Bailuo could not make it any better. After three days under the cliff, he finally recovered his spiritual power, and his sword left the secret place. However, under the cliff was the place where Phoenix was reincarnated. Without the protection of spiritual power, bailuo was like baking on the fire every day. His skin turned red and even peeled layer by layer. Ordinary friars would have died long ago. That is to say, bailuo was blessed by heaven that he was punished.

Even if bailuo went out of the secret place and took pills, he didn't immediately recover the skin that had been roasted at the bottom of the cliff. It was the three flavors of real fire emitted by the Phoenix. Could it be eliminated by the pills developed by a low-level friar of bailuo? Among all the beautiful monks, the black was amazing! But Feng Yinxian was about to fall ill again. The new drug had not been refined successfully, so he found a person by looking for the ring. "Why do you look like that?"

Barrow: --

Think she wants to? Isn't she being murdered! It's a shame that she was seen by him!

Bailuo covered his face with both hands: "you What can I do for you

If this action is made by a charming woman, it must add a little bit of loveliness, but if it is replaced by the black person in front of her, it will be It's not so wonderful.

Wind silver show endure the picture of hot eyes to see white Luo said: "this seat needs you a bowl of blood."

Bai Luo stares at the face of Feng Yinxian and makes a fool of flowers, ah! He's a good-looking man. If only he liked me, I would promise him.

Feng Yinxian knocks on the table and repeats what he said just now. A touch of disgust flashed in his eyes. What's the difference between her and those who are obsessed with his appearance? Thanks to the fact that he thought she was good last time.

"Ah? Good White Luo showed a smile, white teeth against her dark skin, inexplicable joy.

Bai Luo put a bowl of blood. Before he came, Feng Yinxian lost some money and left

Bai Luo is very sad, so how can she not like a beautiful and powerful man? He doesn't want to see me because of his skin? I kissed her last time.

Bai Luo had shut himself up for half a month. She was a pill and a medicine bath to recover her skin. She was waiting for Feng Yinxian to see her again

In the secret place, Yu Qingyu climbed out of the spring again and stood calmly on the stone waiting for the Kirin to dry his feathers. To make complaints about

is not good at being a bird.

"Kirin, do you really have no other way to quickly shape?"

The Kirin, who had recovered from his original body, crawled lazily there and said, "yes."

"Tell me, tell me!"

"Transmit meritorious service."

Yu Qingyu said: Who's crazy enough to give him credit?

For a moment, it was like eggplant beaten by frost and lowered its head.

Qilin frowned slightly: "do you want to change shape in particular?"

"Yes, I think every day. Although it's windy with wings, I don't want to be a bird every day."

"Pull the wind?"

Well As soon as he accidentally said a modern language, Yu Qingyu turned his eyes and began to change the topic. Fortunately, Qilin is not a real spirit animal.

Since there is no shortcut to go, he can only practice hard. Maybe he will encounter some chance one day and change his shape at once, such as the legendary Huaxing grass and the Huaxing pill in the human world.

A year passed quickly. During this period, Yu Qingyu didn't think of revenge. However, she didn't hear about the Phoenix after several inquiries. She wanted to know where to recuperate. Yu Qingyu talked to several of the same kind to get the benefits of the Phoenix's body. She put a smile on her mouth, and the bait had been put down. If she didn't want to bite, it was Providence Huang, he won't live long.

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