Lucian's current state is definitely what every third-level wizard apprentice dreams of.

After all, once this step is taken, there will be a world of difference. From then on, he can become an absolute high-level inside the Gray Bone Academy, and even with more time, he can directly open up a new wizard family and name the family name after himself!

But Lucian hesitated for only a moment, and then gave up the idea of ​​immediate promotion. Instead, he used the mental power control skills in the Gray Bone Meditation Method · Modification II to control his mental power to begin to strengthen and suppress his spiritual sea.

Soon, under Lucian's suppression, a new mental rune was reinforced in his spiritual sea, but it temporarily bound part of Lucian's mental power inside the spiritual sea. It's like using your hand to press a float that is about to float out of the water back into the water.

Then the second one, the third one...

Every time he condensed a spirit rune, Lucian could feel the suppressed desire for breakthrough in his body, but these spirit runes were suppressed in his spirit sea according to the method described in the meditation method, relying on this almost self-sealing method to condense more spirit runes.

"It's not time yet." Lucian opened his eyes and whispered in his heart.

For a formal wizard, the wizard apprentice stage is an important foundation-laying period. Every time a spirit rune is solidified during the wizard apprenticeship, the foundation on the wizard road in the future will be more solid, and you can go further.

Perhaps in the eyes of most wizard apprentices in the Gray Bone Academy, being promoted to a formal wizard is their ultimate goal. For this, they are willing to suppress their spirit sea, overdraw part of their life, and even transform themselves into some kind of weird existence.

After all, in the small land of Gray Bone Academy, a formal wizard is already the peak, and the illusory level of the dean is simply unattainable. Even many apprentices are skeptical about whether the so-called dean is still alive, after all, it has been nearly 100 years since his last public appearance!

A hundred years is a long time span for formal wizards. Perhaps the legendary dean has long turned into a corpse. In their eyes, the formal wizards who are usually high above and the college committee composed of formal wizards are already an insurmountable mountain top.

But Lucian is different. He is not willing to stay in the Gray Bone College for his whole life, and he will not only focus on the level of formal wizards.

In a big way, he wants to live comfortably according to his own ideas, wants to change the Gray Bone College, and even wants to radiate to a farther area. And for this goal, he needs to at least have the strength to crush the formal wizards, or even stronger!

It is difficult for a small branch to bear fruit, and a good well needs to be dug deep. If you want to have the strength to sweep a group of formal wizards, then Lucian needs to have a foundation far beyond that of an ordinary formal wizard!

Moreover, when he just sensed that he could be promoted to a formal wizard, Lucian could also feel the hidden suppression and rejection of this secret realm.

Obviously, this secret realm does not allow intruders at the level of formal wizards. If Lucian ignores the suppression conveyed by the ruins and forcibly breaks through the bottleneck to be promoted, it will be very likely to trigger countermeasures inside the secret realm.

At that time, Lucian will either be excluded from the secret realm, or expelled or even killed by the guards inside the secret realm. This is completely unacceptable to Lucian.

"But even if I don't break through, my current strength is definitely enough inside the ruins." Lucian clenched his fist lightly and looked in the direction of Lilia.

After experiencing the transformation of his mental power just now, Lucian's mental power strength is now infinitely close to that of a formal wizard. Even compared with some formal wizards with weak foundations, Lucian's mental power may be much purer. According to Lucian's own speculation, his current mental power can even bear some formal witchcraft with less burden.

With this level of mental power alone, Lucian's combat power has reached the threshold level of a formal wizard, not weaker than the goblin leader who relied on his bloodline to reach this level. In fact, in terms of sustained combat, Lucian is slightly stronger.

As for Lilia, who can compete with the goblin leader with her special magic tools?

Although it may be a bit troublesome to deal with, if you really want to do it, it may be easier than dealing with the goblin leader.

After all, Lilia's own strength is only at the normal level of a third-level wizard apprentice. Her strength is completely dependent on the special doll-type magic tool named Adeline.

Maybe the formal wizard hidden behind the doll is very powerful and difficult, but after all, he did not enter the ruins in person. It is relatively easy to crack it with just a little mental power stored in the doll and some means arranged in advance.

