"Brother, something's wrong! This guy's bleeding my ass, is that ok? "

Inexplicably feel that this is not right, Yuqing Yuyu shook his head, patted the indecent idea in his mind, said: "give it to elder brother, I will avenge you."

"Thank you, brother."

Yu Qingyu: "system, get this man down, I'll step on him!"

The system is getting bored and flustered. The lost spiritual power has been made up for a long time ago. I'm interested in hearing this.

The Russian who caught up with him shot an arrow and hit the red heart. He looked at the tenth Prince: "ha ha ha We won this competition... "

"Bang..." The Tsarist who fell to the ground:.... " Where am I? Who am I? What's going on? A confused group.

Yu Qingyu deeply hid his merits and fame. He stepped on the man's face with his mouth and left. He believed that the man would not die or be disabled.

After one lap, Yu Qingyu started to run the second lap with the tenth prince.

The rule is that who shoots more and more accurate arrows within three circles, and who gets to the end first wins. Each person has only ten arrows. The distance between the horse and the target should not be less than 50 meters. There are obstacles set up from time to time on the road. It can be said that the difficulty is OK.

Yu Qingyu took time to take a look at the direction of the target, and found that at present, the Tsarist Russians are still in the lead. It seems that their loss of one person does not have much impact. It is not good, very bad!

Next, Yu Qingyu deliberately slowed down to observe the Tsarist. Whenever a tsarist wanted to shoot an arrow, Yu Qingyu told the man's horse to make trouble. Three out of ten times was successful because his body was in a state of suspension at the moment of archery, and the horse could affect very few places. However, it was enough for the people of Qing Dynasty to catch up with the Russians.

As time went by, we could see that the last lap was coming. The results were basically the same now. The princes had high morale and the tsarists were gnashing their teeth. If it had not been for the broken horse that dragged them down, we would have won.

The prince of Zhijun arched with his bow. He took out another arrow and put it in a good position. He was ready to shoot at an appropriate time. Suddenly, the horse in front of him slowed down.

Zhijun Wang was alert and continued to move forward. He paid attention to the Tsarist people. The people who could survive on the station yard died early.

When the two horses were running side by side, the Tsarist suddenly attacked Zhijun, who was short and avoided the attack, but the arrow fell down.

The Tsarist laughed and left. The prince of Zhijun clenched his fist angrily. If he didn't take revenge, he would not be a person of the Qing Dynasty. He would catch up with the Tsarist in front of him and beat him.

The fourth Prince has always been a suspicious person who thinks the worst of others. When the Tsarist approach him, he instinctively avoids it, so that the tsarists can not take advantage of him.

Because of his reputation, the eighth prince was more careful in this competition. He was a calculating man. Since this happened, he must make use of it to do his best and settle down his reputation. Maybe it will be helpful for the higher authorities in the future.

When a tsarist approached, the eighth Prince pulled a gentle smile from the corner of his mouth. The Tsarist was puzzled. The eighth Prince stabbed the Russian horse with a rope in one hand and an arrow in the other.

The horse was suddenly stabbed and galloped out like a madman. The people on him only cared about controlling the horse, and there was still a mind to do something.

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