This wizard only wants to take students

Chapter 91 Adeline's New Life

"Hmm?" Lucian took the magic ring and looked at it briefly, his eyebrows raised slightly.

He originally thought that this was just a common alchemical magic tool, but he didn't expect that the ring was very valuable. It was probably one of Gagarin's most precious items.

[Item]: Moro Ring

[Position]: Zero-level magic tool·Attack type·Ring

[Raw materials]: Cold crystal ore, Moro stone

[Introduction]: A high-quality magic tool made by an alchemist. Because it uses cold crystal ore as the main material, it has a weak heat-resistant effect. The ring is engraved with the complete zero-level magic [Frozen Tornado], which can be released by stimulating mental power, but after the release, it needs to wait for 3 days to restore energy or actively recharge...


"It's a very good magic tool, and it's not outdated for a third-level wizard apprentice to use. But it's a pity that [Frozen Tornado] can only be released once every three days, which is a bit useless for me."

Lucian put the ring on his hand, looked at it, and thought about how to deal with it after he was promoted to a formal wizard to maximize resource utilization.

Then, Lucian glanced at the team that had been severely reduced in number, and shook his head helplessly.

Originally, both teams had dozens of people, but after the fight on the island and the two dangers inside the ruins, the number of surviving half-elves and apprentices was not much.

Including Lucian and Carly, there were only eight wizard apprentices left.

The half-elves were in a more miserable situation. After all, apart from their leader, the other two half-elves at the level of third-level wizard apprentices were not particularly strong. In the chaotic situation just now, the number of their own kind that they could take care of was also more scarce.

At this time, there were only seven half-elves left from the mushroom forest. However, the controlled boy also escaped with his extremely strong body...


Just as Lucian was scanning the survivors in the team, several glittering objects flew from the direction of the mushroom forest.

"It's the badge from before!" An apprentice stood up, and several third-level wizard apprentices who reacted faster at this time had already started to snatch it.

"Snatch!" Lucian looked at the five badges thrown at this time, his eyes burning.

According to his speculation, if he wanted to enter the core of the secret realm later, he must have a ritual badge as a certificate. If Carly is counted, he needs to snatch at least two badges.

Moreover, the more of these things one has, the better. After all, Lucian couldn't tell how many badges were needed for the ritual.

"Get out of here!" Lilia's eyes were slightly red. She waved the doll Adeline and directly attacked Lucian and another half-elf nearby. The witchcraft even "took care" of Lucian a little more.

"Mad man." After resisting the witchcraft, Lucian glanced at Lilia. He suppressed his anger and chased after the other badges.

It was just that because of Lilia's delay, two badges had been taken by the goblin leader and Bennett respectively. After snatching the badges, they immediately started to fight for the remaining three badges.


Lucian was surrounded by lightning, and his speed suddenly increased a lot.

But at this moment, Lilia attacked again, shooting a large number of ice needles. Although Lucian dodged, the impact of the ice needles changed the trajectory of a badge that was originally very close to Lucian. At this time, it was taken by the half-elf "Lu" with deer horns on his head.

Finally, he took a sacrificial badge before the half-elf Qi.

"Humph." Lilia smiled at Lucian proudly, and then quickly chased after a badge.

Lucian glanced at Lilia, narrowed his eyes slightly, but turned around and rushed in the direction of the last badge. Finally, he got the last badge before the half-elf named "Qi".

Lucian looked at Lilia.

At this time, she also looked at Lucian, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and raised her right hand, showing a badge in her palm, as if she was laughing, but also seemed to be provocative. Then he glanced at Gagarin coldly, with a somewhat grim smile.

After Lucian put away the badge in his hand, he suddenly took action.

A silver moon blade quickly appeared, rotating and cutting towards Lilia's right arm joint at the fastest speed. Almost at the moment when Lilia reacted, it broke through the defense layer that Lilia instantly released.

The moon blade swept past, directly separating Lilia's right arm from her body.

The goblin leader was the first to notice Lucian's outburst, but she only moved slightly, and then she enjoyed the internal commotion in the human camp with interest.

And the half-goblin named Amu had a crazy look in his eyes at this time.

"Kill her... Kill her..." Amu thought of his beloved Tao, and at this time he lowered his head slightly, clenching his fists tightly.

"Lucian..." Bennett looked at Lucian and Lilia who were in conflict at this time and wanted to say something, but Lucian had already used his mental power to pick up Lilia's broken arm. Then he looked at Bennett and then at the fairy camp.

"She has two badges and some other items. And I only want one of the badges."

The goblin leader slowly stood up, followed by the two half-goblins at the level of third-level wizard apprentices.

"Lucian!" Lilia was holding the doll Adeline in her left hand, and her right arm was only a short piece, with bloodshot eyes.

Lucian glanced at Lilia indifferently.

"Lucian, Lilia, calm down..." Bennett also had beads of sweat on his forehead at this time. Although he was also very jealous of Lilia's accumulation over the years, this was not the time for internal fighting, especially with a group of half-goblins eyeing him covetously.

Lucian ignored Bennett's persuasion, but coldly broke Lilia's broken hand, took out the badge that she was still holding tightly in her palm, and put it into his space ring.

"I only want that badge." The goblin leader looked at Lucian and stated her conditions, then she looked at Lilia and slowly released her breath.

Being able to get rid of the threat of Lilia and get an extra badge on her side is definitely a sure win. Moreover, perhaps after the battle, she will gain even more.

Bennett's pupils shrank slightly. At this point, it was difficult to mediate.

If Lucian was determined to join forces with the half-elves, things would become extremely difficult. Even if he helped Lilia, he would not be able to gain any advantage. Moreover, he did not want to help Lilia with all his strength. After all, his ultimate goal was for himself.

