Yu Qingyu thought that it was you who stood too high. A small person like him lived on the food and clothing line every day. He still remembered that in order to make a list, he went to the customer's house to serve tea and water for others, and he almost gave up his life. Now what can you do if you ask him verbally?

but Yu Qingyu certainly would not say this to the system, saying, "because I love you so much Sink

An electric current spread all over Yu Qingyu's four limbs and hundreds of bones. Yu Qingyu trembled and his hair exploded.

Yu Qingyu: tut I miss the taste of electric shock!

System: as expected, you can't be too gentle to this cheap person.

The people of the farm watched Yu Qingyu run out of the gate and said a few words of bad luck. Outside the wall was the mountain. The fox ran so fast and couldn't find it at all. They all carried the guy back.

Yu Qingyu took some of the medicine thrown out of the system, felt a little more comfortable, and said to the system: "have something to eat! I'm starving! "

The system didn't say anything this time. It lost some food. Maybe it was afraid that Yu Qingyu would die.

After eating the hot food, Yu Qingyu felt that the storage space that he and the system had asked for last time was simply witty. Otherwise, he would go to the place where he didn't set up a village and then set up a shop.

After eating and drinking enough, Yu Qingyu plans to meet a gangster and revenge later.

"Hum..." Yu Qingyu looked up from the grass to see the direction of the sound.

A van type truck appeared in the field of vision. This car is the reason why the farm opened the door just now. Yu Qingyu also expressed his gratitude for losing it.

The car is very stable. You can see that the car is full of heavy objects.

As Yu Qingyu waited for the car to pass by, he dived into the bottom of the car with four claws hooked on it.

The driver just felt a white shadow in the rear-view mirror, turned his head and said, "did you see something running past you just now?"

The man in the co driver's seat looked back subconsciously: "no?"

Driver: Mentally retarded! I asked if you had seen it just now. You can see a fart now.

The person in the co driver's seat seemed to be interested: "do you think it's the fox that ran away just now?"

the driver nodded, continued driving, and did not want to talk to the mentally retarded. The dirt road in the country is still not easy to walk, so drive carefully.

The man in the front passenger's seat said he was addicted: "if I run into that fox, I'll catch it and make a lot of money for nothing. How beautiful..."

Yu Qingyu hung upside down at the bottom of the car. His limbs were sour and his head was congested. He was dizzy and said to the system, "if I can run to Jipan on my own?"

System: "yes! I just heard them say that the city is only a hundred kilometers away. "

Yu Qingyu said: He'd better take a free ride, even though he's about to lose his hand.

When Yu Qingyu was about to give up the ride for the nth time and run by himself, the car stopped, and Yu Qingyu's paws loosened, "pa Ji..." He fell to the ground and let out a painful hum.

Yu Qingyu heard the door open and a man came down to the back of the car.

"Damn it, the tire's flat."

The speaker squatted down to look at the tire, but on a pair of dark eyes.

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