Yu Qingyu was silent for a moment and didn't speak. He learned from his memory that the mother of the original Lord really loved to cry. If he knew what he said today, he might have fainted.

Tiger father pulled Yu Qingyu's hand and pulled him out from the bottom of his crying stomach, stretching his feet and kicking him.

Yu Qingyu hid for a while, avoided the tiger father's feet, and called out: "can't you help us? What's wrong with one more male Orc in the family?

Hufu was so angry that he ran after him and said, "you still have the face to say? If you are with a male, you will not have a baby in the next life? Do you want to have offspring?"

Yu Qingyu hides and shouts: "I don't want it, OK? I just want him!"

The tiger father turned the target, stretched out his feet to kick, trying to block Yu Qingyu's cry. Yu Qingyu didn't expect that tiger father would kick him. He was a bit surprised, and saw that Ti was kicked by his father on the wall and rolled down again.

As soon as Yu Qingyu's face changed, he ran to Ti and felt his hands on him: "how are you? Is there anything wrong?"

Ti lay there shaking his head slightly, and his eyes flashed with pain.

He's OK. He doesn't know how many times he's been beaten. But seeing Yu Qingyu being beaten by Tiger father for him, he is nervous about his injury. His heart is a little painful, and his eyes are red involuntarily.

Yu Qingyu protect in front of the body, some angry roar: "you hit me a even, why hit him? When he came, he also hunted a big wild boar for you

Tiger father's wheezing, wheezing and gasping, gnashing his teeth, he said, "it's not good to have a boar. Besides, if it's not his collusion with you, will you bring him back?"

Every parent protects their children, and tiger father is no exception. In his eyes, it must be the male Orc who colluded with his clever cub. Otherwise, how could his son choose the male Orc as his partner? It must be the wolf Orc's fault, so he has no guilt about kicking and crying.

Yu Qingyu replied: "I colluded with him, and I cheated him out of the wolf ORC."

"Oh, and I killed a Orc for him. Maybe in a few days, the orcs will come to revenge."

Tiger father was jade Qingyu's words, gas speechless, mercilessly glared at him and went out.

The little bunny not only cheated back a male Orc of the wolf clan, but also killed one. He wanted to discuss with the clan leader how to deal with this matter.

Yu Qingyu watched the tiger father go out, and gently said to the cry: "are you not stupid? You can't hide when he kicks you? "

Cry raises eyelid to see jade Qing Yu one eye, drop again Mou son.

"You mean why I don't hide?" Yu Qingyu said with a smile: "no matter how he said he was my father, how about being beaten up by him to calm him down? You are not the same. Up to now, you have not promised to be with me. If he beats you again, you will ignore me. What should I do?"

Ti shook his head, thinking that he would not ignore him. These days with him are his happiest days. How could he give up Ignore him.

Yu Qingyu hugged ti's neck and said with a smile, "you mean you won't ignore me, so you mean you promise to stay with me and not move?"

Crow:... " He didn't seem to say that.

Yu Qingyu kisses the forehead that cries, happy way: "very good, you finally agreed to be together with me, you rest assured, I will be good to you."

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