Ten Prince: "what game?"

Yu Qingyu blinked: "you come closer."

Ten Prince's son confusedly walked forward two steps.

Yu Qingyu: "closer."

The ten prince came two steps closer. His feet were about to reach Yu Qingyu's stomach and stopped. He looked at him suspiciously.

Yu Qingyu stood up and put his head on the shoulder of the ten Princes: "don't you want to come out? My favorite... "

The tenth Prince stepped back two steps: "who are you calling? Am I not here? "

Yu Qingyu said: Young life! Jin Yutian, you are so good!

Jin Yutian: I'm not going out. Do you want to tease me?

"Nothing, I just want to say that I like you for a long time. I like you from the first time I see you. You don't know me..."

"Who do you like?" the voice with anger interrupted Yu Qingyu's confession, belonging to the tenth Prince's face, now full of frost, pale gold eyes have uncontrollable anger.

Yu Qingyu chuckled in his heart, but his mouth refused to admit defeat and said, "who do I like? What's your business?"

hum! Who told me not to come out just now?

Jinyu was in a bad weather, but he didn't know what he was angry about. He just heard that he said he liked the tenth prince, so he couldn't help but get angry. Now he doesn't know what to do with it. He can't even let out his anger, especially when he says that he has something to do with him!

Yu Qingyu looked at Jin Yutian's anger and anger. He kept pestle there, laughing in his heart, ha ha Qilin, who doesn't understand his feelings, is so cute that he wants to strip him and ravage him. Looking at his indifferent eyes, he is full of lust, which makes him smell his whole body. It's a pity Now he's a son of a bitch!

The atmosphere was silent for a moment. Yu Qingyu didn't want to tease him too hard. He put out his tongue and licked his neck: "OK, don't be angry. What I said just now was for you. Who asked me to call you not to come out? I said that on purpose."

Jin Yutian felt that he had gone from hell to heaven in a flash, and the anger in his heart suddenly dispersed. He finally knew why he was angry. It turned out that he did not know when he had put him in the bottom of his heart. Even if he said that he liked others, he would be angry to lose his mind.

Jin Yutian said with disbelief: "really Really? "

Yu Qingyu lowered his head and put out his tongue. Jin Yutian suddenly felt that something had swept the place. He could feel the strength across his clothes. He stood up without striving for success.

His voice came vaguely from under him: "can't you really feel it?"

Jin Yutian's face turned red and said, "feel it, don't you Come on. "

Yu Qingyu raised his head and looked innocent: "how about it?"

Jinyu's Tianyan corner swept to the wet area under his lapel. He moved his eyes awkwardly and pretended not to see: "is it true that you said the prince would be abolished just now?"

Yu Qingyu admired 666 for his skill of changing the topic, but still followed his words: "of course it is true."

"Since you have the ability to predict, why didn't you tell him at the beginning?"

"xiaojinjin! That's why you don't understand. You think, I told him at the beginning that he would predict this, and how likely he was to believe it? "

Jin Yutian pondered for a moment, thinking that if someone told him that he could prophesy, he would not believe it at all.

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