"Like you said, the ritual badge... I'll keep it with you for now." Lucian looked at Adeline, who seemed to have grown up a little bit, in Lilia's arms, then retracted his gaze and turned to look at "himself" beside him.

Lucian couldn't help but smile.

This was a sudden thought he had just had. But now it seems that the camouflage effect of this transformation achieved with the help of Kuka spores is very good.

Although this transformation is more like a high-level "disguise" or "eye-catching trick" rather than a more special "body change". However, in some special occasions, this disguise can also play an excellent effect.

"It seems that we can collect more, and maybe we can improve it slightly in the future, and maybe it can have a better effect, such as simulating the mental fluctuations of the transformed object..."

After removing the disguise, Lucian took out a storage wooden box from the storage ring and carefully began to collect some spores as samples for later cultivation.

However, when he was collecting samples, there was a commotion not far away. Then some half-elves shouted in panic, and even heard the magic fluctuations generated by the witchcraft.

"Huh?" Lucian turned his head vigilantly, but saw two half-elves fighting with a giant insect that looked a bit like an ant.

This giant ant is over 1 meter tall, with a shiny black body similar to metallic luster. The most notable feature is the pair of blood-red curved jaws extending from its head, with irregular spikes on them, which looks particularly ferocious.

This ant seems to be the native inhabitant of this giant mushroom forest, and its purpose of appearing here at this time is to expel "uninvited guests" such as Lucian.

However, the owner of this forest is not polite to the "guests".

After all, Lucian saw that blood was still flowing on the arm of one of the half-elves, and it was obvious that he had suffered some losses when he first dealt with this ant.

"Looking at its combat power at this time, it should be at the level of a second-level wizard apprentice." The appearance of this strange monster made everyone a little nervous, fearing that they would encounter the tragedy of facing the giant frog Kux again.

However, after careful observation and testing, it was found that this seemingly ferocious giant ant was only at the level of a second-level wizard apprentice.

Many wizard apprentices showed relaxed smiles on their faces, but the goblin leader and Lucian had a solemn expression. As the two with the strongest spiritual power, their spiritual power could perceive more clearly, and the fluctuations emanating from the ground at this time made them think of the worst possibility.

"Run!" The goblin leader waved her hand and released a wooden thorn to pierce the head of the giant ant. Then she roared and urged her tribesmen to run desperately in the direction of leaving the mushroom forest.

However, there was no need to explain anything at this time, because with the "shaking" of many giant Kukas, one by one giant ants had crawled out of the ground from the hidden passages at the roots of Kukas. They gathered together and chased Lucian and others.

There were even a few giant ants, who gathered in front of the corpse of the same kind that was just killed by the goblin leader, and began to chew and devour it quickly.

Kakaka... The harsh sound of metal friction made people feel a chill. At the same time, these seemingly clumsy giant ants were not slow at all, chasing all the way.

"Oh no, there are quite a few ahead!" A half-elf who was running at the front of the team relying on his bloodline talent was the first to see the giant ants blocking the way ahead, and couldn't help but warn them.

"Go!" The goblin leader roared, and took out a wooden stick from the storage equipment, quickly waved and summoned four slightly illusory tree puppets to block the front of many half-elves.

The wizard apprentice's means were more direct. With the attacks of fire, ice, lightning, acid and other witchcraft, many giant ants blocking the front were soon killed or seriously injured.

But the number of giant ants was really too much! This also led to the fact that no matter the means of the half-elf or the advance attack of the wizard apprentice, they could not completely clear the giant ants blocking the front, and the next moment, the team had a head-on collision with the ant colony.



"Help me..."

"Get out of the way!"

At the first moment of the collision, an unlucky half-elf had his thigh pinned down by a giant ant. Although he killed the giant ant that bit his thigh immediately, the giant ant's broken head still bit his thigh tightly, and the two large jaws were deeply embedded in the flesh, making him stagger when walking.

After barely sprinting a few steps, he was bitten by another giant ant again. But this time, his thigh was directly cut off by the sharp mouthparts, revealing a piece of white bones.

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