with some monsters, and then gradually upgrade and grow into a Western fantasy beastmastering article.

However, after reading some online article tutorials and starting to scan the rankings and similar articles, I found that there were simply too many authors who wrote new books on the theme of beastmastering. Everyone was following the similar [breeder] and [researcher] routes, and I felt that I couldn't write anything new.

So I started to use my imagination. When I was looking for inspiration on Bilibili, I suddenly saw a sentence "I don't want to be a human anymore!", and my brain seemed to be kicked.

Beastmastering is to write about pets as partners, so can I turn [beastmastering] into "controlling people" or "controlling partners"? So, the idea of ​​this teaching article became clear all of a sudden, and then I wrote it in a hurry, and wrote a first draft of nearly 40,000 words, and then excitedly tested the poison on my roommate.

After burying him, I also shut myself up.

But I was really unwilling to give up, and felt that I wrote it well.

So, with the idea of ​​"at worst I will be kicked out of the group chat", I directly sent my first draft to Erquan through the QQ group private chat.

hhh... Thinking about it now, I feel that I was super brave at that time.

Thanks to Erquan, not only did he help me look at the subject matter, but he also read my beginning very carefully and made detailed suggestions for revisions. After I revised the manuscript according to Erquan's suggestions, I got the beginning of the current draft.

Then it was a one-stop service of publishing books and signing contracts.

But I must admit that as a pure newbie, I didn't think about it very well in some places.

Because the original idea was a beast control article, when I first started to deal with some plots, I didn't think too much, but described the interaction between the protagonist and his students according to the pet writing method of some beast control articles I had read. But sometimes, there are some differences between the interaction between people and pets and between people... [Covering face]

Other minor problems happen from time to time. For a while, I was a little autistic and my mind was in a mess.

But fortunately, I still persisted. I was too lazy to look at the data, but I thought about finishing this book and looking at the overall problem. But sometimes things always develop beyond my expectations.

I saw a book friend passing by in the comment area asking why this book can also be on Sanjiang.

emmm, in fact, Xigua, a newbie, also wants to know.

When my editor [Wu Shu] called me to Sanjiang, I was stupid.

[Wu Shu]: Congratulations, Sanjiang on Sunday

[Xigua]: Ah? Me?

[Xigua]: Boss, don't tease me, are you mistaken?

[Wu Shu]: Just say whether you want it or not

[Wu Shu]: Knock.gif

hhh... Xigua was so useless that he couldn't fall asleep that night, always thinking if he had made a mistake.

Here, I would also like to thank Xigua’s editor [Wu Shu]!

He is the most handsome male editor, capable and patient. Although there are many traitors among the authors, but please believe my loyalty!

Although I voted for the boss internally because I saw someone on the forum saying that the boss’s acceptance rate is relatively high, so I gave up the boss who voted for Jiang Cha (this paragraph is crossed out)

Wu Shu is definitely a newcomer-friendly editor. Before, my recommendation was not effective, and I wanted to change an introduction. The boss helped me reply... No, he helped me correct it nearly 20 times, and he was never impatient. And no matter how naive the question is, the boss will answer it...

He really makes me cry.

Always loyal to Wu Shu! ! !

Here, I also strongly recommend Wu Shu. Book friends who want to try writing can go directly to Group 4 to find him. If you encounter any problems in writing a book, don’t be embarrassed, ask the boss, ask the boss, ask the boss.

If the boss doesn’t reply, add a few more emoticons.

As long as you are not embarrassed, the pressure will be on Boss Wushu.

By the way, remember not to mention my name when the time comes. I never care about these empty words. [狗头]

Finally, thank you all the book friends who have been with me all along! Thank you for your company, and thank you for your tolerance and support for Xigua! Xigua has nothing to give back, that is, to write a good book and live up to everyone's trust and support for Xigua.

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