For a man who has lived in modern times for more than 20 years, he is full of curiosity about everything here. Although he has seen it in the memory of ancient Bluebird, it still attracts his eyes at the moment.

"Kirin, what will happen to the birds in Baicheng first?"

The man's voice is very lazy: "Oh why?"

"Ah? Why not? I just heard that there are many similar people there, and I just want to see them! "

" is that so? "

"Of course! How can I lie to you! "

Kirin's eyes are deep, knowing that he has something to hide from him, he does not pursue it to the end, and he does not know why.

While waiting to pay, belo heard two people talking about her behind her.

A woman Jiao didi said: "brother Wen, why don't you come to me this time?"

The man said: "xiaorou is good, brother Wen is looking for someone recently. He is really too busy. She ignored xiaorou. I'm sorry."

"Did you find brother Wen? So I came to xiaorou? "

"According to the news of Bai Chai Luo, I can't escape from baichai city

A man with a big knife said: "Hey, I heard that those who were chased by bailuo recently began to dress up as men. Once a group of friends chased her to a clothing store, but they couldn't find her. Later, it occurred to me that there was no one else in this clothing store except the shopkeeper. How could we not find bailuo after leaving a man, unless that The man is barrow

"So now we should not only focus on women, but also men to see if they are the cunning woman of belo."

Later on, belo didn't listen, because it was her turn to pay. She covered her neck with a full collar. She was afraid that others would see her disguised as a man. As long as she paid the money, went in and sat on the bird, she would be safe.

All of a sudden, a bird came and took away her purse.

Of course, this bird is Yu Qingyu. How could he let her leave Baicheng so easily? Her injury is not as heavy as that of the ancient Bluebird.

Qilin looks at the money bag in his hand and doesn't know how to react. Bailuo runs over and says, "can you give me back the money bag in your hand?"

Yu Qingyu: "no, no, this is what I gave you. If you dare to return it to her, I will never give it to you again."

Qilin suddenly carried his hand behind his back, as if he had not seen bailuo, and walked forward calmly

"Ah! Young master, you are holding my purse

Qilin still walked straight ahead as if he had not heard Bai Luo's words

"Brush..." Bailuo drew out his sword to block Qilin's body: "you don't want to propose a toast. You'd better return your money bag to me."

After bailuo pulled out his sword, there was a circle of people around him. It has been a custom since ancient times.

"Well, this big brother, I just came here and I don't know what happened? Isn't it convenient for Fang to talk about it? "

"It seems that the bird of the man in red stole the man's purse in white, and the man pulled out his sword when he begged for it."

"In this case, it's the man in red, and it's no wonder that they're fighting each other."

Yu Qingyu watched a large number of monks gathered here, preparing to do things secretly.

"Kirin, I'll fly over to disturb her hair bun. You can take the opportunity to remove her face."

"Why do you want to do this?"

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