"Otherwise, if you cover your eyes, you will say that your eyes hurt, and then you can take them off when there is no one."

The "ten Prince" was silent, as if thinking about whether Yu Qingyu's method was feasible or not. After all, his eyes were different from those of the original person, and the person's status was still relatively noble. People around him would surely notice his difference. If he was treated as an alien, it would not be good. He was a man of pursuit, etc What is his pursuit? How could he forget.

Yu Qingyu laughed two times: "do you think this method is too bad?"

"Ten Princes" frowned slightly and said, "No

Yu Qingyu stares at his face seriously, and then?

However, the "ten Prince" didn't say anything more. He was still standing in a daze. Yu Qingyu watched xiaoxizi come towards this side and said anxiously, "cover your eyes quickly."

Hearing the speech, the "ten Prince" subconsciously reached out and covered his eyes.

Xiaoxizi lowered his head and looked down habitually. He went to the "ten princes." he said, "it's time to go back. You still have homework to do."

"Ten Prince" slowly moved two fingers, found that little Xizi did not look at him, to be exact, should not dare to look at him, in his heart a joy: "little Xizi, lead the way ahead."

Although xiaoxizi wondered why shiye asked him to lead the way today instead of marching in front of him as before, he did not say anything. He quietly led the way ahead. He was just a slave. He should not know what he should not ask, so that he could live in the palace for a long time.

"Slag, sir, this way."

Yu Qingyu watched the "ten Princes" go far away and pull at the corners of his mouth! I can see him again.

"Heiko, go get some cakes."

"Ten Princes" put his hands on his forehead and fell into meditation

He didn't know where he came from and had no memory of the past. He only knew that he had been wandering in the world. He remembered that he had a wish, but what was that wish? I can't remember.

He just wandered here today. He attached himself to this man because of the favorable weather, the right place and the good people. He has tried to attach himself to this person for thousands of years, and all of them have been defeated.

To tell you the truth, if this person was not so weak, but he was extremely suitable for his shelter, he would not have been attached to the body successfully. This is also his bad luck.

Now the most important thing is to understand all the things that happen to this person. He thinks that he prefers to live and have a body than to float around the world.

Today's horse is very interesting. The last time he saw a talking horse was a thousand years ago. Moreover, the horse seems to have no hostility to him. He has to see him again when he is free.

"Sir, here comes the cake you want."

"Come in!"

Xiaoxizi carried a tray with two dishes of exquisite cakes in it. He went into the room and gently put the dish on the table top. He did not dare to lift his head and went to one side to grind ink.

"Go out first

Small Xi son surprised raised a head, only time to see ten Prince's nose, and quickly low, low said a: "slag." Back out.

Well This white pastry is so delicious, um This green one is delicious, and I don't know what the meat tastes like. He once saw a beggar who was killed for a chicken. He never forgot to put the chicken in his mouth until he died. I think it must be very delicious. I want to eat it.

After two dishes of pastry, ten princes wipe their hands. What do you do now? All of a sudden, a sense of vertigo came

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