"Adeline, kill them for me!" Just when Bennett hesitated, Lilia's madness had completely overwhelmed her remaining rationality. She threw Adeline up with some effort in her left hand and shouted at the same time.

"Hehehe..." Adeline's smile was still so crisp, but it strangely resounded in Lucian's mind. At the same time, a special mental power began to invade Lucian's mental sea, as if it wanted to destroy or even reversely control Lucian's mental center by disintegrating the membrane wall of the mental sea.

"Get out of here." Lucian snorted coldly, and the mental power comparable to that of a formal wizard directly crushed it, and rudely rejected this special mental power attack from his mental sea. Even Lucian's mental power followed the invasion route of that special mental power and counterattacked the mental power residing in Adeline.

"Ah!" Adeline seemed to have noticed that her attack was frustrated. At this time, she made a sharp cry in a panic, and then she risked being backlashed and forcibly interrupted the special mental power attack she had just carried out.

The attack was interrupted, and Lucian's mental power returned to the spiritual sea. However, a trace of blood came out of the goblin leader's nostrils, as if he had suffered some losses in the spiritual power confrontation just now. When she noticed Lucian's normal expression, her face changed slightly.

And Adeline was floating in the air at this time, without moving for a long time, and seemed to be trying to adjust the backlash caused by the interruption of the attack just now.

"Attack... suck their blood! Curse their souls..." Lilia was constructing the ice witchcraft she was good at with one hand a little clumsily, while using mental power to activate the secret pattern on Adeline's body, urging it to continue attacking.

But suddenly, Lilia only felt a special suction force coming from Adeline's body. Under the effect of this suction force, her mental power began to be quickly drawn into Adeline's body, and like a mud cow entering the sea, after entering Adeline's body, she could no longer sense it.

"No... How is it possible..." A trace of fear flashed in Lilia's eyes. She wanted to cut off the connection with Adeline, but at this time she found that the spiritual connection originally used to stimulate Adeline had now become a chain that bound her spiritual power.

As Adeline's demands gradually escalated, Lilia's spiritual power was quickly extracted, and her body began to shrink rapidly. Even her spirit and consciousness were gradually weakening and conceptualizing...

She looked at Bennett on the side and subconsciously wanted to call for help.

But when she opened her mouth, she could no longer make any sound.

Therefore, her face had become extremely rough at this time, and the structure in her mouth disappeared completely at some point, leaving only a ball of cotton wool with a little blood.

And the next moment, her mouth was completely closed, and her face gradually changed from fresh human skin to slightly rough coarse cloth. The facial features on the surface of the coarse cloth also changed from vivid to abstract, and only Lilia's appearance could be vaguely recognized.

And the expression of this "new doll" at this time seemed to be neither crying nor laughing. At first, her eyeballs were still slightly moving, but later, her eyeballs were completely frozen, becoming two black dots randomly dotted like a child.

Hmm? Lucian felt that the broken limb in his hand began to tremble constantly, and finally turned into a rag doll body, and was shrinking rapidly, and even showed signs of escaping from Lucian's hand.

"Collect." Lucian's heart moved, but before the arm was completely transformed, he collected it into his space ring.

If the doll that Lilia transformed into was an enemy rather than a friend, then he would keep part of her body and destroy her integrity, which should make it easier to deal with later.

"Hehehe..." Unlike Lilia's gradual doll-like transformation, Adeline began to gradually "grow up". In a clear laugh like a silver bell, Adeline's somewhat abstract dress began to slowly become exquisite, and her originally pale head became full of life...

"Naturally..." A weaker half-elf saw this scene that could be called a great transformation, and his expression turned slightly pale.

In less than a minute, Adeline, who was originally a rag doll, had become a little girl in a delicate dress, as if she had just escaped from a private dinner of a nobleman. Lilia, who was still full of energy just now, was now caught in the hands of this "little girl", quietly like an ordinary rag doll.

Who would have thought that this seemingly damaged rag doll, which could probably be bought for one or two copper coins in the market for ordinary people, would have been a high-ranking third-level wizard apprentice?

Lucian bowed slightly, and the new witchcraft was ready to go.

"Adeline... Adeline seems to have forgotten a lot of things, but Adeline remembers that her mother seemed to have given Adeline an order..." At this time, Adeline, who had just turned from a doll into a real person, tilted her head and tapped her cheek with one finger, as if thinking about something.

"Attack!" The goblin leader looked at this weird "little girl" and waved his hand. While attacking himself, he also ordered other half-goblins to attack Adeline.

Suddenly, hail, invisible shock waves, wooden thorns and other witchcraft attacks tilted down towards this seemingly fragile little girl.

"I won't play with you anymore." Adeline's body suddenly became illusory, as if she was in a different time and space from those attacks. Then she looked at Lucian, but stretched out her little hand, which was a little chubby, and her expression seemed to be a little aggrieved.

"You broke Adeline's beloved Lilia. Can you help Adeline fix her?"

Lucian's pupils shrank slightly. Just when he was about to identify this strange little thing, Adeline suddenly disappeared.



"A trick?"

At this time, everyone looked at Adeline who had disappeared out of thin air, and subconsciously used various means of detection, but Adeline and her "new toy" Lilia seemed to evaporate at this time.

Only Lucian and the goblin leader had a somewhat ugly expression, because they caught a trace of Adeline's mental fluctuations, and the location where the fluctuations finally disappeared pointed to the mysterious and special dream layer.

"Nightmare creature..." Lucian's expression changed slightly. He originally thought that Adeline's existence might be related to some kind of curse, but now it seems that she is the most difficult nightmare creature.

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