The two of them gasped and cried. They looked at the orc who was intoxicated with him. After a moment, they closed their eyes and kissed back.

"Well..." Yu Qingyu's body stiffened for a moment, frowned tightly, pushed aside to cry and squatted down, only to see a black tail with thick arm swam away quickly, and bursts of pain came from the lower leg.

Sleeping trough! He was bitten by a snake!

"System, do you have an antidote pill?"

a pill appeared in his mouth immediately, and Yu Qingyu swallowed it in a hurry.

Crying eyes with confusion looking at Yu Qingyu's action, the voice hoarse way: "what's the matter?" suddenly he opened his eyes and eagerly squatted down, and his mouth was about to suck on Yu Qingyu's legs.

"No Yu Qingyu stopped crow with one hand, glanced around, and pulled some grass to her legs.

Cry hard push away Yu Qingyu hand, lips have been covered up, eyes and tears across.

He thought he was indeed an ORC with disaster.

Yu Qingyu sighed and followed him, but the corners of his mouth were secretly raised.

Finally, I gave him a detoxification pill, and now I will live up to him.

A group of orcs suddenly appeared in front of Yu Qingyu and saw the wounds bitten by a snake. Their expressions were dignified.

Tiger father a brisk step rushed up, a push open cry: "little rabbit, how are you?"

"I'm fine." Yu Qingyu looked around the orcs, slowly stood up and pulled over the cry that fell to one side.

"Patriarch, what do you mean?"

After the patriarch finished speaking, Yu Qingyu sneered: "so the tiger clan can't tolerate him, can't it?"

The patriarch and the orcs did not speak, but that attitude was what it meant.

Cry earned several times, was held by the jade Qingyu hand did not break, finally silently lowered his head.

Yu Qingyu turned his head and looked at the tiger father, and said faintly, "does father think so?"

The tiger father looked at Yu Qingyu, and at the cry, sighed: "as long as he is not?"

Yu Qingyu laughed and took a kiss with his hand, and said definitely, "yes, I only want him!"

Crying tears fell on the ground, he raised his head, mercilessly shook off Yu Qingyu's hand, looked directly at him and said, "I don't want you. If you didn't force me to leave the wolf clan, I wouldn't fall into this situation. I thought you could eat and wear warm clothes with you. Now?"

Yu Qingyu stepped forward and said, "no, listen to me, I'm..."

Cry interrupted him: "stop talking. I don't want to hear it. These orcs look down on me. They think I can't live without the tribe. Do you look down on me?"

Are you alive or not? Don't you have any points in mind?

Yu Qingyu especially wanted to laugh, but he knew that if he did, he would be more angry.

Reach out to pull the hand of cry, was he dodged, helplessly said: "cry, don't make a little temper, OK? Where are you going? Where are I going? Shall we go to the jungle together

I want a male to cry and cry every day

Yu Qingyu opened his eyes and looked at the cry with an unbelievable look. His voice said coldly, "cry, take back what you just said."

Crying tightly clenched his fist and roared with all his strength: "it's you who made me look like this. I hate you! I hope I won't see you in my life! "

Yu Qingyu didn't feel that the one who had just kissed him was dying to die. Now he was telling the truth. He just felt that he was frightened by the expulsion of his family, so he would speak freely and coax him.

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