Jipan, Jipan! You will regret it one day!

in the scuffle, Mr. Ma found a chance to escape, but his leg was injured, which was obviously better than being caught by Ji pan.

If Ji pan doesn't take away half of his bodyguards, Ma San Yeh will never escape today.

Mr. Ma also knows this, so he wants to know how special the fox is to influence Ji Pan's decision.

At the first time of escaping from the encirclement, he ordered to go down and find out the origin of the fox.


Hospital, Ji pan holding jade Qingyu straight to the emergency room, a kick to open the door, the order: "look at him quickly how."

Doctor a Leng, immediately stood up from the seat, respectfully way: "Mr. Ji."

"Don't talk nonsense. Look at what's wrong with him?" he handed the fox forward.

The doctor's face twisted and said, "Mr. Ji, we are a hospital for people to see a doctor. I won't show it to a fox."

Ji pan urgent way: "then change a can see come over, speed point."

Doctor: There is no veterinarian in the hospital. Where can he find one.

"Why don't you look for it?" Ji Pan's cold eye knife flies to the doctor.

Doctor: Go, go! Go now! You are the boss. You has the final say.

A quarter of an hour later, the doctor breathlessly dragged a man into the emergency room, facing Ji pan and said, "this person can see."

Fortunately, there was a pet hospital near the hospital, otherwise he could not explain to Mr. Ji.

Ji pan has always been a man with silver white hair and eyebrows. He has no wrinkles on his face, but he is rather beautiful. He is about 30 years old. He is dragged over and his face does not show anger.

Ji pan handed the fox to the man in front of him, and said, "look what's wrong with him?"

when the man saw the fox in Ji Pan's arms, his pupils dilated and his face appeared shocked.

How could it be? He thought he had been

"Hurry up!" Ji Pan's indifferent voice interrupted the man's thoughts.

Man a smile, stretch out his hand to take over the fox, Ji pan at this time is to avoid his hand, cold said: "look like this."

Man: It's too possessive, isn't it?

After the man was stunned for a while, he reached out and put it on Yu Qingyu's forelimb to find out what was wrong with him.

The noisy emergency room is now quiet because of the arrival of Ji pan. Except for the man who gives Yu Qingyu a pulse, the rest of them are bold and dare not give a look at their boss's dark face at the moment? I guess it's bad luck who touches someone.

The man felt that Yu Qingyu had suffered extremely serious internal injury, and there was toxin in his blood.

How on earth did he suffer such a serious injury? It's just It's a disgrace to them!

Ji pan looked at the man touching the little fox's hand, and was very angry in his heart.

How can you still feel it?

Ji pan looks at the silver haired man with anger in his eyes, and his eyebrows are heavy.

He was hurt too much. He was afraid that the ordinary method could not cure Yu Qingyu well. He bit his teeth and said, "Mr. Ji, give me the little fox. Only I can cure him, but I don't like to be seen as a cure."

Ji Pan's hands tightened when he held the little fox.

Is he going to take his little fox?

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