This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 85: Rituals and Blessings

Lucian's pupils shrank slightly, but he still gave up the identification rationally.

However, this special Cloud Mist Gate and the ladder formed by it couldn't help but make Lu Xi'an feel a little more cautious. After all, an item that requires such a high reverence value must have its special characteristics, and in In the wizarding world, sometimes the unknown represents danger.

However, judging from what Carly just described, this relic should be related to "inheritance" and "baptism", so its purpose should be more about detection and screening, and the method should not be extremely cruel. What's more, Carly still has a Purple Leaf Talisman in her hand...

Lucian thought as he followed Carly up the ladder.

But soon, Lucian's expression changed.

Because after he stepped on the ladder, he could feel that the spiritual power in his spiritual sea seemed to be suppressed by invisible forces. In this state, it might be difficult for him to construct the simplest zero-level witchcraft.

Lucian withdrew his feet, and the feeling of being restrained disappeared.

"Is this suppression for everyone, or only for those non-ethnics who do not have fairy blood?" Lucian looked up at the fairy leader who had begun to climb, hesitating slightly.

"Teacher Lucian, my mental power has also been suppressed." Carly seemed to understand Lucian's thoughts and whispered at this time.

Lucian was slightly relieved when he heard Carly's reminder. Then he no longer hesitated, and followed Carly to start the difficult climb along the ladder at his feet.

"Ah..." Halfway through the climb, a scream suddenly came from behind.

Lucian turned around, only to see despair in the eyes of a half-elf at the level of a second-level wizard apprentice. He seemed to have missed the mark just now, and now he slipped directly from the ladder under the invisible weight.

You know, within the scope of the ladder, their mental power is suppressed, and they cannot release any witchcraft at all. And under such conditions, if you fall from a high altitude, even a third-level wizard apprentice will suffer severe injuries if he survives.

"The things in the ruins are definitely not mine, but the danger may be mine. I have to be promoted to a third-level wizard apprentice, and I have to return to my family..."

A second-level wizard apprentice at the end of the team had a hint of flinching in his eyes. He quietly glanced at his mentor Bennett, who had climbed to the front, but quietly retreated, trying to retreat to the ground along the cloud steps to avoid it. This adventure.

However, when he stepped back to the next step, the cloud steps under his feet disappeared instantly and turned into light ordinary clouds, allowing his feet to step directly into the air. After letting out a scream, the whole person also fell from the height towards the ground.

"You really think you are a fool." Bennett was naturally aware of his student's depravity and cursed in his heart. However, he was also on this ladder that allowed him to advance but not retreat. He could only grit his teeth and climb up the steep ladder.

At this time, Lucian and Cali, who were in front of the team, were almost climbing to the Gate of Clouds. At this time, they could see some decorations and patterns on these mysterious ancient gates, with various carvings on them. There are flowers and plants, and the most conspicuous place above the head is the two bright moons engraved on it, and the abstract totems of two special magical beasts are also engraved on the moon.

Moon Wolf Nel Tuso; Moon Dragon Ciel Mira.

Lucian looked at the two Warcraft totems carved on the giant door, and some information about these two legendary Warcraft with strong fairy colors emerged in his mind.

It is said that these are two ancient magical beasts enshrined by the Moon Fairy clan:

Among them, the giant wolf Tusuo has a terrifying body and eyes that can see good and evil. He is a demon and a divine judgment. He will use the most violent power to crush evil, and he will also use his softest hair to warm the pure soul.

Mira, the elf dragon, has powerful elemental manipulation abilities and an ability that can be called "purification". According to the ancient legend of the Moon Jing clan, Mira, the elf dragon, can purify the "evil evil spirits" in the blood, and was therefore favored by the ancient Moon Jing clan. The seal is often engraved on the fairy baptismal pool.

"It seems... my guess should be correct." Lucian took a deep breath. Although he didn't know what the giant wolf Tusonel represented, he could see the moon dragon Mira on the giant door, so what was inside the ruins? Place should also have some connection with "purification".

"Hurry up, push the door with me." At this time, the goblin leader had begun to urge Carly, and there was also a purple leaf mark on the palm of her left hand.

She raised her left hand and pressed it towards the same purple brand on the ancient giant door.

Carly looked at Lucian first, and then placed her right hand on the purple leaf brand on the other side of the giant door.

Buzz - The giant door on Carly's side lit up with a soft white light.

As for the goblin leader, her expression seemed a little distorted at this time. Her hand that touched the giant door became a little "weird" at this time. Black lines continued to extend from her palm towards her entire arm. It was like tiny, terrifying and weird black snakes twisting and lurking in her arms.

However, the goblin leader still gritted his teeth, risking his entire arm to be completely scrapped, and worked hard to slowly push the giant door open.

"It seems that this is the real reason why they need to find the [Key]." Lucian narrowed his eyes. He suddenly thought of the blood curse detected in the half-goblin's body before, and then looked at the current state of the goblin leader. , it is obvious that the curse in the body was activated under some stimulation from the giant gate...

Lucian pondered while carefully observing the door that was slowly pushed open.

"Hmm?" Soon, Lucian discovered something unusual, because when he carefully studied a string of floral patterns on the edge of the door, he suddenly discovered that these seemingly decorative patterns were actually modified ancient fairy characters.

This is somewhat similar to the artistic words in some logo designs before he crossed over. It looks a bit abstract, but if you look closely, you can still recognize each word in it.

"The Kingdom of Clouds... Start..." Lucian quickly read the words above while quickly analyzing the content of this poem that was somewhat similar to a song.

Soon, Lucian slowly translated this "ballad":

Wandering above Moraco is the natural kingdom above the clouds;

The excellent ethnic group with purple leaves realizes the insignificance of life here;

Travel through the misty maze and escape the disaster from the soul;

Offer a sacrifice to Tuso Wolf, and Mira's blessing will be revealed.

"Ritual...blessing?" Lucian thought. The poem engraved on the giant cloud gate should record the content of the trial of this relic. If Mira's blessing represents the fairy baptism pool, then what is the "ritual" offered to the giant wolf Tuso?

However, Lucian did not have time to think too much at this time, because the giant cloud gate was slowly opened by the joint efforts of Kali and the fairy leader.

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